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Automotive Ingenuity: Robotic Precision and Visionary Evolution

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!As we bring another remarkable year to a close, I am honored to present this specialedition of Industrial Guide Asia News Magazine with the theme: "AutomotiveIngenuity: Robotic Precision and Visionary Evolution." This edition explores thecutting-edge advancements transforming the automotive industry, underscoringthe synergy between robotics, precision engineering, and innovative thinking thatcontinues to shape the future of mobility and manufacturing.The automotive sector stands at the forefront of technological evolution, and itsintegration with robotics has introduced unparalleled levels of precision, efficiency,and sustainability. From automated production lines revolutionizing vehicleassembly to intelligent systems enhancing safety and performance, theseinnovations are not merely reshaping the industry but are also laying thegroundwork for a more connected, sustainable, and forward-thinking globallandscape.In this issue, we delve into the stories of industry leaders, groundbreakingtechnologies, and emerging trends that exemplify the forward momentum of thisdynamic field. We shine a spotlight on how these advancements are not onlymeeting the challenges of today but are also crafting the opportunities oftomorrow. This journey of ingenuity serves as a testament to the resilience,creativity, and determination of the automotive and robotics sectors.At this moment of reflection and celebration, we would like to take a moment toexpress our heartfelt appreciation to you—our loyal readers, dedicatedcontributors, and trusted partners. Your engagement, insights, and feedbackinspire us to consistently deliver content that is both insightful and relevant,serving as a valuable resource for the industrial community. It is your continuedsupport that empowers us to excel in our mission.As we embrace the festive season and prepare for the new year, we wish to extendour warmest greetings to you and your families. Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear! May this season bring joy, peace, and prosperity to you and your loved ones.Let us look ahead to 2025 with renewed energy, optimism, and a commitment todriving innovation and growth across industries.With deepest gratitude and best wishes,Team Industrial Guide News AsiaPUBLISHER’S NOTE

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Insight Out“Delivering faster and more energy efficient solutions forthe paint process is the final piece of the puzzle indigitalizing the manufacturing transition in the automotiveindustry. The innovative solutions we are developing withESS will cut vehicle development time by up to a month andgenerate cost savings of up to 30 percent, makingmanufacturers more competitive, efficient and resilient.Using the solution, a manufacturer producing 300,000vehicles has the potential to cut CO2 emissions by nearly17,000 tons* annually – equivalent to flying an airlineraround the Earth 19 times**.” - Marc Segura, President, ABBRobotics division. Page 01ABB has entered into a strategic collaboration with Austria-basedEngineering Software Steyr GmbH (ESS) to develop powerfulsimulation tools that will transform automotive paint shopoperations while reducing costs by up to 30 percent. As part of thecollaboration, ABB will take a minority investment in ESS. Financialdetails of the investment were not disclosed.ABB invests in Engineering Software Steyr (ESS) toreduce costs and emissions for automotive paint shopsA typical automotive paint shop process consists of more than 20individual steps, from degreasing and electrocoating to sealing,spraying and baking. Each step is subject to a variety of parameters– such as material viscosity, adhesion, and drying time – that mustbe tested and optimized before series production of a new modelcan begin. Traditionally, it can be expensive and time consuming toperform each task.“We recognize how crucial it is for allplayers — large, medium and smallcompanies — to have access to the rightdigital tools for innovation, said Dr.Martin Schifko, CEO, ESS. “Currently, thecomplexity of such tools in the marketmakes it difficult for smaller companiesto leverage the power of digital. We'recommitted to leveling the playing field bymaking the simulation tech accessible toall manufacturers. With our solutions,they can innovate faster, reduceenvironmental impact, and staycompetitive in a demanding industry.”The partnership will also enablecustomers to benefit from ABBRobotics’ extensive expertise within theautomotive paint shop and their successwith smart automation solutions such asPixelPaint, an inkjet-style vision-controlled paint head that reproducesprecise details, and the RB1000i-Sdigitally-enabled atomizer that achievesup to 99 percent transfer efficiency,meaning less paint and materials arerequired.ABB will integrate ESS’s technology intoABB’s RobotStudio®, the world’s mostpopular offline programming andsimulation tool for robotic applications,available on desktop, cloud and ARplatforms.

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Insight OutPudu RoboticsJoins HongKong's StrategicPartners to DriveGlobal Expansionand InnovationFelix Zhang, Founder and CEO of Pudu Robotics, highlighted HongKong's importance in its strategy for the future: “Hong Kong servesas a critical hub for Pudu Robotics' global expansion strategy,supporting further growth of our global operations. We highly valueHong Kong's strength in research and innovation within frontiertechnologies. As part of the third batch of key partners selected bythe Hong Kong SAR Government, Pudu Robotics will leverage HongKong's academic and industrial resources, integrating AItechnologies with various robotic forms, including humanoid andsemi-humanoid robots. This collaboration will drive technicaladvancements and innovation in the service robotics industry,further positioning us as a global leader.Pudu Robotics solidified its role as aglobal leader in service robotics bysigning a strategic partnership withthe Hong Kong SAR Government'sOffice for Attracting StrategicEnterprises (OASES) on Hong KongIsland, witnessed by the FinancialSecretary, Paul Chan.This partnership with OASES, whichgrants Pudu Robotics the status ofthe first service robotics companyamong Hong Kong's “Key EnterprisePartners,” is expected to bringsignificant benefits. These includeaccess to Hong Kong's advancedR&D ecosystem, potential fundingopportunities, and the ability tocollaborate with other key partners.Such benefits will undoubtedlyaccelerate Pudu Robotics' globalexpansion.As a global leader in robotics with a 23% market share, Pudu Robotics isaccelerating its international reach through a strategic partnership withthe Hong Kong SAR Government. With operations across 60+ countriesand over 80% of revenue from overseas markets, Pudu aims to expand itsdiverse product lineup, push multi-technology intelligence, continuebuilding its team of global experts, and support specialized industriesworldwide.Page 02Hyundai Motor Group and GoogleCollaborate on Software Capabilityfor Future Mobility Innovation

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Over the last 20 years, the cost and complexity ofelectronics across the automotive industry hasdoubled.* Today a single vehicle typically requires over200 connections—and the number of electricalconnectors and types across new vehicles is onlyincreasing.To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainableenergy, we are simplifying the manufacturing processand electrical connectivity requirements for all ourvehicles. This includes the implementation of our Low-Voltage Connector Standard (LVCS), which allows us toreduce the large number of connector types required tojust 6. These 6 device connectors are designed to meetthe power and signal requirements for over 90% oftypical electrical device applications. Thisstandardization unlocks further operational efficiencies,cost reductions and manufacturing automation.Insight Out“Hyundai Motor Group is developingtechnologies in the field of SDV and mobility toprovide customer-centered values. Ourpartnership with Google, who helps people finda lot of useful information around the world,will serve as an opportunity for Hyundai MotorGroup, broadening our coverage of technologyin the mobility market and providing greatervalues to customers.” Chang SongPresidentand Head of Hyundai Motor Group’s AdvancedVehicle Platform (AVP) DivisionHyundai Motor Group (the Group) is expanding itspartnership with Google to deliver next-generationnavigation and infotainment experiences. Drivers ofnew Hyundai, Kia, and Genesis vehicles will soon getaccess to fresh information about 250 million placesaround the world from Google Maps Platform – inaddition to the convenience of the AndroidAutomotive Operating System – right in theirvehicles.By integrating Google Maps Platform’s Places API(Application Programming Interface), the Group willenhance navigation accuracy using Google Maps’ vastinformation about places, which includes fresh detailabout business hours, contact information, ratings,reviews and more. Kia drivers in North America will bethe first to experience these enhancements, withsubsequent expansions to Hyundai, Kia and Genesismodels globallyPage 03“Every day, we make over 100 million updates inGoogle Maps to help people find fresh andcomprehensive information about where to go andhow to get there. By integrating our extensivedatabase of places into Hyundai Motor Groupvehicles through the Places API, we're empoweringdrivers with the knowledge they need to navigateconfidently – and we look forward to working withHyundai Motor Group to bring more innovation to thefleet in the future.” -Jorgen BehrensVice Presidentand General Manager of Google Maps AutomotiveThe Group has also adopted Google’s AndroidAutomotive Operating System (AAOS) to furtherbroaden its software ecosystem. By doing so, itexpects to secure an innovative edge in the software-defined vehicle (SDV) technology space and lead thefuture mobility market.As part of ongoing efforts to deliver future mobilitycapabilities and AI to its vehicles, the Group willcontinue exploring more ways to innovate and drivingexperience in partnership with Google.StandardizingAutomotive Connectivity

Page 9 perfect storm of slipping domestic salesand shrinking exports threaten its reign asSouth-east Asia’s leading car productionhubThailand’s auto crown under threat as Indonesiaeyes Asean’s top spotThailand’s automotive sector, which contributesapproximately 10 per cent of the kingdom’sgross domestic product, is this year grapplingwith dual blows – plunging domestic sales andflagging exports – which threaten its long-heldstatus as South-east Asia’s largest carproduction hub.The Federation of Thai Industries slashed its2024 production target to 1.5 million units, downfrom 1.7 million, marking an 18 per cent year-on-year decline – the steepest since 2020.It cited a stagnating domestic market, withabout 600,000 units expected to be soldlocally, and the rest exported.Thailand’s automotive industry, once apowerhouse in Southeast Asia, is now facingintensified competition from regional rivals,most notably Indonesia. As domesticchallenges mount, the kingdom’s reputationas ASEAN’s top car production hub is at risk.Rising Challenges in ThailandDomestic sales have been hit hard by highhousehold debt levels, which account forover 90% of GDP, limiting consumerpurchasing power and reducing demand fornew vehicles. Financial institutions havealso tightened lending for car loans, furtherstraining the market. Export numbers aredeclining due to weaker global demand andgrowing competition in internationalmarkets, particularly for traditional internalcombustion engine (ICE) vehicles.Manufacturers and suppliers are feeling thepinch. Key players like Techno-Metal havereported running at significantly reducedcapacity, while other firms have had to cutjobs to cope with the downturn.Additionally, automakers such as Honda arescaling back operations in the country,citing reduced demand and high operatingcosts.Insight OutPage 04Thailand's auto industry could be boosted by the entry of Chinesecarmakers, who are setting up local BEV assembly plants fordomestic and export markets. Indonesia on the RiseMeanwhile, Indonesia is capitalizing on its vast domestic market andaggressive government incentives to attract foreign automakers. Withits focus on electric vehicles (EVs) and battery manufacturing, thecountry is positioning itself as a regional leader in the transition togreener technologies. Foreign investments in Indonesia's EV sector,coupled with proactive policies, have made it an attractive destinationfor automakers looking to pivot away from ICE-centric production.Indonesia's domestic market also continues to grow steadily,supported by a population of over 270 million and increasing middle-class wealth. This robust demand, combined with a favorable policyenvironment, has enabled the country to produce and sell morevehicles, narrowing the gap with Thailand.Thailand's CountermeasuresIn response to the threats, Thailand is implementing several strategiesto retain its leadership position. The Board of Investment hasintroduced incentives to boost local EV production and extendedproduction timelines for battery EVs. Automakers are beingencouraged to localize production to meet growing demand forsustainable vehicles.However, industry observers caution that these measures may not beenough to counter Indonesia's rapid ascent. Without more significantreforms and investments in innovation, Thailand risks losing itscompetitive edge in the long term.The Road AheadThe competition between Thailand and Indonesia underscores theshifting dynamics in Southeast Asia’s automotive sector. As consumerpreferences evolve and the world transitions to greener energy, thebattle for ASEAN's top spot is heating up. Whether Thailand can adaptquickly enough to maintain its crown remains to be seen.

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Insight Out 06ZTE Corporation, a globalleading provider of integratedinformation andcommunication technologysolutions, has been honoredwith the "Enterprise SolutionExcellence" award at theGlobal Telecoms Awards 2024for its innovative 5G-NativeSmart Manufacturing Solution.The winning solution,developed in collaborationwith China Mobile andGuangzhou MINO EquipmentCo. Ltd., showcases how pre-integrated 5G capabilities inproduction systems cancatalyze digital transformationacross the automotivemanufacturing sector. Thedeployment at MINO's facilitydemonstrates remarkableimprovements in productionflexibility and efficiency,enabling highly elasticproduction that adapts swiftlyto market demands—fromtraditional fuel vehicles toelectric vehicles—withoutcostly production linemodifications.ZTE clinchesglobal telecomsaward forrevolutionizing5G-nativeautomobilemanufacturingThis collaborative achievement marks a significant breakthrough inautomotive manufacturing digitalization. By pre-integrating 5G capabilitiesinto manufacturing equipment, MINO has pioneered a transformativeapproach that benefits the entire automotive industry ecosystem. Thisinnovation enables automotive manufacturers to achieve unprecedentedproduction flexibility while significantly reducing deployment costs andcomplexity. The revolutionary solution has fundamentally transformed traditionalmanufacturing networks. The pre-integrated 5G-native architecture hasdramatically simplified network deployment, reducing installation time from24 hours to just one hour. This breakthrough achievement is complementedby ultra-low latency performance of 4ms and exceptional reliability reaching99.999%, setting new standards for industrial-grade wirelesscommunications. The seamless integration of Information Technology (IT)and Operational Technology (OT) systems has yielded a remarkable 30%reduction in production downtime, while advanced digital twin capabilitieshave minimized implementation risks by 95%. Notably, the success of this solution has extended beyond automotivemanufacturing. The same architecture has been successfully deployed indiscrete manufacturing sectors, including automotive battery productionand electronics assembly, demonstrating its versatility and scalability acrossvarious industrial applications.This award-winning solution represents a significant milestone inmanufacturing digitalization, setting new standards for industrialconnectivity and automation across global manufacturing sectors.

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Insight Out 07CATL launched its Tectransseries of batteries for heavy-duty commercial vehicles. Thenew series achieves range,charging speed, and safetybreakthroughs, opening upfurther possibilities for theelectrification of heavy-dutycommercial vehicles. Breaking Through Five MajorTechnical Barriers to Set NewStandards for ElectrifyingHeavy-Duty CommercialVehicles As the electrification of heavy-duty commercial vehiclesspeeds up, several limitationshave become increasinglyapparent, hindering the furthergrowth of the pure electricheavy-duty commercial vehiclemarket. Key challenges such aslimited range, slow charging,and rapid battery degradationdemand urgent solutions. CATL Launches Tectrans Battery for Pure Electric Heavy-Duty Commercial Vehicles in All ScenariosThe CATL Tectrans superfast chargingversion boasts a peak 4C superfastcharging capability, achieving 70% SOC in15 minutes. It also offers an impressivelifespan of 1.2 million kilometers, amaximum capacity of 600 kWh, and arange of up to 500 kilometers on a singecharge. In short-distance scenarios such asmineral, construction waste, and ready-mixconcrete transportation, this version cansignificantly reduce charging time forelectric heavy-duty trucks, substantiallyincreasing profitability. The CATL Tectrans long life version offersan exceptionally long lifespan of 15 yearsor three million kilometers, overcoming thetypical battery life constraints of heavy-duty trucks. It alleviates possible capacitydegradation due to frequent charging anddischarging in high-energy-consumptionscenarios such as heavy-load and medium-to-long-haul transportation. Additionally,this long life version provides a range of upto 500 kilometers, making it well-suited fora variety of tasks. Through supporting batteryswap technology, the latestTectrans model allows usersto choose between charging,swapping, upgrading,leasing, purchasing, andselling back, all of whichhelp reduce operating costsfor end users. The CATL Tectrans longrange version achieves afull-chassis layout with1,000 kWh of batterycapacity for the first time,providing an ultra-longrange of 800 kilometers.This breaks the long-distance limitations forelectric heavy-duty trucks,making it ideal for cross-provincial tasks like expressdelivery and freight, whilesignificantly extendingvehicles’service radius.

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Insight Out 08The CATL Tianxing high strengthversion is specifically engineeredfor construction machinery. Itmaintains high safety even after500,000 kilometers of use in harshmining conditions, representing an4-fold improvement over theindustry's 100,000-kilometerstandard durability, ensuring safeand reliable operations at all times. This version has already begunmass production and is being usedin over 20 models from eightconstruction machinerymanufacturers, including Tonly,LiuGong, XCMG, Breton, XEMC,North Hauler, HATL, and LGMG,driving continuous progress in theindustry. Moreover, the high-strengthversion uniquely features the"Mount Tai Architecture," makingthe best of integrated technology.This design increases volumeutilization by 40%, meets the IP68waterproof class, and withstandsdirect water washing. Its corrosionresistance is twice the industrynorm. The battery pack is alsoequipped with an "armor coating"that protects againstelectrochemical corrosion,ensuring optimal performanceeven in extreme environments. Driving the Leapfrogging of Commercial Vehicle Electrification As a leader in power battery innovation, CATL has continually addressedthe technical challenges of heavy-duty truck electrification since 2017,helping the sector achieve zero to one transformation. From 2020 to 2023, CATL held the top spot in domestic heavy-dutytruck battery installations for four consecutive years, with leadingChinese companies like Yutong and DeepWay exclusively using CATLbatteries. CATL has established itself as the global leader inconstruction machinery batteries, capturing a 30% share of theconstruction machinery market. Tectrans is CATL's first brand targeting commercial vehicles, providingall-scenario solutions for the commercial vehicle sector and striving toopen up an anxiety-free era for commercial vehicles. Since July 2024,CATL has launched the Tectrans L - superfast charging and long rangeversions and the Tectrans B - bus version designed for the logistics andpublic transportation sectors. Now, its products cover all categories ofcommercial vehicles.

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Page 15 Electric Mobility Corporation and AISINCORPORATION announced today that the two companieshave reached a business partnership agreement fordeveloping products for next-generation xEVs (the“Agreement”). Consequently, the “Basic Agreement toEstablish a Joint Venture Company for Handling Productsfor Next Generation Electric Vehicles” disclosed byMitsubishi Electric Corporation, Mitsubishi ElectricMobility (Mitsubishi Electric and Mitsubishi ElectricMobility are collectively referred to as “Mitsubishi ElectricGroup.”) and AISIN on May 24, 2024, has been terminated.Mitsubishi Electric Group and AISIN reached a basicagreement in May 2024 to establish a joint venture (the“JV”) company to handle products for next-generationxEVs and have been discussing their formation of the JVsince then.As the electrification needs of car manufacturersdiversify, Mitsubishi Electric Mobility and AISIN concludedthat entering into the Agreement is the best course ofaction at this time. This approach will enable theappropriate allocation of corporate resources andfacilitate the swift delivery of new and attractive productsto a variety of customers.Mitsubishi Electric Mobility and AISIN Agree on BusinessPartnership to Develop Products for Next-Generation xEVsUnder the Agreement, the project to beundertaken by Mitsubishi Electric Mobilityand AISIN will involve electric drivemodules for xEVs*, which AISIN has beendeveloping. Following the conclusion of theAgreement, the two companies arescheduled to commence developmentpromptly. By maximizing the synergy oftheir technological capabilities, thecompanies will develop competitiveproducts for launch in the second half ofthe 2020s.Additionally, discussions will continue regardingthe scope and timing of establishing the JV as aframework for future collaboration.By leveraging the strengths of each company andcollaborating effectively, Mitsubishi ElectricGroup and AISIN will respond to the diversifyingneeds for electrification and contribute to therealization of carbon neutrality, a challenge facingglobal society.ams OSRAM and Valeo unveilcooperation for transforming vehicleinteriors into dynamic environmentsams OSRAM, aglobal leader in intelligent sensors and emitters, and Valeo,a leading automotive technology company, announced a cooperation withthe innovative Open System Protocol (OSP) technology, designed totransform the lighting inside the passenger compartment. Together withthe groundbreaking OSIRE® E3731i intelligent LED from ams OSRAM andthe dynamic ambient lighting systems from Valeo, the companies aresetting new standards for vehicle interior design and functionality.When considering the interior lighting and its growing importance, oneshould keep in mind the leading trend on cabin conception: end-userswant vehicles that are easy-to-use,personalized and provide clearinformation adapted to theirlifestyle. Dynamic ambient lightingoffers therefore many opportunities.The use of smart LEDs enables ahighly controlled system able tocreate an animation throughout thecabin or in a very specific area.Speed, luminance, color can bemanaged for each LED in order to geta warning or a visual feedback.Addressed use cases are numerous:incoming call, personal assistantvisualization but also inputs onnavigation or ADASsystems.Insight OutPage 10

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“Dynamic interior lighting is not justabout enhancing vehicle aesthetics; it’sabout ushering in a new era ofinteractive and responsiveenvironments that enhance thepassenger experience. We are veryimpressed with the speed andcompetence of Valeo Lighting Systemsworldwide. Their team expertly adaptedthe OSP-RGBi technology, delivering acompelling solution to their customer inrecord time — a process typically spanstwo years, completed in just under one.“- Hermann Senninger, Senior ProductMarketing Manager at ams OSRAM., short for Open SystemProtocol, is an advancedcommunication framework thatallows microcontrollers to manage aseries of intelligent RGB LEDs (OSP-RGBi). These devices are not justordinary LEDs; each OSP-RGBiincludes a smart IC integratingdrivers, a temperature sensor, amemory unit, and a serial businterface with OSP compatibility.This integration enables dynamic,animated lighting applications,enhancing both the aesthetics andsafety of vehicle interiors.Valeo develops complete ambientlighting systems comprising optics,electronics and software. Thesystem enables RGB ambientlighting with high opticalhomogeneity and color accuracy,while ensuring smooth lightanimation throughout the cabin.Valeo’s know-howin electronics andsoftware is key to achieve highquality performance.ams OSRAM invitesautomotivemanufacturers andequipmentsuppliers to explorethe potential of OSPin creating moreengaging,functional, anddistinctiveautomotiveenvironments.Further details onOSP and the OSIRE®intelligent LEDs areavailable on theamsOSRAMwebsite.“Interior lighting being a keyelement of the onboardexperience, dynamicapplications open up a widerange of opportunities: from astrong brand signature to ahighly personalized interior,while delivering visualinformation on vehicles’status and performance.Thanks to software, thesystem can be updatedthroughout the lifetime of thevehicle in order to deliveradditional animations (newfunctions, personalization). Ina fast paced market such asChina, ams OSRAMdemonstrated itsprofessionalism and agility indelivering on time high qualitylevel products to achievecustomer satisfaction.” saidChristophe Le Ligné, GroupResearch & Development VicePresident.Insight OutPage 11

Page 17 Signs Memorandum of Understanding withCanatu of Finland for Practical Application ofCarbon Nanotube TechnologyDENSO Corporation has recently signed aMemorandum of Understanding (MOU)with Canatu to advance the practicalapplication of carbon nanotubetechnology. By strengthening theirpartnership, the two companies aim todeepen their collaboration to contribute tothe advancement of autonomous drivingtechnology and the realization of carbonneutrality.As autonomous driving technologycontinues to evolve, vehicles mustaccurately detect their surroundings usingcameras and other sensors. However,issues such as frost and condensation canobstruct visibility and complicatedetection. To address these challenges,DENSO is developing products that utilizetransparent conductive films made fromflexible, transparent materials. Carbonnanotube technology is key to thesedevelopments.Insight OutPage 12Key Areas of CollaborationDENSO and Canatu will accelerate initiatives inthe following three areas to achieve practicalapplications of carbon nanotube technology:1.Research and DevelopmentDevelop new applications, including transparentheaters and solar power technologies, utilizingcarbon nanotubes.2.Mass Production TechnologiesCollaborate on improving manufacturingequipment and processes to achieve the qualityrequired for mass production.3.Global Supply Chain DevelopmentBegin exploring the establishment of a reliablesupply system to ensure the stable andconsistent delivery of high-quality products.DENSO will continue advancing technologydevelopment in collaboration with partnersacross various fields, contributing to sustainablemobility for people and the planet.Darbon nanotubes arecarbon-based materialswith extremely finestructures,characterized by highstrength, light weight,and excellent electricaland thermalconductivity. They holdgreat promise for awide range ofapplications. Canatuhas innovativetechnology thatenables the efficientproduction of high-purity carbonnanotubes usingproprietary materialsand has strengths intransparent conductivefilm formation.

Page 18 Secures New High Voltage Coolant HeaterPrograms in China, Korea and JapanBorgWarner has secured three significantbusiness wins for its High Voltage Coolant Heater(HVCH) technology, expanding its reach in theChinese, Korean and Japanese electric vehiclemarkets. In China, a leading domestic automaker hasselected BorgWarner’s HVCH for use in a fullyelectric SUV, with production expected tocommence in the second quarter of 2025. Thispartnership marks a significant step forward inBorgWarner’s continued expansion in China’srapidly growing electric vehicle industry.In Korea, BorgWarner’s HVCH will be used in anelectric pick-up vehicle and production is set tobegin in March 2025. The heater will be critical inmanaging cabin temperatures, improving energyefficiency, and enhancing the driving experience. In Japan, BorgWarner’s HVCH has been chosen bya Japanese OEM for a battery-electric vehicle.With production starting in 2028, this marks thecompany's first HVCH program in the country. Thecompact heater design enables superiorperformance and efficiency at a lower cost“These three important business winsunderscore the strength of BorgWarner’s HVCHtechnology and further solidify ourrelationships with important Asian OEMs. Ourcost-effective, efficient heating solution is ableto meet the evolving needs of global electricvehicle manufacturers and continues to driveour success in key regions.” -Dr. Volker Weng,Vice President of BorgWarner Inc. and Presidentand General Manager, Turbos and ThermalTechnologies. BorgWarner’s coolant heaters are designed with acompact, modular structure, minimizing size and weight.By ensuring uniform temperature distribution within thebattery pack and its cells, they enhance battery energyperformance in both electric and hybrid vehicles. Theyalso enable rapid cabin heating, improving both drivingcomfort and passenger experience. With high thermalpower density and quick response times due to lowthermal mass, these heaters help extend driving range byconsuming less power from the battery.Insight OutPage 13

Page 19 HVCH incorporates advanced Thick Film Element (TFE) technology, offering great flexibility in sizing of theheating elements. Designed to meet the demand for high-performance systems that generate heat quickly, theHVCH’s heating elements are immersed in coolant for efficient heat transfer. Compatible with supply voltagesranging from 250 to 800 volts, the HVCH delivers a power range of 3 to 10 kW, making it suitable for a widerange of applications.“MAHLE has successfully transferredits one hundred years of expertise inengine components into the future.Our state-of-the-art pistons andother parts make the internalcombustion engine fit for hydrogenand thus climate-neutral. Today, weare able to fulfill our customers’expectations in terms ofperformance, efficiency and servicelife.” - Dr. Roger Busch, member ofthe MAHLE Management Committeeand Head of Sales. MAHLE has secured an important contract in the area ofsustainable mobility. Commercial vehicle manufacturerMAN Truck & Bus has commissioned MAHLE to supplycomponents for the hydrogen engine of its “MAN hTGX”truck. The vehicle was recently crowned winner of the TruckInnovation Award 2025. The direct-injection engine with 6cylinders has 16.8 L displacement and produces 383 kWpower output. It will be equipped with the hydrogen powercell unit of the Stuttgart-based automotive supplier,consisting of piston, piston rings, piston pin and cylinderliner. Further components from MAHLE will also be used in thevalve train. MAN plans to build around 200 units of its truck,classified as a zero-emission vehicle (ZEV), for selectedmarkets from 2025. The use of hydrogen in the combustionengine is an important lever for decarbonization, especiallyin the commercial vehicle sector. In addition toelectrification, sustainable combustion engines that run onrenewable fuels are an important strategic field for theMAHLE Group.MAHLE awarded contract fromMAN Truck & Bus forhydrogen-powered truckMAHLE has succeeded in developing its enginecomponents to meet the specific requirementsof hydrogen operation. The tests at thecompany’s hydrogen test center in Stuttgartback up the high maturity level and alreadyconvincing suitability for series production ofmodern hydrogen engine technology. Thanksto the MAHLE hydrogen power cell unit, inparticular the oil consumption of the motorand the so-called blow-by, i.e. the leakage ofhydrogen gas into the crankcase, can bereduced to a minimum. This enables a robustand failure-free operation of the motor.Insight OutPage 14

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Page 21’s top electric vehicle maker BYD isconducting a new mass recruitment drive forrobotics talent to staff its embodied intelligence(EI) unit, in a sign that the company is doublingdown on robot-related research.The Shenzhen-based company posted a globalrecruitment ad on the Chinese social mediaplatform WeChat, describing job openings for 10types of senior engineers in areas includingsensory algorithms, robotics, and software. BYDdid not specify how many people it will recruit.The company did not respond to a request forcomment on Tuesday.The jobs are open to fresh graduates withmaster’s or doctorate degrees in mechanics,automation, computation, mathematics andelectronics information. Workers can be postedin Shenzhen, Hefei or Changsha.China’s top EV makerBYD kicks offrobotics recruitmentdrive for young talentChina has surpassedGermany and Japan inadoption of industrialrobots, according to thelatest report from theInternational Federation ofRobotics, after years ofpushing for greater use ofautomation inmanufacturing.Local government officialsacross China have rushed tointroduce policies thatincentivise the deploymentof robots, especiallyhumanoid robots, aspolicymakers in Beijingrecently showedcommitment to the industryat the tone-setting centraleconomic work conference.The cities of Hangzhou,Chongqing and Nanjing, pluspart of southwesternSichuan province, havereleased policies toaccelerate roboticsinnovation and the“concentration of businessentities” involved, the state-run Xinhua News Agencyreported on Thursday.Citi Global Insights analystsforecast that nearly 650million humanoid robotscould be working alongsidehumans by 2050, with themarket for these robotsreaching US$7 trillion bythat year.Insight OutPage 16BYD’s EI research team,created in 2022, is engagedin developing various typesof robotic bodies andsystems, with a stated goalof improving robots’decision-makingcapabilities and advancingEI applications in industrialuse.The team has alreadydeveloped various types ofcollaborative robots,mobile robots, andhumanoid robots, amongother products, accordingto BYD.EI, which enables machinesystems to interact withphysical environments, isthe technology behindhumanoid robots, and BYDis one of the Chinese BigTech firms increasinginvestment in the field.As an industrial giant withstate-of-art manufacturing,BYD is trying to integrateartificial intelligence (AI)and robotics into itsproducts. Founder WangChuanfu said last monththat the company wouldinvest 100 billion yuan(US$13.7 billion) intointegrating AI withautomotive technology.BYD last month announcedrecruiting for its logisticsrobot team.

Page 22 its headquarters in Pune,Dhruva maintains sales offices inthe Indian cities of Aurangabad andKolhapur. “Dhruva ideallycomplements the activities ofSchaeffler Digital Solutions. Thiscollaboration also unlocks newtechnological potential, withSchaeffler plants in India alreadyleveraging the combined expertiseand joint software solutions. Theacquisition creates newopportunities for both partners interms of technology and sales,”states Roberto Henkel, Senior VicePresident Operations Digitalization& IT, Schaeffler. Schaeffler DigitalSolutions GmbH (hereinafterreferred to as SDS), based inChemnitz, develops and integratesweb-based software that is highlycompatible with existing systems,sensors, and controls, allowingdata retrieval and managementacross a wealth of machinery andenabling customers to avoidunplanned machine downtimes,improve productivity, and ensure ahigh level of quality. The joint focusof SDS and Dhruva activities is onprogressing the “factory of thefuture”, with systems for machinedata analysis, predictivemaintenance, sustainabilitymanagement, and numerous otherinnovative software solutions.Industriewerk Schaeffler INA-Ingenieurdienst GmbH, asubsidiary of Schaeffler AG, hassigned a share purchaseagreement to acquire 100percent of the shares in DhruvaAutomation & Controls (P) Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as“Dhruva”). Dhruva, based inPune, India, is an engineeringand service providerspecializing in smart industrialautomation and softwaresolutions in the Asia/Pacificregion.Founded in 2002 by JaydeepChougule, the companyemploys 65 people and hasdemonstrated sustainableprofitability. Dhruva is asuccessful provider ofhardware, service, and softwaresolutions for industrialmanufacturing, catering tosectors that includeautomotive, mechanical andplant engineering, chemicalprocess technology,biopharmaceuticals, foodproduction, and water andwastewater treatment. Withnumerous customers inAsia/Pacific region, Dhruva hasestablished itself as a trustedprovider of industrialautomation products andservices, with a strongpresence in India, Thailand,Dubai, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan,and Vietnam.Schaeffler AG acquires Indian Engineering andService Provider Dhruva for Smart AutomationIndustriewerk SchaefflerINA-Ingenieurdienst GmbH,a subsidiary of SchaefflerAG, will acquire 100percent of the shares inDhruva through the sharepurchase agreement. Thetransaction is expected tobe completed by the end ofthe fourth quarter of thefiscal year 2024, subject tocertain closing conditions.Dhruva brand is scheduledfor integration intoSchaeffler operations inthe medium term.“With the acquisition ofDhruva, Schaeffler isexpanding its portfolio toinclude a profitablespecialist in intelligentindustrial automation andgaining access to the Indianmarket and othercustomers across Asia. Thisstep underscoresSchaeffler’s commitmentto digitalization inoperations and strengthensour innovative capacity inautomation, enabling us torespond to the challengesof digital disruption,” saysAndreas Schick, ChiefOperating Officer atSchaeffler AG.Insight OutPage 17

Page 23 Chougule, CEO andfounder of Dhruva, adds: “After22 years of independence, weare delighted to have found astrong partner in Schaeffler.Together, we will expand ourportfolio to benefit ourcustomers and realize furthergrowth potential in the Indianmarket and the widerAsia/Pacific region. I lookforward to embarking on thisnew chapter alongside my teamof over 60 colleagues, as weaim to accelerate our growthand achieve greater profitabilityby embracing the newopportunities that lie ahead.”Forward-looking statements and projectionsCertain statements in this press release are forward-looking statements.By their nature, forward-looking statements involve a number of risks,uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual results or eventsto differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-lookingstatements. These risks, uncertainties and assumptions could adverselyaffect the outcome and financial consequences of the plans and eventsdescribed herein. No one undertakes any obligation to publicly update orrevise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of newinformation, future events or otherwise. You should not place any unduereliance on forward-looking statements which speak only as of the date ofthis press release. Statements contained in this press release regardingpast trends or events should not be taken as representation that suchtrends or events will continue in the future. The cautionary statements setout above should be considered in connection with any subsequentwritten or oral forward-looking statements that Schaeffler, or personsacting on its behalf, may issue.Hitachi AstemoAftermarket GermanyGmbH partners withGulf WorldwideDistribution toexpand TOKICOpresence in the UAE,GCC, and AfricaLeft to right: Nishant Vora (Co-Founder & Executive Director, GulfWorldwide Distribution FZE), Daniel Labahn (Managing Director,Hitachi Astemo Aftermarket Germany GmbH), Mithun Vora (Co-Founder & Executive Director, Gulf Worldwide Distribution FZE),Patrick Freier (Sales Director EMEA, Hitachi Astemo AftermarketGermany GmbH)Hitachi Astemo Aftermarket Germany GmbH ,a subsidiary of Hitachi Astemo, Ltd. is pleasedto announce a new partnership with GulfWorldwide Distribution FZE (hereafter GWD),one of the largest authorized distributors ofautomotive and industrial products in theUnited Arab Emirates (UAE). GWD is a well-established distributor of leading brands,currently operating across 15 office locations,serving over 1,000 customers throughout theUAE, the entire Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC) region, and part of Africa.This new strategic collaboration will see GWD initiallybecoming an official distributor and stockist for HitachiAstemo’s iconic TOKICO brand of shock absorbers throughAstemo Aftermarket Germany. Additional products fromAstemo’s extensive aftermarket portfolio will follow in the nearfuture. This partnership will significantly enhance theavailability of TOKICO products within the UAE and GCCregions and also create new opportunities across the Africancontinent.Insight OutPage 18

Page 24 OutPage 19Patrick Freier, Sales Director EMEA at Astemo Aftermarket Germany, commented: “This partnership with GWD is apivotal step in our strategy to increase our footprint in the UAE, GCC, and Africa. It ensures that customers inthese regions have reliable access to the quality and innovation that TOKICO products represent.”This partnership not only strengthens Astemo Aftermarket Germany’s position in the automotive aftermarketsector but also contributes to improved customer satisfaction by ensuring an efficient and reliable supply of high-quality products. It marks an important step in deepening business relationships throughout the region andunlocking new growth opportunities.Proton launches Malaysia’s first home-grown EV,undercutting BYD by nearly US$10,000Malaysian carmaker Proton on Monday launched thecountry’s first home-grown electric vehicle (EV),priced nearly US$10,000 cheaper than the nearestrival offered by Chinese EV giant BYD, as thecompany aims to make electric mobility moreaffordable for Malaysians.Chinese EV giants have shifted their focus toSoutheast Asia due as tariffs hinder their access tothe US and European markets.Facing hundreds of millions of dollars in potentiallosses after Washington imposed 100 per cent tariffson EVs imported from China, Chinese manufacturershave shifted some sales targets to Southeast Asiaover the past two years.“We want and hope to set an example in theregion,” Malaysia’s Prime Minister AnwarIbrahim said at the launch of the EV. “Notonly to show our competency to produce acar, but an EV, as a direct extension of ournet zero commitment,” Anwar added,referring to Malaysia’s goal of reachingcarbon neutrality by 2050.Featuring a retractable sunroof and front seats that fullyrecline, along with a specially designed AI driver assistant,Proton claims its car can accelerate from 0 to 100km/h injust 6.9 seconds.Its closest competitor is the Atto 3 e-SUV from Chinese EVgiant BYD. Its entry-level model starts at 149,800 ringgit(US$34,837) and is currently the second-best-selling EV inMalaysia.BYD has made significant inroads in Malaysia’s EV market.From January to August this year, its Seal premiumfastback sedan model claimed the top spot in EV sales,with 2,267 units sold, according to government data.

Page 25 OutPage 20BYD has made significant inroads inMalaysia’s EV market. From January toAugust this year, its Seal premium fastbacksedan model claimed the top spot in EVsales, with 2,267 units sold, according togovernment data.The Atto 3 was second with 2,217 units,while Tesla’s Model 3 ranks third with 1,978units sold.Proton will also face pressure fromPerodua, a fellow local carmaker expectedto enter the EV race next year.Perodua, Malaysia’s largest domesticcarmaker by sales volume, has said its EVoffering will be priced under 100,000ringgit once it hits the market in 2025.Sales of EVs in Malaysia more than doubledover the first half of 2024 from the sameperiod in the year, accounting for 2.6 percent of total industry sales volume,according to government data released inNovember.

Page 26 CORPORATION and havesigned a development license agreement for aNeural Processing Unit (NPU)*1, which is asemiconductor specialized for the arithmeticprocessing of AI. Through the agreement, DENSOwill acquire the IP core license for Quadric'sChimera GPNPU*2, and the two companies willco-develop intellectual property (NPU) for an in-vehicle semiconductor.With the advancement of intelligent systems,such as automated driving and connectedtechnologies, vehicles need to process in realtime a vast amount of information obtained fromon-board sensors, as well as inter-vehicle andcloud communications. For this reason, theperformance of the in-vehicle SoC*3, which canprocess large amounts of information at highspeed and with efficiency, has becomeincreasingly important.DENSO and Quadric have been studyingsemiconductor IP (NPU) development usingChimera GPNPU (General Purpose NeuralProcessing Unit) for in-vehicle SoCs and have nowdecided to jointly develop an in-vehiclesemiconductor IP (NPU) combining DENSO 'sRISC-V*4 based processor and Quadric's ChimeraGPNPU.DENSO 's RISC-V-based processor IP is compliantwith ISO26262 ASIL*5 D and is ideal forautomotive applications, where safety is critical.As the intelligence of vehicles advances, AI willbecome a pivotal factor in determining the valueof vehicles. Quadric's Chimera GPNPU has aunique architecture that can handle matrix andvector operations and scalar (control) code in oneexecution pipeline. This flexibility in handlingdiverse computational tasks makes it applicableto various AI functions. In addition, by usingChimera GPNPU, automotive system developerscan add proprietary AI features to their productsthroughout the future.DENSO and U.S. StartupQuadric SignDevelopment LicenseAgreement for AISemiconductor (NPU)Hiroshi Kondo, Head of Mobility ElectronicsBusiness Group, DENSO:Through the use of system developmentcapabilities and the combination of a broadrange of technologies, DENSO will advancesystems that connect vehicles with society atlarge. By doing so, we will tackle complex socialissues moving forward, including achieving acarbon-neutral society, fostering a circulareconomy, and eliminating traffic accidentfatalities.One of the businesses we are strengthening issemiconductors, which is the foundation of thecomputing infrastructure for the advancement ofvehicle intelligence. We have high expectationsfor the development of in-vehicle semiconductorIP that can flexibly respond to the AI trend withlow power by utilizing quadric Chimera Veerbhan Kheterpal, CEO:As a marquee Tier 1 automotive supplierthroughout the world, DENSO subjected ourtechnology to a comprehensive and intensebenchmarking exercise.Being selected by DENSO as their ADAS/ADprocessor IP partner is a great validation of thegrowing maturity and breadth of Quadric’sGPNPU processors.Insight OutPage 21

Page 27 welcomes more Chinese EV makers, buthurdles remain in journey to become regional hubInsight OutPage 22Along the production line, technicians secure an engine,cables and window frames onto a vehicle body. Down theassembly line, a car emerges.The Handal Indonesia Motor (HIM) plant, an hour’s drivefrom Jakarta, began in the 1970s as a small facility thatassembled cars for Nissan, but the Japanese brandstopped production there in 1981.Later, South Korea’s Hyundai began assembling its carsthere in 1995, before opening its own plant in 2022.Since December 2023, a different breed of vehicles hasbeen rolling off HIM’s assembly lines.The plant now assembles electric vehicles (EVs) underChinese brands Chery and Neta, in addition to traditionalpetrol cars from both companies and another Chinesecarmaker, Jetour.Indonesia is South-east Asia’s largest auto market, with amillion vehicles sold each year.To boost EV adoption, the government has lifted theluxury tax and the import tax on them until the end of2025, among other incentives for car buyers.Sales of battery-operated electric cars in Indonesiasurged by 65.1 per cent to 17,051 vehicles in 2023, from10,327 the year before, according to wholesale data fromthe Indonesian Automotive Manufacturers Association.Sales of hybrid cars also jumped by 4.2 times to 54,179 in2023 from 2022.Besides advancing Indonesia’s progress towards net-zerotargets, a strong EV market would also encouragemanufacturers to produce in the country.To lure investment, thegovernment has promisedtax exemptions tomanufacturers, dependingon the value of theirinvestment and their use oflocally sourcedcomponents.Indonesia has been a well-known manufacturing hubfor Japanese petrol carssince the 1960s, but now itis also looking to expand itsEV production capabilities,following in the footsteps ofneighbours like Thailand.At least 10 brands, includingfive Chinese ones, haveinvested in the country inthe past few years.More locally assembledChinese EVs will alsoenhance thecompetitiveness ofIndonesia’s automotiveindustry, said Mr KoketsoTsoai, a car analyst at FitchSolutions’ research unitBMI.“The increased availabilityof more affordable ChineseEV brands, manufacturedlocally, will benefitconsumers due to lowercosts, leading to higher EVsales and adoption rates inthe country,” he told TheStraits Times.Several other Chinesebrands, including Geely, willalso begin production atHIM in 2025, said MrJongkie Sugiarto, deputymain commissioner of thecompany. HIM is one ofthree general carassemblers in Indonesia.Venturing into a market byusing local assemblers givesbrands a chance to test themarket before pouringsizeable investment intobuilding their own plants, hetold ST.Employing around 1,000local workers, it will have anannual capacity of 90,000conventional or EV cars –triple that of its existing plantthat has about 450 workers.In November 2024, HIMexported its first EVs – 120Chery cars, bound forVietnam. HIM presidentdirector Denny Siregar saidits overseas shipment mayincrease up to 400 a monthin 2025.“Some of the EV makersreally see that Indonesia canbecome a production base inthe region,” he told ST.He pointed to several factors,such as Indonesia’s growingEV ecosystem, includingbattery production, that mayallow efficient sourcing, taxincentives to spur the growthof the EV industry, andregional trade agreements.

Page 28 OutPage 23China’s BYD, the world’s biggestEV maker, is developing a US$1.3billion (S$1.75 billion) plant in WestJava’s Subang, where Vietnam’sEV maker VinFast is also building aUS$200 million assembly facility.VinFast expects to produce up to50,000 cars a year once thefactory opens in late 2025.As public awareness and interestin the shift to EVs in Indonesiagrow, driven by the government’ssupport through various policiesand incentives, “there are clearopportunities for EV players likeVinFast”, the company’s Asia chiefexecutive Pham Sanh Chau toldST. “While the number of EVmanufacturers in Indonesia islimited, the annual growth rate ofelectric vehicles in the country isamong the highest in the region.We see great potential inIndonesia,” he added.Frost & Sullivan Asia-Pacific’smobility practice senior consultantThurisina told ST that thecountry’s EV ecosystem would geta boost as Chinese companieswould need a network ofcomponent suppliers whenproducing EVs locally.“With more original equipmentmanufacturers in the market,production capacity increases,enabling economies of scale forthe suppliers. This creates a win-win situation for all,” said MsThurisina, who goes by one name.Indonesia seeks to produce 600,000 EVsannually by 2030 and one million EVs by2035. It is also leveraging its rich nickelreserves to establish itself as an EVproduction hub.The increasing investments, especiallyfrom Chinese firms, will enable Indonesiato climb the ranks in EV manufacturing inSouth-east Asia, positioning it on a par withother key players such as Thailand andMalaysia, said Ms Thurisina.But it will be tough for Indonesia to realiseits ambition of becoming a regionalproduction base for EVs, as thecompetition is stiff.Thailand, which has the largest EV marketin Asean, offers more liberal policiescompared with Indonesia. Foreigninvestors see it as an attractivemanufacturing hub, as they are not boundby requirements to source locally madecomponents for their vehicles, unlike inIndonesia, said Fitch’s Mr Tsoai.Indonesia’s rich nickel mines haveattracted global players to buildbattery factories, including HLI GreenPower, a joint venture between SouthKorean battery producer LG EnergySolution and Hyundai Motor.But Ms Thurisina pointed out that“investment efforts have been largelyconcentrated on developing theupstream industry, such as nickelmining and EV battery cells, ratherthan on the actual production of thebattery electric vehicles”.

Page 29 supports the extension of IEC 63171-7 andis helping to shape the new connector standardfor Single Pair EthernetInsight OutPage 24For years, the HARTING Technology Group has beencommitted to the development and implementation ofthese cutting-edge connectors. The new IEC 63171-7 SPEconnectors provide universal device connectivity thatpromotes convergence in an All Electric Society.Optimised compatibility leads to consistency incommunication, increases efficiency, ensures costsavings and ultimately increases productivity. The fullrange of IP 20, M8, M12, heavy-duty connectors Han® andalso hybrid designs based on a universal data containeroffers solutions for many sectors and is not limited topurely industrial production applications.‘We are proud to be part of this important developmentand to actively shape the future of convergentconnectivity for an all-electric society,’ explains JörgScheer, Managing Director of HARTING CustomisedSolutions at HARTING. ‘Our innovative solutions meet thehigh demands of modern applications and offer ourcustomers long-term security and clarity.The HARTING Technology Group, atechnology and market leader in industrialconnection technology, is pleased tosupport the extension of the IEC 63171-7standard and to define the new connectorstandard for Single Pair Ethernet. Thisextension covers a range of connectorsbased on a uniform SPE data container thatforms the basis for the globalstandardisation and interoperability ofSingle Pair Ethernet (SPE) systems.The initiative by the PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO) toexpand the IEC 63171-7 standard is a decisive step for thesuccess of Single Pair Ethernet. HARTING will continue to workclosely with the PNO, the international standardisation bodiesand other partners to promote the implementation of thisexpansion and to fully exploit the advantages of SPE technology

Page 30 industries do better with generative AI:ABB launches Genix Copilot with MicrosoftTechnology & ProductsPage 25Building on its long-standing collaborationwith Microsoft, ABB has launched ABBAbility™ Genix Copilot, a generative AIsolution that helps energy, utilities andother industries improve efficiency,productivity, and sustainability bycontextualizing vast amounts of data andproviding actionable insights in an intuitivemanner.Genix Copilot utilizes large languagemodels such as GPT-4, customized forindustrial use cases. Unlike traditionalnatural language processing that worksprimarily with text, Genix Copilot uses real-world data from the productionenvironment, providing insights that canbe immediately implemented to improveindustrial operations.ABB estimates that by embedding GenixCopilot capabilities into its industrial digitalsolutions, customers can achievesignificant cost savings in operations andmaintenance, boost production efficiency,and drive improvements in sustainabilitymetrics such as optimized energy use andreduced emissions.“At ABB, digitalization and AI are atthe core of delivering more value toour customers, with a substantialpart of our R&D workforce dedicatedto digital, AI and software.Collaboration of ABB and Microsofton generative AI is an important stepin driving innovation and shaping thefuture of industry, helping ourcustomers outrun – leaner andcleaner. With Genix Copilot, we canbring a new era of user experience,collaboration and consumerizationof real-time actionable insightsacross roles. By embedding GenixCopilot capabilities in our Genixsolutions, we’re empoweringcustomers to make faster, data-driven decisions that help themimprove productivity, efficiency andsustainability.” -Peter Terwiesch, President, ABBProcess Automation.“Working with ABB,we’re truly pushing theboundaries of whatgenerative AI can do forindustry. Genix Copilothas the potential totransform industrialoperations, offeringcustomers a practical,easy-to-use tool thatenhances efficiency,productivity andsustainability,” saidSonja Meindl, EnterpriseCommercial Director,Microsoft Switzerland.

Page 31 & ProductsPage 26Genix Copilot architecture is designed to handle andprocess data from multiple sources, including shopfloor operations, operator conversations, enterprisesystems, unstructured data and metadata, to delivercomprehensive insights with natural languagesupport.The intuitive conversational interface allows users toinquire about various operational parameters, such asasset health, performance, fault analysis and more,receiving clear and concise responses. For example, amaintenance manager can request a summary of theday’s events for their plant, including insights oncritical assets that may require attention, root causeanalysis as well as the status of the work orders.Genix Copilot provides a role-based user experience,offering real-time actionable insights to variousfunctions across an industrial organization – fromexecutives in the boardroom to specialists analyzingperformance metrics, and engineers troubleshootingequipment. With a strong emphasis on safeguardingdata, the solution enables capturing an operator’sknowledge and facilitates collaborative decision-making across roles.Three use cases already seeing early adoption:Genix Asset Performance ManagementCopilot delivers an intuitive user experiencefor maintenance teams in asset-intensiveindustries, providing real-time insights innatural language, summarizing key events,as well as delivering contextual analyticsand actionable recommendations. Withpredictive maintenance insights, it helps toimprove asset performance and minimizedowntime.Genix My Measurement Assistant Copilotstreamlines troubleshooting andmaintenance for industrial devices byleveraging AI to quickly access relevantdocumentation, error codes and spare partdetails.Genix Sustainability Insights Copilotsupports industries in monitoring andenhancing sustainability efforts byproviding actionable insights on energyconsumption and emission management.Vehicle MotionManagement:new softwaresolution providesearly warning fortire issuesHardly anyone thinks about them, butthey are essential for driving safety - tires.Loss of tire pressure or loose wheels canlead to breakdowns and lead to potentiallydangerous situations. Systems that detecttire condition and warn the driver in timecan help prevent such incidents.Currently, the market offers varioustechnologies that can monitor tireconditions. This can be done eitherdirectly through additional sensorsinstalled in the tires or software-based byanalyzing vehicle behavior. Bosch is now expanding its range of software solutions for data-based tirehealth and will offer them as part of its data-based service, within the BoschVehicle Motion Management ecosystem – a software system solution for theentire scope of vehicle motion. For this purpose, Bosch is also working withpartners. In the area of indirect systems that do not require additionalsensors in the tires, Bosch is expanding its long-standing businessrelationship with the automotive supplier NIRA Dynamics, with focus ongradual pressure loss and loose wheel detection, leveraging the expertise ofboth companies to ensure precise and cost-effective solutions.

Page 32 & ProductsPage 27Data-based Tire Solutions is an innovative, data-basedservice consisting of various algorithms thatcontinuously monitor the condition of the tires andprovide early warnings to the driver about gradual tirepressure loss or loosened wheel bolts. "With Data-based Tire Solutions, we’re offering our customers avehicle motion management software solution thatcovers all key factors of tire health to preventpotential breakdowns” says Stephan Staß, member ofthe executive management of the Bosch VehicleMotion division.Early warning of gradual tire pressureloss and loose wheelsThe Bosch data-based tire systemmonitors each tire continuously andindividually, alerting drivers of gradualloss of tire pressure and loose wheelsthrough a user-friendly interface. One ofthe new algorithms of the data-basedtire solutions is able to detect evensmall, gradual pressure loss in the tires.As soon as the tire pressure valuedeviates from the nominal value byaround 5 percent, drivers are informedand – if necessary – warned. Once thetire pressure has been fully restored, thesystem can be easily reset using the EasyReset function. Another algorithmdetects a loosening wheel as soon as thewheel bolts are loose by just half amillimeter, which is very difficult foruntrained drivers to notice. In addition toproviding adequate, early warnings todrivers, the system also recommendsspecific courses of action. In this way,Bosch data-based tire solutions helpprevent to avoid breakdowns andenhance safety on every drive.Marelli presents new AI-based Electronic ControlUnit for engine andvehicle control inmotorsportMarelli launches its new AI-based Electronic Control Unit forengine and vehicle control in motorsport applications,designed for all types of vehicle propulsion, from traditionalto electric. The solution, called VEC_480, ensures 100%compatibility with the rising trend of real-time AI computationonboard, and will be presented during the ProfessionalMotorSport World Expo held in Cologne, Germany, onNovember 13th and 14th.This breakthrough technology redefines the standard oftraditional Vehicle Control Units (VCU) for motorsport,offering unprecedented performance, efficiency, reliability,computational capabilities and advanced connectivity tomeet the sector's growing demands. Compared to previousVCUs, the new solution offers superior performance incomputational power. Real-time computing performance is2.5 times higher; the inter-processor bandwidth is increasedby 10 times and RAM memory bandwidth is improved,enabling greater reliability in reiterating crucial vehicleoperations.

Page 33 & ProductsPage 28VCUs are high-performance control units thatintegrate different functions into a single device:engine and chassis control and actuation, data loggingand gateway to telemetry and cloud, in-carnetworking.Based on Marelli Motorsport’s solid know-how invehicle control solutions, the VEC_480 is engineeredto manage the increasing complexity of neural basedalgorithms in real time (milliseconds). This is achievedthrough the adoption of an advanced AI Accelerator(NPU), available with a high computing capacity up to26 TOPS (Tera Operations per Second). This cutting-edge technology provides greater potential forinternal vehicle networking and engine or vehiclemanagement.The powerful AI accelerator embedded in the device supportsreal-time AI inference with low latency and high efficiency, pavingthe way to neural virtual sensors, data inference with ArtificialIntelligence, real-time video processing (track detection, objectdetection, and more), localization and positioning, performanceanalysis, predictive analysis, voice recognition. The technology isalso compatible and supports the top AI frameworks, such asTensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, Keras, PyTorch, and ONNX.This solution complements the range of advanced technologiesthat Marelli Motorsport will showcase at the ProfessionalMotorSport World Expo, in Hall 10.01, at booth 3064. Acting as anaccelerator for technology development, Marelli Motorsportdevelops innovations and cutting-edge solutions for racingvehicles, enabling the flow down to the passenger car business byleveraging an agile, fast, and optimized design.

Page 34 Tiny Robots Revolutionizing Water PipeMaintenanceTechnology & ProductsPage 29Pipebots: Revolutionizing Water Pipe Maintenance withInnovative Miniature Robots. This forward-thinkinginitiative, led by UK researchers, aims to transform themanagement of our buried pipe infrastructure. Imagine afleet of tiny robots adeptly maneuvering through the vastunderground network of water pipes, efficientlyidentifying leaks and blockages—all while avoiding thedisruptive roadworks that typically accompany suchrepairs.The Challenge of Aging InfrastructureThe UK's extensive underground water pipe network spansapproximately one million kilometers and boasts areplacement value estimated between £300 billion and£600 billion. However, maintaining this aginginfrastructure presents significant challenges, frequentlyresulting in unexpected failures and around 1.5 millionroad excavations annually. These disruptions not only leadto road closures but also inflict an economic burden of atleast £5.5 billion on the UK each year. In response to theseissues, the government and utility companies areincreasingly investing in advanced technologies such assmart water meters and predictive analytics to enhancethe management of the water network. These innovationsaim to reduce leaks, optimize maintenance, and ultimatelyminimize the disruption caused by necessary repairs.Introducing PipebotsDeveloped by a collaborative team from theuniversities of Sheffield, Birmingham, Bristol,and Leeds, Pipebots are innovative compactrobots, measuring around 20mm in width.Equipped with all-terrain legs, cameras, andadvanced onboard sensors, theseautonomous devices are expertly designed tonavigate underground sewer networks. Theirprimary function is to scan for critical issueslike leaks and blockages. With the ability tomaneuver through intricate pipe systems, theyeffectively evade restricted areas and worktogether to efficiently cover extensive ground.As they transmit real-time data back to theiroperators, the Pipebots enable rapidassessment and response to potentialinfrastructure failures. This groundbreakingtechnology promises to revolutionize themaintenance of urban utility networks,ensuring safer and more efficientmanagement of essential services.

Page 35 & ProductsPage 30How Pipebots WorkOnce deployed into the pipe network, Pipebotsnavigate the system autonomously, capturinghigh-quality images and audio to assess thepipes' condition. When they identify a potentialissue, they promptly transmit detailedinformation wirelessly to human engineers,facilitating timely and precise repairs. Thisforward-thinking strategy greatly minimizes thenecessity for intrusive excavations, allowingmaintenance to be conducted with minimaldisruption to the public. Additionally, thecollected data can be analyzed using advancedalgorithms, enabling predictive maintenance thataddresses problems before they escalate intoserious failures. By harnessing this technology,cities can significantly enhance the longevity andreliability of their pipe systems.Collaborative Efforts and Future ProspectsThe Pipebots project, backed by the Engineering and Physical SciencesResearch Council (EPSRC), is in collaboration with top water companiessuch as Northumbrian Water and Thames Water. These alliancesfacilitate comprehensive testing and optimization of the technology inboth simulated environments and real-world scenarios. The ambitiousgoal is to launch the first generation of Pipebots within the next fiveyears, potentially revolutionizing the industry by significantly reducingwater waste, minimizing maintenance costs, and lessening theenvironmental footprint of conventional pipe repair methods. Byadopting these innovative technologies, the UK is making remarkableprogress in securing a sustainable and efficient future for its vital waterinfrastructure. The project not only aims to enhance the resilience ofwater delivery systems but also seeks to create a model that can bereplicated in other regions facing similar challenges. Ultimately, thesuccess of Pipebots could pave the way for a new era in smart watermanagement, setting a precedent for water conservation effortsworldwide.

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Page 37 Eco-marathon: Autonomous ProgrammingCompetition 2025Great OpportunityPage 32Virtual CompetitionApril 16 – May 28, 2025After a hiatus last year, theAutonomous ProgrammingCompetition is back withsignificant improvements,offering a lower barrier ofentry to encourage widerparticipation.This completely virtual globalcompetition, supported bySouthwest Research Institute,challenges participants toenhance the performance ofcontrol software for a baselinesimulated autonomousvehicle, providing an excellentopportunity for any team toget introduced to autonomousprogramming.More details about the eventwill be made available on thispage soon.Autonomous ProgrammingCompetition 2025Registration is open fromSeptember 2, 2024 to May14, 2025Shell Eco-marathon 2025ProgrammeThe 2025 season promises to be anexciting one: welcoming participants,guests, partners, and supporters tonew locations, and bringing freshperspectives and experiences asteams take on new challenges, whilepushing the boundaries of innovation.A cleaner energy futurerequires brilliantChangemakersShell Eco-marathon aims toempower the next generation ofenergy leaders. The competitionembodies the spirit of theseChangemakers – theirperseverance, collaboration, andinnovation – and ties it to Shell’spurpose of helping achieve acleaner energy future for all.Read the Shell Eco-marathonAutonomous Competitions Rules2025 hereToyota Dream Car Art Contest2025The Toyota Dream Car Art Contest was established in 2004, and since then8.7 million entries have been received from 144 countries and regions. As isstated in our online call for participants for this year’s competition:

Page 38 OpportunityPage 33The local Toyota Dream Car Art Competition2025 will be open for submissions on Friday 1stNovember, 2025 and will close on Friday 7thFebruary, 2026.Registration forms and instructions for thecompetition can be found online at drawings can be submitted at anyof the Toyota branches in Tanzania:For further information please contact us or ask for a customerservice representative at 0800 750 134We look forward to supporting the artisticeorts of imaginative children in future ToyotaDream Car Art Contests, in collaboration withparents and schools.“With the mission to “Produce Happiness for All,”Toyota is committed to create a society where peoplecan dream of a brighter future and believes in thepower of creativity as the driving force. Toyota holdsthis contest with the hope that children, who lead thefuture, will unleash their creativity and enjoy having adream.”Imagination is a driver of innovation. At ToyotaTanzania, we know that creativity is important inmoving us towards a better future. This year we arehappy to celebrate Neev Chohan, won the BestFinalist, 8-to-11 year-old category in the ToyotaDream Car Art Contest of 2024 with his piece titled‘Toyota Dad’s Magic Hug Car.’Neev is one of nine Tanzanian children who won thelocal competition. We were pleased to award themvouchers for educational gifts. Their pieces were senton to Japan where a panel of judges reviewedsubmissions from all over the world. This year, Neev’spiece caught the imagination of the judges. We arevery happy for Neev and his family, and proud that heput Tanzania on the map.World RobotOlympiad(WRO) 2025The theme for World RobotOlympiad (WRO) 2025 will beunveiled during the last day ofthe WRO 2024 InternationalFinals in Turkey from 28 – 30November 2024. You can findout more about WROInternational Events here.WRO SingaporeNationals 2025:September 2025WRO InternationalFinals 2025:26 - 28 November2025More details to bereleased soon, staytuned!

Page 39 OpportunityPage 34ROBOMISSIONWRO® RoboMission is a challenge-basedcompetition where students mustdesign, construct and program anautonomous robot that can solvespecific challenges on a constantlychanging field. Age: Elementary: 8-12 | Junior: 11-15 |Senior: 14-19Team size: 2-3 people guided by acoachHardware: LEGO® basedSoftware: Free choiceMaximum size: Max. 25 x 25 x 25 cmCharacteristics: Build and program arobot that solves challenges on afield.For all specific rules and regulations referto the General Rules for this category.Side Quests: Monthly challengesoffering WRO SingaporeRoboMission participantsopportunities to hone their roboticsexpertise and develop essential softand hard skills.ROBOSPORTSIn the WRO® RoboSports category, we presentan exciting and dynamic game where twoteams, each fielding two autonomous robots,compete in a thrilling sports match.Age: 11-19Team size: 2-3 people guided by a coachHardware: Free choice, with LEGO® orArduino controllerSoftware: Free choiceMaximum size: Max. 20 x 20 x 20 cmCharacteristics: Teams design 2 robotsthat compete with robots of anotherteam.For all specific rules and regulations refer tothe General Rules for this category.FUTURE INNOVATORSThe Future Innovators category is a project-based competition where students designand develop their own innovative intelligentrobotics solution based on the season’stheme.On competition day, teams will present their project and robot modelto a panel of judges, who will evaluate not only the technical solutionbut also the innovation and entrepreneurial aspects of the project.Age: Elementary: 8-12 | Junior: 11-15 | Senior: 14-19Team size: 2-3 people guided by a coachHardware: Free choiceSoftware: Free choiceMaximum size: Must fit in 2x2x2m boothCharacteristics: Develop a robot project that helps solve real worldproblems.For all specific rules and regulations refer to the General Rules for thiscategory.

Page 40 OpportunityPage 35FUTURE ENGINEERSWRO® Future Engineers is a new categoryfor older students that focuses on real-world problem-solving through robotics.Teams can use any materials ortechnology allowed by the rules. Thechallenge changes every few years, andthe current focus is on autonomousdriving.Participants must build a robot with asteering drive that can navigate a trackindependently. The challenge is updatedannually to encourage continuousimprovement.Age: 14-19Team size: 2-3 students guided by acoachHardware: Free choiceSoftware: Free choiceMaximum size: Max. 30 x 20 x 30cmCharacteristics: Advanced roboticsfollowing current research trends.For all specific rules and regulations referto the General Rules for this categorRIC. In a nutshell.The Robotics Innovation Challenge (RIC) is an internationalhealthcare-themed robotics competition, co-organized by theNational University of Singapore (NUS) Saw Swee Hock School ofPublic Health and the NUS Business Analytics Centre. Itcollaborates with the NUS Advanced Robotics Centre and the NUSDepartment of Biomedical Engineering as technical partners. Aspart of the renowned SHADE event, RIC is also officially integratedinto the Singapore Robotics Games, Singapore’s largest roboticscompetition for tertiary students, with an impressive 32-yearlegacy.Robotics InnovationChallenge2025 Co-Organizers.2025 Technical Partners.Those who make RIC possible.At the heart of the Robotics Innovation Challenge are the peoplewho bring it to life. From passionate participants and dedicatedmentors to visionary organizers and enthusiastic volunteers, everyindividual plays a vital role in making RIC a success. Together, theycreate unforgettable moments of collaboration, learning, andcelebration, shaping the spirit of innovation and community thatdefines RIC.

Page 41 OpportunityPage 36RIC 2025 Winter Season, now.Get ready for an unforgettable adventure at the RIC2025 Summer Camp this July 2025! Packed withhands-on robotics challenges, engaging workshops,and thrilling team activities, this camp is designed tospark creativity and innovation in young minds. Joinus for a week of learning, fun, and unforgettablememories as we explore the future of technologytogether!Shell Eco-Marathon: Autonomous Urban ConceptCompetition 2025Silesia Ring, Kamień Śląski, PolandJune 10-12, 2025This event challenges teams from all over the worldto equip their Urban Concept vehicles withautonomous capabilities. Participants are requiredto complete three components in the competition:autonomous driving, energy efficiency, and abusiness presentation.More details about the event will be made availableon this page soon.Registration dates are as follows:Phase 1 – September 2, 2025 to March 11, 2025Phase 2 – September 9, 2024 to March 25, 2025Phase 3 – March 18 to May 6, 2025Teams are not considered selected until they areapproved after Phase 2 registration. Kindly do notmake travel or freight arrangements until Phase 2registration results.Shell Eco-marathon 2025 ProgrammeThe 2025 season promises to be an excitingone: welcoming participants, guests, partners,and supporters to new locations, and bringingfresh perspectives and experiences as teamstake on new challenges, while pushing theboundaries of innovation.A cleaner energy future requiresbrilliant ChangemakersShell Eco-marathon aims to empower the nextgeneration of energy leaders. The competitionembodies the spirit of these Changemakers –their perseverance, collaboration, andinnovation – and ties it to Shell’s purpose ofhelping achieve a cleaner energy future for all.

Page 42 FormulaSun Grand Prix 2025Great OpportunityPage 37Location & DatesThe Electrek Formula Sun GrandPrix 2025 will take place at theNational Corvette MuseumMotorsports Park in BowlingGreen, KY. NCM Motorsports Parkpreviously hosted the ElectrekFSGP 2024. Scrutineering will takeplace June 30th through July 2ndwith Solar Cars taking the track forFSGP from July 3rd through 5th.Information for TeamsRegistration is now open, the initialregistration deadline has beenextended to December 15, 2024.See the Registration Page for fulldetails.Regulations have been released,see the Regulations Page todownload the full document, forany updates, and officialinterpretations.The event schedule will be similarto the previous events, a fulldetailed schedule is available fordownload.Electrek FSGP 2025 Returns to NCMMotorsports Park in Bowling Green, KY!Scrutineering: June 30 – July 2Electrek FSGP: July 3-5The ChallengesThe American Solar Challenge is acompetition to design, build, anddrive solar-powered cars in a cross-country time/distance rally event.Teams compete over a 1,500-2,000mile course between multiple citiesacross the country. The event hashad over two decades of organizedevents in North America.The Formula Sun Grand Prix is atrack event that is held on grandprix or road style closed courses.This unique style of competitiontruly test the limits of solar cars inhandling curves, braking, andacceleration. Strategy appliedduring these three day events isdifferent than what is applied onthe cross-country event.

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Page 44 Fusion of Tradition and Future: SAP SignavioBoosts Kaiser’s DigitizationSuccess StoryPage 39When Andreas Vehreschild took up his new position as ChiefDigital Officer (CDO) at Kaiser Group in September 2022, hewas given the challenging task of digitizing the over-100-year-old traditional provider of electrical installation products andsystems. The Kaiser Group is a third-generation, family-runcompany and sees itself as both a pioneer and an innovationleader. Based in Schalkesmühle, Germany, the company hassubsidiaries in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, andSwitzerland.The new CDO had two specific goals: first, to standardizeprocesses across all subsidiaries and create a template for anynewly acquired business to follow, and second, to upgradeKaiser’s outdated legacy system to SAP S/4HANA.He embraced the challenge, recognizing that comprehendingthe business processes was an essential first step for long-term success. He also was aware that this challenging taskcould only be accomplished with a strong partner, engagedcontributors, and a powerful IT tool. This is where digitalconsultancy and SAP partner Valantic and the businessprocess transformation portfolio SAP Signavio came into play.Long-Term Success with End-to-End ProcessesSignificant change management was required as colleaguesneeded to transition from instinctive decision-making to adata-driven approach. “This was not merely an IT project, butalso a business one,” Vehreschild said. “It was imperative toengage the various stakeholders right from the outset andeliminate any obstacles to change.” He said it was important tolook at the end-to-end processes and not just focus on onedepartment or process, because “every process impacts otherdepartments and their processes as well.” The backing ofmanagement was also crucial for the long-term success of theproject, he emphasized.To bring all stakeholders and their needs under one roofand gain a common understanding of the transformationproject, Vehreschild hosted a series of workshops.“Some of the long-serving employees from differentsubsidiaries had never met before, and now theydiscussed their process challenges. Interculturalinteraction was very important,” he said.The transformation team, supported by Valantic expertsand their wealth of knowledge and experience, opted fora decentralized approach. They started with thecompany’s Swiss subsidiary, subsequently expanding toother locations. They had three main topics on theiragenda: SAP best practices, performance of theprocesses, and immediate impact through quick fixes.Transparency Across All Systems and ProcessesFrank Franzlik, head of Process and Project Engineering,Valantic ERP Consulting, described how the businessprocess transformation project started: “Out of the fullSAP Signavio portfolio, we first used SAP SignavioProcess Manager. The solution helps to document,model, and simulate business processes. The scope forthis involved the four core processes of Kaiser: order tocash, purchase to pay, demand to supply, and record toreport. Second, we implemented SAP Signavio ProcessInsights, which identifies, analyzes, prioritizes, andmonitors a customer’s most critical business processesand alerts them when an issue arises.”Vehreschild expressed great satisfaction with the resultsof these preliminary measures: “For the first time, weachieved transparency across all our systems andprocesses, each associated with specific numericalvalues.” It only took the project team about one week toimplement the whole system.

Page 45 FREAK BMW‘human’ robot getsmajor upgrade with400% speed increaseas it’s tasked withproduction line dutiesAN eerie fleet of humanoid robots has been employedby BMW, and productivity is off the charts.Figure Robotics founder Brett Adcock shared a bizarrevideo of the lifelike bots working on the auto brand lineswith a 400% speed boost and skyrocketing success rate.California-based technology company Figure and BMWhave been working together for months to create acompletely autonomous fleet that can shoulder tiringfactory jobs.The first fleet was tested at a plant in Munich, Germany,in August, and BMW leaders said the results werepromising.Now, the bots have been updated with new capabilitiesthat allow them to fly through 1000 auto partplacements per day, Adcock said.Video of the fleet shows them flying throughinstallations with eerie accuracy as they move just likehumans.Video of the fleet shows them flying through installations witheerie accuracy as they move just like humans.Their strength and precision make them the perfect fit foractivities like placing sheet metal into centimeter-thin slots.Figure chose the lifelike design so its robots could tag right intoexisting manufacturing processes, freeing up workers to tackleless grueling tasks."We're committed to delivering millions of useful robots tocompanies and homes worldwide," Adcock said."Humanoid robots in everyday life will make it feel like living 30years in the future."Success StoryPage 40

Page 46 AmericaIntroduces New M-950iA HeavyweightRobotFANUC a world leader in Robotics, FactoryAutomation and ROBOMACHINEs introducesthe M-950iA heavyweight industrial robot,capable of lifting 500 kg—including automotivecomponents, construction materials and EVbattery packs.Fitting perfectly between FANUC’s M-900iB andM-1000iA families, the serial-link structured M-950iA/500 offers a much wider range of motionthan standard parallel-link robots, offeringflexibility that easily adapts to tight workspacesand variable layouts.A high-rigidity design makes it suited forpayloads up to 500 kg and its reach of 2,830 mmis paired with an impressive range of motion onthe robot’s J3 axis, allowing it to flip overbackwards. Capable of handling large and heavywork pieces due to its ultra-strong and powerfulwrist, the robot is also available with accuracyand stiffness enhancement option to maintainhigh accuracy even under the external force,making this an ideal solution for friction stirwelding, drilling, and riveting applications.“We’re thrilled to introduce our newrobot to the market. It’s design isperfect for rapid and robustperformance in heavy part lifting,palletizing, and demandingmaterial handling tasks,” says EricPotter, general manager of FANUCAmerica’s Robot ApplicationSegment. “With its exceptionalstrength and versatility, the M-950iA is set to become apowerhouse for customers seekingadaptable solutions in challengingindustrial environments.”Features and benefits include:6 controlled axes500 kg maximum payloadA long 2,830 mm reachSerial link design with a wide J3 axis motion range and ability to flipover backwardsHigh-performance servomotor drive system offering positioningrepeatability of ±0.08 mmUser-friendly FANUC iPendant teaching device and R-30iB Pluscontroller connectivityAccuracy and stiffness enhancement option available for highestprecision or where external forces may act on the robotFlexiv Unveils ElementsSeries 3: The SmarterSolution for RoboticProgrammingFlexiv, a global leader in general-purpose robotics solutions, is excitedto announce the launch of Elements Series 3, the latest evolution ofthe adaptive robot control system that makes programming faster,easier, and more capable than ever before. Designed to simplify the complex, Flexiv’s engineers have reimaginedthe user experience from the ground up, focusing on human-centereddesign and advanced, semi-automated features.Success StoryPage 41

Page 47 a new rugged Teach Pendant and intuitive easy-to-use software, be they in the office or the productionline floor, robotic programmers of any skill level caneasily create and manage robotic applications. This ability to create programs from scratch is furtherenabled by the Elements Studio’s robotic simulationcapability. This powerful 3D simulation tool allowsusers to design, test, and refine their applicationsbefore deploying them in the real world. Fullycompatible across PCs, the Teach Pendant, and allFlexiv robots, Elements Studio reduces deploymenttime and minimizes risk by allowing thorough testing ina virtual setting. As part of the newly released Elements hardware, theMotion Bar has also been redesigned to put completecontrol at an operator’s fingertips.Based on user feedback, it now includes a status indicator lightand dedicated buttons for mode switching, Freedrive, andJogging. Able to be used independently or docked to the TeachPendant, robotic control has never been so convenient. Built to cater to experts and beginners alike, Elements 3 alsofeatures additional enhanced drag-and-drop function blocks—known as primitives—that are more capable than ever,accelerating the application-building process and reducingprogramming time. When coupled with the ability to build applications by physicallymoving a robot into position in Freedrive mode, the need forcomplex and time-consuming programming is removed. Thishands-on approach means anyone can quickly and efficientlybuild, test, and perfect their application.Fully compatible with all Flexiv robots, including the newlyreleased Moonlight Adaptive Parallel Robot, Elements Series 3opens up a world of automation possibilities. To discover how Flexiv Elements Series 3 can transform yourrobotics applications, please contact: flexibility and adaptability lying at the core ofElements 3, Flexiv has also enabled support formultiple external axes, bringing users seven plusdegrees of freedom (7+N DOF) motion control, makingthe software ideal for complex tasks involving dual-axisrotary platforms or linear guide rails.Success StoryPage 42

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Page 49 Trends: How Robotics Are ShapingAutomotive Cultures WorldwideThe automotive industry stands on the brinkof a technological revolution, with roboticspoised to revolutionize its future. From theinitial design phases to the intricate nuancesof production and beyond, robotics arebecoming essential to nearly every aspect ofthe automotive process. Thistransformational shift is enhancingmanufacturing efficiency while alsofostering innovations that are redefining thecapabilities of vehicles. This widespread adoption of robotics is notjust about improving the productionprocess, it’s about reimagining the entireautomotive experience. Robotics areempowering manufacturers to createsmarter, safer, and more sustainablevehicles while responding to marketdemands for faster, more customizedproduction. As these technologies continueto evolve, they will further reshapeautomotive cultures across the globe,influencing how vehicles are made, used,and experienced. What makes this evolutioneven more interesting is how differentregions are embracing robotics in ways thatreflect their unique industrial focuses andcultural values. Here’s a closer look at howrobotics are reshaping the automotiveindustry worldwide.Japan: A Harmonious Blend of Traditionand InnovationJapan’s use of robotics is not limited toindustrial applications but extends tothe development of futuristic featuressuch as AI-powered autonomousvehicles and driver-assist technologies.Toyota’s introduction of “Woven City” inpartnership with robotics companiesexemplifies a city designed aroundsmart mobility, where robots work toenhance everyday life andtransportation.Japanese robotics are also playing acritical role in improving the ergonomicsof vehicle assembly, reducing physicalstrain on workers and improving workersafety on factory floors.Europe: Enhancing Precision with RoboticsIn addition to the sustainability focus, European manufacturers are alsoadvancing robotics to improve the customization of vehicles. Using highlyadaptable robots, automakers can now offer bespoke designs, fromintricate interior stitching to personalized finishes, all while maintaininghigh precision in a highly automated environment.The focus on sustainability goes beyond electric vehicles—manyEuropean manufacturers are exploring robotics to reduce the carbonfootprint of their production plants. For example, robotic systems areoptimizing energy consumption in manufacturing, contributing to the goalof making production processes carbon-neutral.United States: The Intersection of Robotics and Data AnalyticsRobotics in the U.S. automotive sector is heavily tied to data analytics,with many companies using advanced robotics to collect real-time dataduring the production process. This data is then analyzed to makeinformed decisions that can reduce costs, improve product quality, andspeed up the manufacturing cycle. As a result, manufacturers can quicklyadapt to market demands and optimize their workflows. This synergybetween robotics and data analytics not only enhances efficiency but alsofosters innovation in automotive design and production.Robotic applications are also enhancing vehicle testing and qualityassurance in the U.S., where robots simulate different road conditions toensure that vehicles are equipped to handle every type of terrain, weathercondition, and scenario, ensuring consumer safety.Feature StoryPage 44

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China: Robotics as a Competitive AdvantageChina’s investment in robotics is not limited to just high-volume manufacturing; there is also a significant push toautomate the quality control process. Robotic systemswith AI capabilities are enabling real-time analysis ofdefects during the production of both traditional andelectric vehicles, ensuring that every car meets thehighest standards before reaching the consumer. Thisintegration of advanced robotics is expected tosignificantly reduce waste and improve overallefficiency in the automotive sector. As a result,manufacturers can respond more swiftly to marketdemands while maintaining a commitment to quality.The integration of AI and robotics in China’s automotivesector is also leading to rapid improvements in vehicleperformance. Companies are leveraging machinelearning algorithms to enable robotics to identifymanufacturing inefficiencies and suggestimprovements, driving up production quality whilecutting costs. StoryPage 45Innovative Regional PossibilitiesJapan: The adoption of robotics isenabling Japan to position itself as ahub for advanced autonomous andelectric vehicle technologies, with thepotential to set new standards in theglobal automotive market. This shiftnot only fosters innovation but alsoattracts significant investments fromboth domestic and internationalcompanies. As a result, Japan maylead the charge towards a moresustainable and technologicallyadvanced future in transportation.The United States is at the forefront ofa transformative era where roboticsand data-driven innovation converge,unlocking new possibilities foradvancing autonomous vehicles. Thissynergy promises to usher in a newgeneration of intelligent vehiclescapable of adapting to dynamicenvironments in real time. In 2023, thedensity of robots in the U.S. soared to295 units per 10,000 workers,positioning the nation as the tenthlargest in the world for robotdeployment.China is poised to capitalize on itsrapid manufacturing capabilities byautomating low-cost vehicleproduction, enabling significantgrowth in electric vehicle (EV)manufacturing for both domestic andglobal markets. This strategic movepositions China as a front-runner inproviding affordable yettechnologically advancedtransportation solutions. In 2023,China achieved third place in globalrankings, overtaking Germany andJapan. The nation's commitment toautomation has resulted in aremarkable robot density of 470robots for every 10,000 employees, upfrom 402 in 2022. Remarkably, Chinaonly entered the top 10 for robotdensity in 2019 and has since doubledits capacity in just four years.

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The Republic of Korea is a global leader inthe integration of industrial robots, boastingan impressive ratio of 1,012 robots for every10,000 workers. Since 2018, the density ofrobots has experienced robust averageannual growth of 5%. This exceptionalexpansion is driven by the country'sillustrious electronics sector and aflourishing automotive industry, which areintegral to the Korean economy as theprimary consumers of industrial robots,electronics sector and a thrivingautomotive industry, which play a crucialrole in the Korean economy as the twodominant consumers of industrial robots.The Korean economy heavily depends onthese two primary consumers of industrialrobots. industry and a strong automotiveindustry, the Korean economy relies on thetwo largest customers for industrial robots.This reliance on the electronics andautomotive sectors underscores theimportance of technological advancementand innovation within these industries. Asthey continue to evolve, the demand forincreasingly sophisticated industrial robotswill undoubtedly escalate, further shapingthe future of the Korean economy.Singapore boasts an impressive 770 robotsfor every 10,000 employees. As a smallnation with a limited workforce in themanufacturing sector, Singapore achievesremarkable robot density despite having arelatively modest number of operationalrobots. This high level of automation allowsfor increased efficiency and productivity,positioning Singapore as a leader intechnological innovation. Consequently,the nation continues to attract investmentsand drive advancements in roboticstechnology.Germany ranks fourth globally, boasting animpressive 429 robots for every 10,000employees. The robot density in Europe’slargest economy has experienced aremarkable compound annual growth rate(CAGR) of 5% since 2018. This growthreflects Germany's commitment toautomation and Industry 4.0 initiatives,which are reshaping various sectors. As aresult, companies are increasingly investingin advanced robotics to enhance efficiencyand competitiveness in the global market. StoryPage 46The future of the automotive industry is closely linked to advancements inrobotics. Beyond enhancing manufacturing, robotics will be integral to thevery functionality of vehicles. AI-driven systems, autonomous drivingtechnologies, and vehicle-to-vehicle communication networks will dependon robotics to develop safer and smarter vehicles. As these technologiesevolve, the integration of robotics will not only streamline production butalso revolutionize the driving experience itself. Innovations in this field willpave the way for more sustainable and efficient transportation solutions.Robotics will also reshape the supply chain in the automotive industry,enabling just-in-time production models that reduce waste and increaseefficiency. Advanced robots can adapt to changing supply demands,streamlining processes from parts manufacturing to final vehicleassembly.As robotics technology continues to evolve, it will continue to shape theautomotive landscape in ways that transcend traditional manufacturing.The automotive cultures in Japan, Europe, the U.S., and China are uniquelyevolving with robotics, not just to improve vehicles but to create smarter,more sustainable, and safer transportation systems. The convergence ofAI, IoT, and robotics is setting the stage for a future of interconnected,autonomous, and environmentally responsible vehicles. Thistransformation is not only impacting production efficiency but alsorevolutionizing the way we think about mobility and urban infrastructure.As these technologies become more integrated, we can expect asignificant shift in consumer behavior and expectations aroundtransportation solutions.

Page 52 Trends in Robotics forAutomotive Manufacturing1. Increased Adoption of Collaborative Robots (Cobots)Enhanced Safety Features: Cobots equipped with advancedsensors, AI-driven motion prediction, and real-time pathplanning ensure safer interaction with human workers .Cobotsare equipped with advanced sensors that serve as theirprimary safety mechanism. Force sensors monitor theamount of pressure exerted during operation, allowing thecobot to stop or slow down if excessive force is detected.Proximity sensors detect the presence of objects or peoplenearby, preventing collisions by adjusting the cobot’smovements. Additionally, technologies like LiDAR and visioncameras provide the cobot with a comprehensiveunderstanding of its surroundings, enabling it to reactdynamically to changes in real time.Flexibility and Versatility: Cobots are being used for diversetasks, including welding, assembly, and quality inspection,enabling manufacturers to adapt to changing productionrequirements quickly. This flexibility and versatility enablemanufacturers to respond to market fluctuations, customizeproduction runs, and implement new processes moreefficiently. As a result, cobots are not only improvingoperational agility but also reducing costs and enhancingoverall productivity in dynamic manufacturing environments.Feature StoryPage 472. Advancements in AI and Machine LearningIntegrationPredictive Maintenance: Advancements in AI andmachine learning have revolutionized predictivemaintenance in robotics. AI-driven systemscontinuously monitor cobots, analyzing data suchas vibrations, temperatures, and operationalmetrics to detect early signs of wear or malfunction.Machine learning improves these systems overtime, making fault predictions more accurate andreducing unnecessary maintenance. This allowsmanufacturers to schedule servicing only whenneeded, minimizing downtime and extending thelifespan of robotic components. In industries likeautomotive manufacturing, predictive maintenanceensures consistent productivity and reducesunexpected failures, optimizing overall efficiency.Real-Time Decision Making: Machine learningalgorithms empower robots to make real-timedecisions, allowing them to analyze and responddynamically to complex manufacturing scenarios.By processing data from sensors and systemsinstantaneously, robots can adapt to changes, suchas unexpected obstacles, varying assemblyconditions, or product modifications. For instance,in automotive production, a robot might adjust itswelding parameters on the fly to account formaterial inconsistencies, ensuring quality. Thisability to react in real-time not only enhancesoperational efficiency but also reduces errors anddowntime, making manufacturing processes moreagile and resilient.Enhanced Quality Control: AI-powered visionsystems enhance quality control by enabling robotsto identify even the smallest defects in parts withprecision. These systems use advanced camerasand sensors, coupled with machine learningalgorithms, to analyze components in real time.They can detect issues such as surface irregularities,alignment errors, or material inconsistencies thatmight be invisible to the human eye. In automotiveproduction, this ensures that only parts meetingstringent quality standards move forward in theprocess. By automating defect detection,manufacturers improve consistency, reduce waste,and maintain the high quality expected in theindustry.

Page 53 Focus on Green andSustainable ManufacturingFeature StoryPage 48Energy-Efficient Robots: Energy-efficient robots are transformingmanufacturing by aligningautomation with sustainabilitygoals. Robotics manufacturers arenow designing machines thatconsume significantly less energywithout compromising onperformance. These robotsachieve efficiency throughadvanced motor designs,optimized control algorithms, andlightweight materials that reduceenergy demands. For instance,adaptive power modes allowrobots to operate at lower energylevels during idle or low-intensitytasks. In automotivemanufacturing, these innovationsnot only lower operational costsbut also help reduce theindustry's carbon footprint,supporting global sustainabilityinitiatives while maintaining highproductivity standards.Recycling and RemanufacturingProcesses: Robots areincreasingly being used inrecycling and remanufacturingprocesses, particularly in theautomotive industry, to supportcircular manufacturing. Theserobots efficiently disassembleend-of-life vehicles (ELVs) byremoving valuable componentssuch as batteries, metals, andelectronics. Equipped withadvanced sensors and AI, theycan sort materials with highprecision, ensuring thatrecyclable parts are identified andprocessed correctly. Byautomating the extraction ofreusable materials, robotscontribute to reducing waste andpromoting the repurposing ofcomponents in new vehicleproduction. This approach helpsclose the manufacturing loop,minimizing resource consumptionand supporting sustainablepractices in the industry.Reduction of Waste: Automatedprecision tools in robotics helpsignificantly reduce material wasteduring manufacturing processes such ascutting, welding, and painting. By usingadvanced sensors and real-timeadjustments, these robots ensure thatmaterials are cut or welded with highaccuracy, minimizing excess material andscrap. In painting, robots can applycoatings with precise control, reducingoverspray and ensuring that only thenecessary amount of paint is used. Theseefficiencies not only lower material costsbut also reduce environmental impact,making manufacturing processes moresustainable and resource-efficient.4. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) inIntralogisticsDynamic Routing and Scheduling:Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)equipped with AI enhance intralogisticsby optimizing the movement of parts andmaterials within complex warehouseenvironments. These robots use dynamicrouting and scheduling to adapt in realtime to changes, such as obstacles,traffic, or shifts in production demand. AIalgorithms continuously analyze thewarehouse layout and material flow,enabling AMRs to choose the mostefficient path for transporting items. Thisensures that materials are deliveredquickly, minimizing delays and reducingbottlenecks in the supply chain,ultimately increasing overall efficiencyand productivity in manufacturing andlogistics operations.Integration with IoT: Integration withIoT allows Autonomous MobileRobots (AMRs) to provide real-timeupdates on material flow, greatlyenhancing inventory managementand reducing bottlenecks. Byconnecting AMRs to a centralized IoTnetwork, manufacturers can track theexact location of materials andcomponents at any given moment.This connectivity enables AMRs tocommunicate with other systems, likeenterprise resource planning (ERP)and warehouse managementsystems (WMS), ensuring thatinventory levels are accuratelymonitored and replenished asneeded. Additionally, the data fromAMRs helps identify and addresspotential supply chain issues beforethey cause disruptions, improvingoverall operational efficiency.

Page 54 Edge Computing andConnectivity for Smart RoboticsFeature StoryPage 49Real-Time Processing: Edge computingenhances smart robotics by enablingrobots to process data locally, ratherthan relying on centralized cloud servers.This reduces latency and significantlyimproves responsiveness, which iscrucial for high-speed manufacturingtasks. With real-time data processing,robots can instantly adjust their actionsbased on sensor inputs, such asdetecting defects or navigatingobstacles. This enables faster decision-making and more efficient taskexecution, leading to improvedproduction speeds and reduceddowntime. By minimizing the reliance oncloud-based systems, edge computingalso enhances the reliability andscalability of robotics in dynamicmanufacturing environments.5G Integration: 5G integration plays acrucial role in advancing smart roboticsby providing high-speed and low-latencycommunication between robots andother factory systems. This seamlessconnectivity allows multiple robots towork in sync, coordinating their actionsin real time for complex tasks such asassembly, material handling, andinspection. With 5G, robots can quicklyexchange data with each other and withcentralized control systems, enablingmore precise and efficient operations.The low-latency nature of 5G ensuresminimal delays, enhancingresponsiveness in dynamicenvironments and optimizingproduction workflows across the factoryfloor.Data Security: Edge computingenhances data security in smart roboticsby processing sensitive manufacturingdata locally, reducing the risk of cyberthreats associated with transmittingdata over long distances to centralizedcloud servers. By keeping critical datawithin the factory’s local network, edgecomputing limits exposure to potentialvulnerabilities and attacks. Additionally,it allows for the implementation ofrobust cybersecurity measures directlyat the source, such as encryption andreal-time monitoring, ensuring thatsensitive information remains These trends highlight how robotics is revolutionizing automotive manufacturing,focusing on innovation, efficiency, and sustainability in the face of evolvingindustry demands. From advanced cobots enhancing worker safety andflexibility to AI-driven predictive maintenance optimizing operations, robotics isenabling manufacturers to meet evolving industry demands. The integration ofenergy-efficient robots, smart IoT connectivity, and real-time data processingthrough edge computing ensures both operational excellence and a reducedenvironmental footprint. As the industry continues to embrace these cutting-edge technologies, robotics will remain at the forefront of shaping the future ofautomotive production, creating more agile, sustainable, and efficientmanufacturing environments.

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E V E N T C A L E N D A RJanuaryG E E L O N G C L A S S I C T R U C K& M A C H I N E R Y S H O W2 0 2 5G E E L O N G S H O W G R O U N D SM A R K E T , B R E A K W A T E R ,A U S T R A L I A 1 1 - 1 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5DecemberF U T U R E C E M E N TC O N F E R E N C E A N DE X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 4H O T E L P U L L M A N B R U S S E L SC E N T R E M I D I , B R U S S E L S ,B E L G I U M0 3 - 0 4 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4F U T U R E O F C H E M I C A LR E C Y C L I N G 2 0 2 5K O L O B R Z E G , P O L A N D0 1 - 3 1 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5I R A N I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N O F M O L DA N D R E L A T E DI N D U S T R I E S 2 0 2 5N I N G B O I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N F E R E N C E A N DE X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,N I N G B O , C H I N A1 9 - 2 1 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5T H E M A G N E T I C S S H O WE U R O P E 2 0 2 4R A I A M S T E R D A M ,A M S T E R D A M ,N E T H E R L A N D S0 3 - 0 4 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4I N T E R N A T I O N A L V A L V E SC O N F E R E N C E A N DE X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 4D H A H R A N E X P O , D H A H R A N ,S A U D I A R A B I A0 3 - 0 5 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4S H A N G H A I I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N O N H E A T I N GT E C H N O L O G Y 2 0 2 4S H A N G H A I W O R L D E X P OE X H I B I T I O N A N DC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R ,S H A N G H A I , C H I N A0 4 - 0 6 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4N A N J I N G I N T E R N A T I O N A LA D V A N C E DM A N U F A C T U R I N G A N DS M A R T F A C T O R YE X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 4N A N J I N G I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,N A N J I N G , C H I N A0 4 - 0 7 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4M A N U F A C T U R I N GI N D O N E S I A 2 0 2 4J I E X P O C O N V E N T I O NC E N T R E A N D T H E A T R E ,J A K A R T A U T A R A ,I N D O N E S I A0 4 - 0 7 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N F O R M E T A LW O R K I N G , C N CM A C H I N E R Y , I N D U S T R I A LT O O L S , W E L D I N G A N DC U T T I N G E Q U I P M E N T 2 0 2 4E G Y P T I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,C A I R O , E G Y P T1 2 - 1 5 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4G L O B A L I N D U S T R I A LE X P O 2 0 2 4A U T O C L U S T E RE X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,P U N E , I N D I A1 3 - 1 5 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4M T M M E T A L W O R L D E X P O2 0 2 4S H A N G H A I N E WI N T E R N A T I O N A L E X P OC E N T R E ( S N I E C ) ,S H A N G H A I , C H I N A1 8 - 2 0 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4S H A N G H A II N T E R N A T I O N A LE L E C T R O N I C C H E M I C A L SA N D N E W M A T E R I A L SE X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 4S H A N G H A I N E WI N T E R N A T I O N A L E X P OC E N T R E ( S N I E C ) ,S H A N G H A I , C H I N A1 8 - 2 0 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4C H I N A M A C H I N E X I N D I A2 0 2 4B O M B A Y E X H I B I T I O NC E N T R E ( B E C ) , M U M B A I ,I N D I A2 3 - 2 5 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4G L O B E - T E C HE N G I N E E R I N G E X P O -B E L A G A V I 2 0 2 5M A L I N I C I T Y , B E L A G A V I ,I N D I A1 0 - 1 3 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5A I & B U S I N E S SA U T O M A T I O N E X P OO S A K A 2 0 2 5I N T E X O S A K A , O S A K A ,J A P A N1 5 - 1 7 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N F E R E N C E &E X H I B I T I O N O NR E I N F O R C E D P L A S T I C S2 0 2 5B O M B A Y E X H I B I T I O NC E N T R E ( B E C ) , M U M B A I ,I N D I A2 1 - 2 3 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N F O RM A T E R I A L H A N D L I N G &S T O R A G E E Q U I P M E N T2 0 2 5R I Y A D H I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N V E N T I O N &E X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,R I Y A D H , S A U D I A R A B I A2 1 - 2 3 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5E L E C T R O N I C SD E V E L O P M E N T A N DI M P L E M E N T A T I O NE X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 5T O K Y O B I G S I G H T , K O T O ,J A P A N2 2 - 2 4 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5I N T E R P L A S T P A C K E A S TA F R I C A 2 0 2 5A G A K H A N D I A M O N DJ U B I L E E H A L L , D A R E SS A L A A M , T A N Z A N I A2 3 - 2 5 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5M I D W E S T T O O L E X P O &A U C T I O N 2 0 2 5M I C H I A N A E V E N T C E N T E R( M E C ) , H O W E , U S A2 3 - 2 5 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5M I C H I A N A E V E N T C E N T E R( M E C ) , H O W E , U S A G 2 3 -2 5 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5T H E S P A A T T H E H I L T O ND A Y T O N A B E A C HO C E A N F R O N T R E S O R T ,D A Y T O N A B E A C H , U S A2 6 - 3 1 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5

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E V E N T C A L E N D A RMarchFebruaryE N G I E X P O S U R A T 2 0 2 5V A N I T A V I S H R A M G R O U N D ,S U R A T , I N D I A0 1 - 0 3 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5I N D I A I N D U S T R I A L F A I R2 0 2 5N S I C , R A J K O T , I N D I A0 2 - 0 5 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5I N T E R L A B E X P OI N D O N E S I A 2 0 2 5J I E X P O C O N V E N T I O NC E N T R E A N D T H E A T R E ,J A K A R T A U T A R A ,I N D O N E S I A P U N E , I N D I A2 0 - 2 2 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5S P E H Y D R A U L I CF R A C T U R I N G T E C H N O L O G YC O N F E R E N C E A N DE X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 5T H E W O O D L A N D SW A T E R W A Y M A R R I O T TH O T E L & C O N V E N T I O NC E N T E R , T H E W O O D L A N D S ,U S A0 4 - 0 6 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N O NF O U N D R Y T E C H N O L O G YE Q U I P M E N T S U P P L I E SA N D S E R V I C E S 2 0 2 5B I S W A B A N G L A M E L AP R A N G A N , K O L K A T A ,I N D I A0 9 - 1 1 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5E X P O M A N U F A C T U R A 2 0 2 5C I N T E R M E X , M O N T E R R E Y ,M E X I C O1 1 - 1 3 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5T H A I L A N D I N D U S T R I A LF A I R 2 0 2 5B I T E C | B A N G K O KI N T E R N A T I O N A L T R A D E &E X H I B I T I O N C E N T R E ,B A N G K O K , T H A I L A N D1 1 - 1 3 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5I N T E R N A T I O N A L M E E T &E X P O O N C H E M I C A LE N G I N E E R I N G A N DC A T A L Y S I S 2 0 2 5D U B A I , U A E1 3 - 1 5 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5I R A N I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N O F M O L DA N D R E L A T E DI N D U S T R I E S 2 0 2 5I M A M K H O M E Y N IM U S A L L A , T E H R A N , I R A N1 6 - 1 8 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5B A T T E R Y & P O W E R W O R L D2 0 2 5S C I E N C E C O N G R E S SC E N T E R M U N I C H ,G A R C H I N G , G E R M A N Y2 5 - 2 6 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5I N T E R N A T I O N A LE Q U I P M E N TM A N U F A C T U R I N GI N D U S T R Y E X P O S I T I O N2 0 2 5J I N A N S H U N G E N GI N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N V E N T I O N &E X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,J I N A N , C H I N A2 7 F E B R U A R Y - 0 2 M A R C H2 0 2 5S H E N Z H E N I N T E R N A T I O N A LR V A N D M O T O R H O M EE C O L O G Y E X H I B I T I O N2 0 2 5S H E N Z H E N C O N V E N T I O N &E X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,S H E N Z H E N , C H I N A2 8 F E B R U A R Y - 0 3 M A R C H2 0 2 5N I G E R I A M A N U F A C T U R I N G& E Q U I P M E N T E X P O 2 0 2 5L A N D M A R K C E N T R E ,L A G O S , N I G E R I A0 4 - 0 6 M A R C H 2 0 2 5I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O O P E R A T I V E T R A D E F A I RF O R T O O L S A N DP R O C E S S I N G I N D U S T R Y2 0 2 5B Y D G O S K I E C E N T R U MT A R G O W O -W Y S T A W I E N N I C Z E ,B Y D G O S Z C Z , P O L A N D0 4 - 0 6 M A R C H 2 0 2 5M A N U F A C T U R I N GD I G I T A L I Z A T I O N E X P O2 0 2 5S H A N G H A I N E WI N T E R N A T I O N A L E X P OC E N T R E ( S N I E C ) ,S H A N G H A I , C H I N A0 5 - 0 7 M A R C H 2 0 2 5A S E A N B A N G K O K H V A C &C L E A N R O O M I N D U S T R YE X P O 2 0 2 5I M P A C T E X H I B I T I O NC E N T E R , P A K K R E T ,T H A I L A N D0 5 - 0 7 M A R C H 2 0 2 5D E M O L I T I O N N E W O R L E A N SA N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N &E X P O 2 0 2 5N E W O R L E A N S , U S A0 5 - 0 8 M A R C H 2 0 2 5T H A I L A N D E L E C T R O N I CS M A R T M A N U F A C T U R I N GS E R I E S E X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 5I M P A C T E X H I B I T I O NC E N T E R , P A K K R E T ,T H A I L A N D0 6 - 0 8 M A R C H 2 0 2 5T I R E T E C H N O L O G Y E X P O2 0 2 5D E U T S C H E M E S S E A G ,H A N O V E R , G E R M A N Y0 4 - 0 6 M A R C H 2 0 2 5T I R E T E C H N O L O G Y E X P O2 0 2 5D E U T S C H E M E S S E A G ,H A N O V E R , G E R M A N Y0 4 - 0 6 M A R C H 2 0 2 5C H I N A I N T E R N A T I O N A LP O W D E R M E T A L L U R G Y A N DC E M E N T E D C A R B I D EE X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 5S H A N G H A I W O R L D E X P OE X H I B I T I O N A N DC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R ,S H A N G H A I , C H I N A1 0 - 1 2 M A R C H 2 0 2 5C H E M I C A L R E C Y C L I N G I NN O R T H A M E R I C A 2 0 2 5T H E W E S T I N G A L L E R I AD A L L A S , D A L L A S , U S A1 1 - 1 2 M A R C H 2 0 2 5I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N F O R T H EC O R R U G A T E D A N DF O L D I N G C A R T O NI N D U S T R Y 2 0 2 5M E S S E M Ü N C H E N G M B H ,M U N I C H , G E R M A N Y1 1 - 1 3 M A R C H 2 0 2 5K O R E A I N T E R N A T I O N A LP L A S T I C S A N D R U B B E RS H O W 2 0 2 5K I N T E X , G O Y A N G - S I ,S O U T H K O R E A1 1 - 1 4 M A R C H 2 0 2 5