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Energy Frontiers: Navigating the Seas of Oil, Gas

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T A B L E O FC O N T E N T SPETRONAS UnveilsDual Initiatives toStrengthen....0 10 10 1‘tomorrow’s WorldToday’ FeaturesChevron’s...0 10 10 1Insight OutOMV secures long-term supply of 67GWh green...0 20 20 2PETRONAS HostsFirst OGSE PartnersDay in Terengganu...0 30 30 3Neste to re-evaluateits renewablehydrogen plan and...0 60 60 6OCP Group andENGIE signpartnership in....0 60 60 6China's first 'smartfactory' for offshoreoil, gas equipment...0 90 90 9StrengtheningInternationalCollaboration....1 01 01 0Imodco receivesApproval in Principlefrom ABS for Jetty...1 11 11 1BP completesacquisition ofLightsource bp...1 31 31 3QatarEnergy enters20-year naphthasupply agreement...1 41 41 4

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BP and Iberdrolaannounce finalinvestment...1 41 41 4Repsol launchesNexa, thecommercial brand...1 81 81 8Low-CarbonElectricity: Becominga World Leader...1 61 61 6Impressive!Pertamina’s CO2Injection at....1 91 91 9Schneider Electricand Saint-Gobaincollaborate on...2 32 32 3igus UnveilsGroundbreakingMobile Shore...2 62 62 6Transform field datainto actionablebusiness data....2 72 72 7New UCF-SiemensEnergy PegasusPartnership to...1 71 71 7ADNOC and AIQAccelerateDeployment of....2 22 22 2Huawei LaunchesLatest JointInnovation and AI...2 42 42 4Technology & ProductsSecure M12 PushPullconnections forADLINK AVA 1000...2 72 72 7New EmersonSolution ReducesEnergy Costs,Carbon Emissions...2 32 32 3

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Siemens launchesfully electronic e-Starter with....3 13 13 1Dassault SystèmesLaunchesSOLIDWORKS....3 23 23 2Concrete in Life2024/20254 54 54 5Sustainable Harvest:Innovations in Oil andGas Extraction....3 43 43 4Bureau Veritas /Naval Group4 04 04 0Success StoryStart Up EnergyTransition Award20254 94 94 9Feature StorySailing Green – Eco-Friendly Designs inModern....3 63 63 6UnderstandingInspection Robots:Definition, Types....4 24 24 2Great OpportunityThirty-Five TeamsQualify for 2025Collegiate Wind....4 64 64 6World SustainableDevelopment Summit20254 84 84 82025 Collegiate WindCompetition4 84 84 8Event CalendarGermanSUSTAINABLEBUILDING Award....5 15 15 1

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P U B L I S H E R ’ SN O T EHappy Deepavali!As we celebrate the festival of lights, we extendour warmest wishes for a Happy Deepavali toall our readers. May this auspicious occasionbring you peace, prosperity, and success in allyour endeavors.In this special edition of Industrial Guide AsiaMagazine, we dive into the exciting topic ofEnergy Frontiers: Navigating the Seas of Oil,Gas, and Sustainable Marine Solutions. As theglobal energy landscape continues to evolve,the maritime sector is experiencing significanttransformation, balancing traditional oil and gasoperations with the demand for greener, moresustainable solutions.We take a closer look at the innovative stridesbeing made within the oil and gas industries,which are adapting to global climate goals whileensuring energy security. At the same time, weexplore the rise of sustainable marine solutionssuch as offshore wind, green hydrogen, andmarine energy technologies—paving the way fora cleaner, more efficient energy future.Through expert analyses, industry insights,and forward-thinking technologies, this issueaims to provide a comprehensive perspectiveon how companies in Asia and across theglobe are navigating these energy frontiers.Whether optimizing existing operations orembracing new sustainable innovations, thefuture of the marine energy sector lookspromising and filled with potential.We hope this issue inspires you to reflect onthe current advancements and futureopportunities in the maritime energy sector.Thank you for your continued support, and welook forward to continuing this journey withyou as we navigate the seas of innovation andsustainability.Warm Regards,IndustrialGuide Asia

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Page 1PETRONAS, through Malaysia Petroleum Management(MPM), announced two initiatives aimed at bolstering therobustness of the local oil and gas sector, namely theintroduction of the Integrated Well Continuity Servicescontract and the planned establishment of the MPMHydraulic Workover Unit Academy.The first initiative, the Integrated Well Continuity Services(IWCS) contract was designed to address the challengesposed by rising cost and dynamic market conditions. TheIWCS introduces a more balanced approach to cost andmargins management compared with an earlier iterationknown as the Integrated Well Services (IWS) model.The implementation of IWCS adopts a comprehensivecontracting strategy, segmenting the work into fourprimary packages and 13 sub-packages covering criticalareas such as well interventions, well abandonment andworkover, as well as subsea intervention services.Following a thorough and rigorous technical evaluationprocess, 34 qualified panel contractors were selected todeliver the work. This new approach is expected to fosterequitable and effective collaboration in engineeringprojects for wells.The second initiative paves the way for the establishmentof the MPM Hydraulic Workover Unit (HWU) Academythrough a Memorandum of Understanding betweenPETRONAS, and both local and international HWU serviceproviders.Expected to be launched in 2025, the Academy will play apivotal role in developing specialised skills in wellabandonment and workover. This initiative aims toempower a capable workforce for the sustainable growthof the local oil and gas industry.“PETRONAS continues to prioritise initiatives such as theIWCS contract and the MPM HWU Academy to enhanceoperational effectiveness and foster collaboration acrossthe industry. These efforts will contribute to strategicallypositioning Malaysia more competitively in the globalenergy market,” he added.PETRONAS Unveils DualInitiatives to StrengthenMalaysia's Oil & Gas SectorInsight OutPETRONAS remains steadfast in its commitment to ensure anoptimal and sustainable supply of oil and gas for energy security,with MPM playing a crucial role in managing petroleumarrangements and providing stewardship for upstreampetroleum activities in Malaysia. For more information oninvestment opportunities in Malaysia, please visit Vice President of MPM, Datuk Ir. Bacho Pilong,said “The IWCS contract is a major leap in our wellsmanagement strategy, focusing on resourceoptimisation and job continuity. In addition, the MPMHWU Academy will be essential in strengthening localexpertise to future proof the sector.‘tomorrow’s World Today’Features Chevron’sTechnology and InnovationColorado is the fourth-largest crude oil producing state in theU.S. And more than 80% of Colorado crude comes from WeldCounty, which sits on the Denver-Julesburg Basin. TheScience Channel program Tomorrow’s World Today recentlyvisited Chevron’s Colorado operations.

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Page 2Colorado is the fourth-largest crude oil producing state inthe U.S. And more than 80% of Colorado crude comes fromWeld County, which sits on the Denver-Julesburg Basin. TheScience Channel program Tomorrow’s World Todayrecently visited Chevron’s Colorado operations.Chevron has expanded its operations and capabilities inColorado. The company has also implemented technology thatwill help it improve efficiency, lower the carbon intensity of itsoperations and develop innovative energy solutions. Here arejust a few of Chevron’s notable achievements in the area:Next-gen facility designs lower greenhouse gas emissionsfrom Chevron’s Colorado operations by more than 90% andreduce surface area by more than 95%, compared withChevron’s older facilities.At one Colorado facility, Chevron constructed a 999-kilowatt solar array designed to meet all the facility’selectricity needs. It’s estimated that this could help reduceCO2 emissions by more than 1,000 metric tons in 2025.Where possible, Chevron invests in infrastructure that useselectricity from the power grid to power drilling rigs. Thisreduces the company’s on-site greenhouse gas emissionsfrom drilling operations by more than 60%.Remote drilling allows the workforce to operate equipmentfrom a controlled environment rather than on the rig floor.This increases safety and precision.Insight OutThe world’s demand for energy has never been greater. Andas that need continues to grow, Chevron’s approach offersvaluable insights. “We aim to grow our oil and gas businessand lower the carbon intensity of our operations,” said KimMcHugh, vice president of Chevron’s Rockies Business Unit.“Many energy solutions will be needed, and we believe theworld will still require oil and natural gas.”By combining cutting-edge technologies with long-termstrategies, Chevron is helping to build the lower carbonenergy systems of the future.OMV secures long-termsupply of 67 GWh greenelectricity per yearOMV concludes power purchase agreements (PPAs),with VERBUND and ImWind and secures an annualpurchase of 67 GWh of sustainable electricity. Thisvolume corresponds to the annual power consumptionof around 16,000 households1. With this supply ofgreen energy, OMV will be able to cover over 35percent of the external electricity requirements of theSchwechat refinery and the Adria Wien Pipeline (AWP).This enables OMV to reduce its carbon footprint andaccelerate the use of renewable energy sources.The sustainable power obtained by OMV comes fromrenewable energy sources and comprises 65 percenthydropower and 35 percent wind energy, which willhelp OMV save around 11,000 tons of CO2 per year anda total of around 60,300 tons for the term of theagreements. It will lead to a significant reduction of theScope 2 emissions from the Schwechat refinery and theAdria Wien Pipeline.“Our collaborations with VERBUND and ImWindwill contribute to the reliable and sustainableenergy supply to our facilities. We are advancingour ambitious decarbonization targets in ourStrategy 2030. The partnerships for renewableenergy play an important role in supporting thetransition towards a low-carbon future and we willcontinue to expand our portfolio of PPAs,” saysAlfred Stern, Chairman of the Executive Board andCEO of OMV AG.

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Page 3Insight OutDemonstrating its commitment to upskill local vendors, YayasanPembangunan Usahawan Terengganu (YPU) also showcased theAnak Terengganu Certificate (ATC) at the event. As the custodianof ATC, YPU provides certification to Terengganu vendors,empowering them to actively participate in oil and gas activities.YPU oversees the verification and certification process whilecollaborating with various agencies to offer certificate holdersaccess to structured programmes focused on capability building,skill enhancement and financial management.As a catalyst for Malaysia’s oil and gas ecosystem, PETRONAS iscommitted to strengthening the resilience of the local OGSEsector to become globally competitive and technically competentin new and novel technologies that support the energy transition.PETRONAS remains dedicated to building a strong OGSEecosystem in Terengganu through various programmes to supportits vendors including the Vendor Financing Programme (VFP)which facilitated access to financing of over RM 342 million for 54Terengganu-based companies since 2018, in partnership withnine financial institutions.“Today, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment inthe oil and gas industry, where the landscape isdefined by global challenges that cross borders.We urge Terengganu OGSE vendors to activelyseek opportunities for innovation and growth.By prioritising capability building and upskilling,vendors can enhance their resilience andcompetitiveness, ensuring that they are well-positioned to meet industry demands and drivesustainable growth,” she said.VERBUND is Austria’s leading electricity company and will provide OMV with 44 GWh of electricity obtained fromhydropower annually for four years starting in January 2025. OMV’s agreement with ImWind, an Austrian wind power andphotovoltaics pioneer, will last for eight years and ensures an annual capacity of 23.5 GWh derived from wind power. Thesupply is due to start in November 2024.PETRONAS Hosts First OGSE Partners Day in Terengganu toFoster Resilient EcosystemPETRONAS hosted its Terengganu Oil and Gas Servicesand Equipment (OGSE) Partners Day following the lastevent in Kuala Lumpur on 4 September. The eventbrought together over 200 local industry players andstakeholders to share the latest offerings andcollaborate on enhancing vendor capabilities to foster amore sustainable and resilient ecosystem.Terengganu OGSE Partners Day aimed to focus onrallying for action sessions exploring key topics such assustainability, technology innovation, financing andgrowth, capability and talent development andoperational excellence. Additionally, there were alsonine exhibition booths ranging from government andindustry associations, as well as financial institutions.PETRONAS Vice President of Group Procurement,Rashidah Alias in her keynote address highlighted theimportance for OGSE vendors to develop local talentand capabilities to strengthen the competitivenesswithin the state, amidst the energy transition.The event was also supported by the Terengganu StateGovernment, with the presence of Ir. Saiful Azmi BinSuhaili, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Kemasik,alongside Puan Afnida, Chief Executive Officer ofYayasan Pembangunan Usahawan Terengganu.

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Page 4Insight OutIn addition to VFP, PETRONAS’ Vendor DevelopmentProgramme (VDP), which has been nurturing Bumiputeravendors since 1993, has significantly impacted the localindustry, with 10 Terengganu-based companies participating todate. Additionally, seven Terengganu companies are currentlysupported under VDPx, an extension of VDP, aimed at scalingup the capabilities of high-performing vendors and amplifyingits benefits across the industry and the nation.As PETRONAS celebrates its 50th anniversary, the globalenergy company remains dedicated to its mandate under thePetroleum Development Act (PDA) 1974. PETRONAScontinues to support the government’s efforts to driveeconomic growth through maximising petroleum resources byworking closely with industry players, stakeholders andgovernment agencies to strengthen the resilience of the OGSEsector.

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Page 6Neste to re-evaluate its renewable hydrogen plan andwithdraw from investing into a 120 MW electrolyzer at thePorvoo refineryNeste has decided to withdrawfrom investing into a 120 MWelectrolyzer project to producerenewable hydrogen at its Porvoorefinery in Finland. The decisionfollows the completion of the basicengineering phase, whichcommenced in May 2023. The reasons behind the withdrawalare the company’s challengingmarket conditions and financialperformance, requiring criticalassessment of any newinvestments. Evaluation of thisproject has been impacted by thetight limitations on the use ofrenewable hydrogen in therefinery’s processes in fulfilling theFinnish national distributionobligation. These limitationsprevent the full economicutilization of electrolyzer of thissize.Insight Out“While we are discontinuing the initial renewable hydrogen project, we areactively evaluating alternative pathways for securing renewable hydrogen inPorvoo. Our ambition remains to utilize renewable hydrogen at the Porvoorefinery, contributing also to fulfillment of the Finnish renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBO) distribution obligation. Together with our partners, wecontinue the work to develop hydrogen ecosystems connected to our Porvoorefinery,” says Markku Korvenranta, Executive Vice President for Oil Productsbusiness unit at Neste.OCP Group and ENGIE sign partnership in MoroccoOCP Group and ENGIE have signed a strategic partnership aimed at accelerating OCP Group's energy transition andsupporting the Kingdom of Morocco's ambitions for sustainable energy. This partnership was officially announced on October28th in Rabat, in the presence of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the President of France, Emmanuel Macron.

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Page 7The strategic partnership signing took place on October28 in Rabat, in the presence of His Majesty KingMohammed VI and the President of the French Republic,Emmanuel Macron. The agreement was signed byMostafa Terrab, Chairman and CEO of OCP Group, andCatherine MacGregor, CEO of ENGIE, as part of theFrench President's State visit to Morocco.Four industrial projects and an R&I agenda aligned withOCP Group’s decarbonization strategy:The JDA primarily aims to co-develop and manage fourlarge-scale industrial projects:Developing renewable energy capacity, coupled withstorage solutions to ensure flexibility within OCPGroup's energy network;Creating on-site electrical infrastructure connectedto these new renewable energy sources;Developing green ammonia production capacity,alongside feasibility studies for other green hydrogenderivatives, such as e-methanol and e-SAF, amongothers;And developing water desalination capacity foragricultural use in regions where OCP Groupoperates.The agreement also includes deploying a research andinnovation agenda to strengthen the competitiveness ofthis collaboration and foster innovative opportunities.This partnership between ENGIE and OCP addressesOCP Group’s energy and environmental challenges andaligns with its decarbonization strategy as well asMorocco’s ambitious energy transition goals.Insight OutA strategic partnership for a sustainable futureOCP Group, a global leader in the phosphate industry andphosphate-based plant nutrition and fertilizer solutions, andENGIE, an international leader in energy transition, are joiningforces to create a unique industrial platform dedicated toenergy transition. This platform will strengthen the localindustrial ecosystem, generating national economic andtechnological opportunities and creating potential jobopportunities.Mostafa Terrab, Chairman and CEO of OCP Group,stated: “This partnership with ENGIE supports ourcommitment to sustainable growth, focused on energyinnovation and decarbonization. Through this strategicalliance, we will continue to enhance OCP Group’sinternational competitiveness in renewable energy,contributing to a sustainable future for generations tocome.”Catherine MacGregor, CEO of ENGIE, added: “Thispartnership with OCP Group reflects a shared vision ofenergy transition, with an integrated and diversifiedapproach to technological solutions. Together, we willdrive the development of low-carbon energy solutionswhile strengthening Morocco’s industrial ecosystem.This collaboration will position our groups as keyplayers in the decarbonization of Morocco and bolsterENGIE’s presence in the country.”

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Page 9China's first intelligentmanufacturing base for offshoreoil and gas equipment was put intofull operation on Wednesday inNorth China's Tianjinmunicipality.Covering an area of about575,000 square meters, this basebuilt along the coast of the BohaiSea focuses on producing offshoreoil and gas platforms and high-endoffshore products such asliquefied natural gas modules,according to its constructor ChinaOffshore Oil EngineeringCompany (COOEC), a subsidiaryof the China National Offshore OilCorporation.The base consists of fourintelligent production workshops,eight production auxiliary centers,16 final assembly stations andcore facilities such as docksfacilitating product transportationvia large ships. There are also over600 intelligent productionmachines at this base.Compared to the traditionalmanufacturing process, a series ofoperations such as materialretrieval, pipe coiling, cutting andhydraulic bending can be achievedvia a single click through anintelligent manufacturingmanagement platform available atthe Tianjin facility.China's first 'smart factory' for offshore oil, gas equipmentfully operationalInsight OutAccording to Wang Lei, one ofthe senior executives of theTianjin branch of COOEC,there are a variety of offshoreoil and gas equipments, and inthe past, producing themfeatured complicatedmanufacturing processes, andcustomized and non-standardrequirements.As a result, COOEC opted todevelop an intelligentmanufacturing managementplatform to achieve intelligentproduction under complexconditions, said Wang. "Moremanufacturing processes arenow achieved through the useof equipment, while only asmall number of workers areneeded to undertake detailadjustment tasks."The base was constructed intwo phases. The first phase ofthe project was put into use inJune 2022, and delivered 35offshore oil and gas platformsto countries such as China andCanada, with total weightexceeding 87,000 tonnes.In the second constructionphase of this project, eight finalassembly stations and anintelligent pipe production linewere added, while the capacityof docks was increased."Production efficiency achieved by theintelligent pipe production line has increased byabout 20 percent when compared to what waspossible in the first phase, and the overallproduction capacity of the factory has doubledthrough digital intelligent manufacturing andprecise management," Wang revealed.In 2023, China's offshore crude oil production hadexceeded 62 million tonnes, a year-on-year increase of3.4 million tonnes -- accounting for about 70 percentof China's total crude oil production increase last year.

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Page 10PT Pertamina (Persero) has partneredwith the United States Agency forInternational Development (USAID)to enhance the understanding ofCarbon Capture and Storage (CCS)and Carbon Capture Utilization andStorage (CCUS) technology. Thiscollaboration includes a benchmarkingstudy with several oil and gascompanies in Houston, United States.Strengthening International Collaboration: Pertamina – USAIDConduct CCS and CCUS Study in Houston, United StatesInsight OutPertamina also participated insharing sessions at Chevron’s DrillingSupport Center and Pipeline ControlCenter. Pertamina and USAIDattended knowledge-sharing sessionsat Occidental Petroleum (Oxy), anenergy company developinginnovative approaches to achievingnet-zero fuel solutions. Thedelegation also met therepresentatives from RiceUniversity’s Baker Institute for PublicPolicy and the Center for CarbonManagement in Energy (CCME) atthe University of Houston.Retno Setianingsih, Senior EnergyProgram Specialist atUSAID/Indonesia, stated that theUnited States supports theIndonesian government in expandingreliable and equitable energy servicesto advance sustainable developmentand inclusive economic growth. “Aspart of this commitment, USAID hasprovided technical assistance tosupport Indonesia’s transition to alow-carbon economy,” said Retno.During the business best practiceactivities in Houston, Fadjar noted thatPertamina engaged directly withCCS/CCUS industry leaders in theUnited States, discussing various topics.It included visiting ExxonMobil, whichrecently acquired Denbury Inc., acompany experienced in CCS/CCUSsolutions and enhanced oil recovery.The Vice President of CorporateCommunication of Pertamina,Fadjar Djoko Santoso, stated thatthis benchmarking activity allowsPertamina to gain deeper insightsand build internationalcollaboration to develop CCS andCCUS technology in Indonesia.“CCS/CCUS technologyapplication is part of Pertamina'scommitment to decarbonization,aimed at reducing emissions,providing sustainable energysolutions, and supporting thegovernment’s energy self-sufficiency goals,” said Fadjar.Pertamina and USAID havecollaborated on technicalassistance for the CCS/CCUStechnology commercial applicationsince 2023. This cooperation isfurther strengthened bybenchmarking with CCS/CCUSbusiness leaders in the UnitedStates. “We hope this partnershipwill broaden our understanding ofregulatory frameworks, marketpotential, advanced technology,and financial support, making theCCS and CCUS implementation inIndonesia effective and a promisingbusiness for the future,” addedFadjar.

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Page 11Stella Octaviani Bustan, Senior Expert in Investor Relations at PTPertamina (Persero) and one of the benchmarking participants, addedthat this business best practice activity enhances Pertamina’s insight,technical capacity, and expertise, especially regarding CCUSimplementation.“Achieving sustainability requires collaboration with many parties, andwe are very grateful to USAID for the support and cooperation thathas significantly helped us realize energy transition through low-carbon solutions and achieve broader sustainability goals,” said Stella.Insight OutImodco, part of the SBM Offshore group, has been awarded Approval inPrinciple (AiP) by ABS Group for the use of its well proven jetty-lesssystems Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM) Soft Yoke systems,designed for ammonia and Tower Loading Unit (TLU) for CO₂ injection.This recognition highlights Imodco’s commitment to advancingsustainable energy solutions and leveraging over 65 years of expertise.Pertamina, as a leading company in the energytransition, is committed to supporting the Net ZeroEmission 2060 target by continuously promotingprograms that directly impact the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs) achievement: Goal 7 –Affordable and Clean Energy, Goal 8 – DecentWork and Economic Growth, and Goal 13 – ClimateAction. All these efforts align with Environmental,Social & Governance (ESG) implementation acrossall Pertamina's business lines and operations.Imodco receives Approval in Principle from ABS for Jetty-lessTerminals Technology for Ammonia and CO2The AiPs were issued at Gastech 2024, whereABS reviewed Imodco’s innovative jetty-lesssystems, which enhance safety and efficiency bymoving ammonia transfers away from shore.Imodco continues to collaborate with ABS onsolutions supporting the global energytransition.

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Page 13BP completes acquisition of Lightsource BPInsight Outbp has completed its acquisition of theremaining 50.03% interest inLightsource bp, one of the world’sleading developers and operators ofutility-scale solar and battery storageassets. In November 2023, bp announced ithad agreed to acquire the 50.03%interest it did not already own inLightsource bp, subject to certainclosing conditions. With the transactionnow complete, Lightsource bp expandsbp’s presence globally in the onshorerenewable energy industry, with a62GW development pipeline andoperations spanning 19 global markets. While bp will take on full ownership,Lightsource bp will retain its standaloneoperating model and independentbrand, delivering renewable andaffordable energy to businesses andcommunities across the world. bp willlook to unlock further value by bringinga strategic partner into the business indue course.Lightsource bp operateswith a develop, engineer,construct and farm-downbusiness model that createsvalue through sellingmajority interests in assetsit has developed to strategicpartners. The acquisitionwill also help bp meet itsown demand for costcompetitive, low carbonpower, including for powertrading, EV charging,biofuels and greenhydrogen.“This deal creates an engine for onshorerenewable power development at bp –combining wind, solar and batteries togenerate the energy flows our tradersneed to optimise value and the electronsour customers want.” William Lin, bp’s executive vice presidentfor gas and low carbon energy William Lin, bp’s executive vice president forgas and low carbon energy, said: “This dealcreates an engine for onshore renewablepower development at bp – combining wind,solar and batteries to generate the energyflows our traders need to optimise value andthe electrons our customers want. It alsohelps us with our own power demand.Ultimately, this capital-light model will helpcreate significant value for bp’s wideroperations. We now look forward towelcoming the team into our global business,helping Lightsource bp continue to build onits market-leading position.”Joaquin Oliveira,Lightsource bp’s groupchief executive, added:“I’m excited to beginthe next chapter,taking Lightsource bpto a new level ofprofitability, growthand performance. Wewill continue to scalethis successfulbusiness, and alsoapply its capabilities tosupport bp’s lowcarbon energybusiness.” Following closure of thetransaction, bp hasconsolidated Lightsourcebp’s Finance Debt andeliminated an existingguarantee issued by bp.

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Page 14Insight OutQatarEnergy enters 20-yearnaphtha supply agreementwith ShellQatarEnergy and Shell have a long-standing strategicpartnership through several shared investments in theenergy industry in Qatar and globally, includingQatarEnergy LNG projects, the Pearl GTL Plant, and severalother joint investments.QatarEnergy has announced entering into a long-termnaphtha supply agreement with Singapore-based ShellInternational Eastern Trading Company (Shell).The 20-year agreement stipulates the supply of up to 18million tons of naphtha to be delivered to Shell starting inApril 2025.In remarks on this occasion, His Excellency Mr. SaadSherida Al-Kaabi, the Minister of State for EnergyAffairs, the President and CEO of QatarEnergy said:“We are delighted to sign QatarEnergy’s first 20-yearnaphtha sales agreement, the largest and longest todate. This is our second such agreement with Shellsince 2019 and builds on our strategy of strongerrelations with established end-users and partners.”His Excellency Minister Al-Kaabi added: “Today’s signingfurther strengthens QatarEnergy’s relationship with Shell,which is not only a reliable naphtha off-taker but also amajor counterpart and strategic partner. We look forwardto building on our longstanding relationship with Shell andachieving greater mutual successes along the way.”On his part, Mr. Wael Sawan, the CEO of Shell, said, “Weare honored to enter into this long-term agreement withour esteemed partner, QatarEnergy. This deal willsupport Shell as we deliver more value for our customersworldwide. Today’s signing marks another significantmilestone in our long-established partnership.”BP and Iberdrola announcefinal investment decisionfor largest green hydrogenplant in SpainBP and Iberdrola have given the green light forconstruction of a 25 MW green hydrogen project at bp'sCastellón refinery which is expected to be operational insecond half of 2026.

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Page 15Insight OutThis is the first hydrogen project jointly undertaken bybp and Iberdrola through Castellón Green HydrogenS.L., a joint venture equally owned by both companies.The project was presented at an official event topublicly celebrate the signing in July 2024 of the finalinvestment decision between bp and Iberdrola. This initiative, which includes the participation of theTechnology Institute of Energy (ITE), has beenawarded funding of 15 million euros from theInnovative Value Chain and Renewable HydrogenKnowledge call of the Spanish Recovery,Transformation, and Resilience Plan, with fundingallocated by NextGenerationEU of the EuropeanUnion.“bp’s first investment decision for an industrialscale project is an important step forward forour hydrogen business. We are focused on value,progressing only the best projects in ourportfolio that can create additional valuethrough integration and fully meet ourinvestment hurdles. This also demonstrates thestrength of partners combining their strengths toadvance a nascent energy source that has thepotential to play meaningful role indecarbonising industry. Castellón refinery canlead the way with its transformation.”-Felipe Arbelaez, BP’s senior vice president,hydrogen & CCS Millán Garcia-Tola, Global Directorof Hydrogen in Iberdrola said “thispartnership with bp and our project isanother step in Iberdrola's firm andreal commitment to promote greenhydrogen as a key vector forindustrial decarbonization. The plantwill convert 200 GWh/yr ofIberdrola’s renewable energy intogreen hydrogen that will contributeto bp’s decarbonization strategy, inanother example of closecollaboration between bothcompanies, reliable partners thatshare values as long termdecarbonization commitment.Iberdrola will apply all the experienceof its existing green hydrogen plantsto optimize and accelerate thedevelopment of this project”.“This project marks a milestone inour strategy and reflects theimportance of collaboration, bothwith other companies that share ourvision, such as Iberdrola, and in thepublic-private sphere. In this way, wenot only advance the transformationof our infrastructure in Castellón, butalso aim to strengthen the economicfabric and industrial capacity of theentire Valencia region,” said OlvidoMoraleda, President of bp EnergíaEspaña.Mario Ruiz-Tagle, CEOof Iberdrola Spain,highlighted that thisproject is “anotherexample of ourstrategic alliance withbp, uniting us to leadthe future ofrenewable hydrogen inthe Valencian region.Projects like Castellónshow that, with thecollaboration of allagents in the sectorand the appropriateincentives, it ispossible to develop anew industrial modelbased on the greenhydrogen value chain.The green hydrogeneconomy is emissionsfree, electrified,attracts investmentand creates qualityjobs in the region. Thisis the true energytransition. Wecontinue to work withcommitted partners toposition Spain as atechnologicalbenchmark, boostingthe creation of a greenhydrogen industry inEurope.”

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Page 16Insight OutThe 25 MW electrolyzer will be powered by renewableelectricity through a power purchase agreement (PPA) signedwith Iberdrola that will supply 200GWh/year coming fromIberdrola’s photovoltaic and wind projects. The electrolyzer willinclude 5 modules of 5 MW containerized proton exchangemembrane (PEM) technology, which will be supplied by PlugPower, a leading manufacturer of green hydrogen solutions. Thegreen hydrogen produced by the electrolysis of water poweredby renewable electricity will comply with Europeanrequirements to produce green hydrogen (Renewable Fuels ofNon-Biological Origin, RFNBO) and will support the transitionof bp’s Castellón refinery into an integrated energy hub. It’sexpected around 2,800 annual tons of green hydrogen couldsubstitute part of the grey hydrogen currently used by therefinery – currently produced from natural gas – and as such isexpected to result in avoiding the emission of 23,000 tons ofCO2 per year, equivalent to the emissions of 5,000 cars overthe same period. This plant could create up to 500 new directjobs during its construction. In parallel to this initial 25 MW project, bp continues to assessopportunities to increase capacity in the coming years. Insubsequent phases of the project, the green hydrogen producedcould also be used in key hard-to-abate industries in theValencia region, such as the ceramics sector replacing naturalgas used in its processes, in chemical industries and in heavytransport.The launch of this project has been announced just weeksafter bp signed a letter of intent with the ValencianGovernment to reinforce the region's position as a leaderin the energy transition. The letter has materialized in thecreation of a joint working committee that will serve as aplatform for dialogue and collaboration between bothparties and will oversee the transformation of bp'srefinery in Castellón into an integrated energy hub. In recent months, Iberdrola has closed several long-termalliances to promote the decarbonisation of the economy.Further to the joint venture with bp to accelerate theelectric mobility in Spain and Portugal, Iberdrola hasentered into a number of long-term partnerships withNorges Bank Investment Management, Masdar, Mapfreand Energy Infrastructure Partners to further advancethe development of renewable energy, and with GIC toexpand transmission networks in Brazil.Low-Carbon Electricity:Becoming a World LeaderElectricity is a fast-growing market in whichTotalEnergies is developing profitably.The Company's objective is to produce more than 100TWh/year by 2030, which would place it among theworld's top five producers of renewable electricity(wind and solar). TotalEnergies creates value throughintegration along the electricity chain.Developing flexible generation and storagecapacitiesThe intermittent nature of solar and wind projectscreates a need for flexible generation and storagecapacity to meet demand at all times and guaranteegrid stability.

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Page 17Insight OutTotalEnergies has a portfolio of controllablepower generation from gas-fired powerstations (CCGT). Eventually, this capacity willbe decarbonized, either through its supply(biomethane or low-carbon hydrogen) orthrough the sequestration of its emissions.In terms of storage, TotalEnergies is relyingon the expertise of Saft, which is also takingadvantage of this fast-growing market. TheCompany's objective is to deploy 5 GW ofstorage capacity worldwide by 2030.New UCF-Siemens Energy PegasusPartnership to Grow InventiveSustainable Energy Research,Expand Educational OpportunitiesThe University of Central Floridawill expand energy research andworkforce development with thehelp of a longtime partner.Siemens Energy signed on Oct.28 as the school’s latest PegasusPartnership, an enhancedagreement UCF has reachedwith several companies,including Orlando Health,AdventHealth, NemoursChildren’s Health and AdditionFinancial.Siemens Energy expanded its OrlandoInnovation Center in 2022 from 17,000 to30,000 square feet, so it could grow itspartnerships with the private sector as well asuniversities like UCF.Rich Voorberg, president of Siemens Energy forNorth America, told Orlando Business Journalthat the partnership is important to meet itsneed for workforce. In North America at anygiven time, it has more than 600 to 1,000 openrequisitions for staff on average.“We need these types of partnerships,”Voorberg said. “We’re announcing newfactories and growing consistently and thebiggest question I get from a lot of people andsome of my leaders in Europe is if we haveenough people. That’s a concern we haveworldwide.”Florida has the nation’s fourth-most energyindustry workers, with 351,934, according tothe U.S. Department of Energy. The state added9,562 jobs from 2022 to 2023.As a part of the deal, SiemensEnergy will provide at least $5million to help students prepare forcareers in the industry and more.The Germany-based companyalready funded $13 million inresearch at the school since 1996,and more than 900 UCF alumni areemployed by the company. SiemensEnergy has more than 3,500 CentralFlorida employees, according toOrlando Business Journal research.“We are both deeply committed toadvancing energy technologies andpreparing the next generation of leadersin energy, strengthening the workforce inan industry critical to our state andnation’s future,” UCF President AlexanderCartwright said in a prepared statement.

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Page 18Insight OutWinston Schoenfeld, vice president for research and innovation with the college, toldOBJ that the goal is to break down the barrier between the university and industry.Cartwright has a stated plan to have the university be an entity where businesses arecombined with UCF in such a way that people don’t recognize where each entity beginsor ends.“If you are talking about these sandboxes you create where industry and academia areworking together, that requires a lot of trust, but that requires a common interest ofvalue that both see,” Schoenfeld said. “When we look for partners, we look for like-minded types who are truly interested in engaging at a level where we could not do byourselves.”Repsol launches Nexa, the commercial brand of its 100%renewable premium diesel in service stationsRepsol launches the commercialname of its 100% renewable dieselin its service stations: Nexa 100%Renewable Diesel, a premium fueldesigned for all diesel engines.Nexa 100% Renewable Diesel hasa unique formulation thatoptimizes performance andextends the life of the engines ofdiesel vehicles. It is produced fromorganic waste and, with today'stechnology, already reduces netCO2 emissions by up to 90%compared to the mineral fuel itreplaces, thanks to the lowercarbon intensity of the renewablefuel due to its organic origin.Repsol currently supplies Nexa100% Renewable Diesel to morethan 580 service stations in themain cities and transport corridorsof the Iberian Peninsula. With 537stations in Spain and 50 inPortugal, the multi-energycompany continues to expand itsnetwork of stations withrenewable fuels with the goal ofending the year with more than600 and reaching 1,500 in 2025.For Valero Marín, Repsol's executive managing director for Client, “this newcommercial name that we have just announced reinforces the company'scommitment to renewable fuels and helps our customers to easily recognizeour premium diesel produced from organic waste. At Repsol, we are preparedto offer any type of energy at our service stations and Nexa 100% RenewableDiesel is one more alternative that allows immediate decarbonization in thetransport sector and can already be used in all diesel vehicles on our roads.”Meanwhile, the university aims tobe among the top 25 publicresearch universities in thecountry. UCF wants to increaseannual research and developmentexpenditures from $239 million in2022 to $350 million in 2027, aswell as grow full-time equivalentfaculty from 1,787 in 2022 to2,100 in 2027.Repsol was the first Spanish energy group to offer its customers a 100% renewablediesel at its service stations, in addition to the wide range of mobility productsavailable (fast and ultra-fast recharging points, AutoGas, LNG/CNG, Efitec 95 and 98gasoline, e+ diesel and e+10 diesel) at the multi-energy company's nearly 4,000stations on the Iberian Peninsula.In addition, customers who use Waylet, Repsol's leading payment and loyalty app, andchoose to fill up with Nexa 100% Renewable Diesel will be able to enjoy a discount of10-euro cents per liter of fuel, from October 29 until January 11, 2025.

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Page 19Combustibles renovablesTo decarbonize mobility, Repsol iscommitted to a model thatcombines electrification,renewable fuels, and hydrogen. Allenergy solutions must be takeninto account to guarantee supplyand reduce green-house gasemissions as quickly and efficientlyas possible.Renewable fuels are producedfrom organic waste, such as usedcooking oil or agri-food waste,giving a second life to suchmaterials that can be collectedlocally and reduce energydependence on other countries. Inaddition, they are an alternativealready available for thedecarbonization of current andfuture vehicles, without the needto modify existing distribution andrefueling infrastructures.In this regard, Repsol announcedlast April the start of large-scaleproduction of renewable fuels atits industrial complex inCartagena, Spain. This plant, thefirst in the Iberian Peninsuladedicated exclusively to theproduction of 100% renewablefuels, with an investment of 250million euros. It has a productioncapacity of 250,000 tons per year.It can produce renewable dieseland sustainable aviation fuels(SAF), which can be used in anymeans of transport: cars, trucks,buses, ships, or airplanes, takingadvantage of existing refuelinginfrastructures.Insight OutPT Pertamina (Persero) is monitoring the CO2 injection implementation at theSukowati Field, Bojonegoro, using a 24-hour digital system called the DataAcquisition Realtime Analyzer Command Center (DARA CO.CO). This digitalsystem is capable of monitoring all CO2 injection activities as well as humanresources (HR) in the operational area of the Sukowati Oil and Gas Field,Bojonegoro, East Java.President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, personally monitored the CO2injection process from the digital control room."As a state-owned enterprise, we are trusted to make breakthroughs, includingimplementing new technology. We are proud to be part of the historical use of thistechnology in achieving energy independence," Nicke explained.Nicke further stated that the successful CO2 injection demonstrates Pertamina'scommitment to applying CCUS (Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage)technology.Impressive! Pertamina’s CO2 Injectionat Sukowati Equipped with 24-HourDigital System"There are two things we can achieve: first, we can reduce carbonemissions, and second, we can increase oil production from Sukowati," saidNicke Widyawati at the Kick Off Field Trial Interwell CO2 Injection eventat the Sukowati Field, Bojonegoro, on Monday (14/10).

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Page 20Nicke added that the CCUS technology application will alsocreate new business opportunities."For example, the CO2 we inject today comes from varioussectors, such as fertilizer factories and other industries. Itreassures us that the energy transition reduces emissions inthe upstream oil and gas sector while creating new businessesthrough CCUS," Nicke added.Nicke emphasized that these new business opportunities arevast, as Indonesia has the potential to store up to 530gigatons of CO2 emissions. Indonesia has the potential tobecome a regional carbon capture hub."We will push across all oil and gas blocks in Indonesia toachieve energy independence and net zero emissions by2060. We thank the government and hope for continuedsupport," Nicke said.Meanwhile, the Director of Oil and Gas Engineering andEnvironment of ESDM, Noor Arifin Muhammad, alsoappreciated Pertamina’s support for the government throughthe CCUS technology innovation at the Sukowati Field."The government is very supportive; the government’scommitment is clear, and this is also a message from theMinister of Energy and Mineral Resources that we mustmaintain lifting and increase oil and gas production," Arifinsaid.Insight OutDeputy Director General of the CCS ProjectDepartment of JOGMEC, Hiroshi Okabe, alsoappreciated the collaboration betweenJOGMEC and Pertamina."We are committed to extending thecollaboration in CCUS implementation, whichcontributes to reducing greenhouse gasemissions. We will continue the collaboration inSukowati with Pertamina," he said.The General Manager of the Asia CarbonNeutral Business Department of JAPEX, KyokoOkamoto, expressed pride in working withPertamina to implement CCUS at Sukowati."I believe this collaboration will strengthen us todevelop CCUS at Sukowati. We also hope thiscollaboration will continue to achieve net zeroemissions," she said.Pertamina, as a leading company in the energytransition, is committed to supporting the NetZero Emission 2060 target by continuouslypromoting programs that directly impact theSustainable Development Goals (SDGs)achievement. All these efforts align withEnvironmental, Social & Governance (ESG)implementation across all Pertamina’s businesslines and operations.**

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Page 22ADNOC announced today thedeployment of AIQ’s AdvancedReservoir 360 (AR360) solutionon more than 30 reservoirsacross ADNOC’s upstreamoperations, following thesolution’s successful initialdeployment in early 2024 ontwo ADNOC reservoirs at Baband Umm Shaif fields. Developed by AIQ with SLB aspart of ENERGYai, ADNOC’sartificial intelligence and digitaltechnology strategy, AR360uses artificial intelligence (AI)and machine learningtechnologies to improvereservoir management andoptimize field developmentplanning. ADNOC and AIQ Accelerate Deployment of Industry-FirstAR360 AI SolutionInsight OutAR360 reduces planning timewhile increasing well life andrecovery rates by ensuring theright balance between drillingnew wells, boostingperformance of existing wellsand optimizing injection andproduction volumes. Magzhan Kenesbai, ActingManaging Director of AIQ said:“The extended deployment ofAR360 by ADNOC is animportant endorsement of ourtechnology and reinforces theemergence of AIQ as adeveloping global AI supplier forthe energy sector.We are committed to continue driving greateroperational efficiencies across the entire energyvalue chain, and in upstream operations inparticular, and unlock greater value for theindustry."While traditional forecasting technologies requireworking across multiple software platforms anddata sets, which can be time-consuming, AR360integrates everything on a single platform andutilizes AI to save time and enable better and moreproactive decision-making.ADNOC has so far deployed more than 30 AI toolsfrom the control room to the board room toenhance safety, reduce emissions, optimizeefficiency and maximize value. Abdulmunim Saif Al Kindy,ADNOC UpstreamExecutive Director, said:“The integration of AR360across more of ourreservoirs is a testament toour success in harnessingAI and advancedtechnologies to unlockmore value from ournatural resources. Buildingon decades of investmentin innovation andtechnology, we willcontinue to accelerate thedeployment of AI solutionsfrom the control room tothe boardroom as weresponsibly meet thegrowing global energydemand.”

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Page 23Schneider Electric, leader in the digitaltransformation of energymanagement and automation, andSaint-Gobain, leader in light andsustainable construction, have joinedforces to deploy the first-of-its kindsoftware-defined automation systemfor glass production.Unveiled at Glasstec 2024, the world'sleading trade fair for the glassindustry, the project addresses theurgent need for enhanced reliability inthe critical lehr process. This furnace,vital for annealing and cooling flatglass, usually lasts for 15 to 20 years.However, any downtime in theprocess halts production completely,as highlighted by industry studies,where a mere 1-minute powerinterruption can lead to up to 6months of production loss, oftenrequiring equipment replacement, andcosting up to €200,000 per day.Saint-Gobain together with SchneiderElectric has developed the first openautomation solution for the lehrprocess. The proof of concept (POC) is Schneider Electric and Saint-Gobaincollaborate on innovative automationinitiative driving smarter and saferglass productionInsight Outpowered by Schneider Electric’s openautomation technology, EcoStruxureAutomation Expert (EAE) whichdecouples hardware and software,allowing devices and equipment to befreely connected across architecturelayers, regardless of manufacturer.The project also enhances safety andefficiency in glass manufacturing, withEAE enabling autonomous drivecapabilities and representing a majoradvancement in distributedintelligence. The ‘smart’ drives controlthe two glass-pulling motors, allowingautonomous operation and criticalprocess decision-making at theequipment level, including decidingwhich motor will pull the glass,performing quality checks and pavingthe way for predictive maintenance."Our understanding of the floatglass process has led to agroundbreaking solution thatensures dependability, safety,and productivity. Autonomousdrive technology enables smartdecision-making, and thissolution, with its built-inmodularization andstandardization, providesimmediate scalability, increasedflexibility, and reliability. Itdemonstrates our dedication toinnovation and serves asevidence of the potential toexpand this technology acrossthe industry" said Alex Richards,VP EMEA of Mining, Mineralsand Metals at SchneiderElectric.Crucially, the solution’s modular designmeans it is easy to deploy worldwidewith its plug-and-play interoperabilityenabling up to 50% reduction inengineering, testing and commissioningtimes. This intrinsic scalability enablesthe construction company to realizevalue at its sites and see exponentialvalue globally.

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Page 24CNPC, said that thedevelopment of oil and gasE&P technologies ispresented with newopportunities as largemodels popularize. CNPCand Huawei jointlyintegrated neural networktechnology with geophysicaltechnology and used vastseismic exploration data totrain and create an AI largemodel with 5 billionparameters. It providesintelligent seismicinterpretation functionssuch as structuralinterpretation, fracture-cave prediction, and rockidentification. The seismicinterpretation large modelis specifically designed forthe core services of oil andgas exploration and hasshown promising results ininterpreting seismic data inoil and gas fields. The use oflarge model technologyrevolutionizes thetraditional service processand boosts work efficiencyby 9 to 12 times. This isexpected to drive the shifttowards a more modernseismic interpretationapproach.Intelligence FacilitatesOil and Gas FieldReconstructionHuawei Launches Latest Joint Innovation and AI Applicationin Oil and Gas UpstreamInsight OutDuring HUAWEI CONNECT 2024,Huawei andindustry customers unveiled the latestcollaborative achievements in large modelconstruction, refined exploration, intelligentoilfield reconstruction, and natural gas industryupgrades at the Global Oil and Gas Summit. Theseinnovations aim to enhance the industry's qualitywith intelligence, increase reserves and production,ensure safe operations, and achieve high-qualitydevelopment.Li Peng, Senior Vice President, President ofICT Sales & Service, Huawei, said in hisopening speech, “For the past three years,we’ve been focused on finding the righttechnologies for different scenarios. Ourpriorities are helping customers reduce costs,boost operational efficiency, and enhancesecurity.”Li went on to describe how,together with global customersand partners, Huawei is drivinginnovation and intelligence inresource-focused industries likeoil & gas and mining. “We needto make the most of thisopportunity to integrate digitaltechnology more tightly with oiland gas,” he continued. “Weneed to keep makingbreakthroughs in exploration,production, and transportation,and developing the rightapplications to drive theindustry’s intelligenttransformation forward.”Application Achievements ofCNPC's Seismic InterpretationLarge ModelAs oil and gas exploration venturesinto deeper waters, deeper layers, andunconventional fields, the challengesof exploration are increasing whileproduction costs remain high.Traditional seismic exploration andinterpretation methods areinadequate for complex exploration. Gong Renbin, the Chief IT Expert ofResearch Institute of PetroleumExploration and Development,

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Page 25Insight OutIntelligent oilfield reconstruction has always been a focus of the industry. Mr. Ahmed Al Mandhari, Technology InfrastructureArchitect at Petroleum Development Oman, highlighted that the organization is focused on condition-based maintenancepredictions through the application of AI models. This approach aims to minimize failure rates and deferments whilecentralizing remote operations and automating oilfield production. Additionally, with real-time well optimization and thesuccessful implementation of digital solutions, the annual production value is expected to increase by 1 to 2%. He emphasizedthat leveraging digital technologies will transform PDO's operations.In the context of upgrades and transformation across the oil and gas sector, digital and intelligent technologies havedemonstrated a broad spectrum of potential applications. Huawei will continue to explore oil and gas service scenarios andwork with customers and partners to create a mutually beneficial industry ecosystem. Together, they will build new ICTinfrastructure and amplify oil and gas intelligence.

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Page 26The iMSPO system offers an innovative solution, allowing ships toconnect to shore power at any point along a 400-meter berth orlonger. This flexibility ensures that ships can be supplied withpower regardless of their specific berthing position, offeringsignificant operational benefits for port operators. By aligning theshore power system to the vessel and not the vessel to the shorepower system, igus provides a highly adaptable and efficientalternative to stationary systems. This mobile solution also offersreduced installation and maintenance costs for port operators.igus Unveils Groundbreaking Mobile Shore Power Solution,Earning Recognition for Ports and Harbor InnovationTechnology & Productsigus®, a global leader in motion plastics, has introducedthe igus Mobile Shore Power Outlet (iMSPO), theworld’s first mobile shore power connection system.Now in use at the Port of Hamburg, this innovativesolution has received the prestigious “Ports and HarborInnovation of the Year” award at the 2024 Electric &Hybrid Marine Expo Europe in Amsterdam.The iMSPO addresses a critical environmentalchallenge that port operators face in reducingemissions, contributing to the European Union’s “Fit for55” target, which aims for a minimum 55% reduction ingreenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Currently, manyvessels need to keep their generators running togenerate electrical power while berthed, creatingsignificant CO2 emissions. By providing a flexible,mobile shore power solution, igus enables Ocean GoingVessels to use shore power instead, helping to reduceemissions and support sustainable port operations.igus receives the EHM Award for the Ports and HarborInnovation of the Year for the development of the world’sfirst mobile shore power connection system“The positioning of the ship in the terminal is critical for optimalloading and unloading operations,” stated Martin Tiling, Head ofShore Power at igus. “Fixed shore connections can limit flexibility,as the onboard cable reels may not be located where theconnection points are. With the iMSPO, we ensure that ports canconnect ships without hindering terminal operations.”The iMSPO system is comprised of track elements on which amobile carriage with a socket box is guided. An energy chain systemguides the cables safely inside the track, allowing for smooth andreliable movements. The socket box can be lowered for easy cableconnection and then raised again to prevent obstruction on theterminal while supplying power. All movements are controlled via awired or wireless remote control pendant, ensuring both efficiencyand safety.A Flexible Solution for PortsThe challenge of providing shore power lies not only inthe power supply itself but also in accommodating shipsof varying sizes and onboard cable managementconfigurations. These vessels need to berth at differentpositions along the terminal, where traditional fixedshore power outlets are not always aligned with theneeded connection points. This means, heavy cablesmust be manually positioned, which can lead to safetyconcerns and longer connection times.Operational Benefits

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Page 27Technology & ProductsAs part of its ongoing commitment to enhancing industryconnectivity, Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection (TeledyneGFD) is making its new and proprietary TeledyneGDCloud™ available with the company's GS700, GS500and Shipsurveyor portable gas leak detectors, as well asits PS200 portable four-gas monitor for personal safetyand confined space applications. The integration of cloudconnectivity significantly enhances the gas leakdetection process by visualising all instrument data andturning it into actionable business insights. Teledyne GDCloud™ is a comprehensive cloud solutionthat elevates gas detection measurement by recordinghazardous events, ensuring regulatory adherence, andstreamlining safety programmes.The ability to visualise detailed gas sensor readings fromfield sessions is among Teledyne GDCloud's mostpowerful capabilities. Users can trace the route taken byeach technician during investigations by utilising itsadvanced location mapping functionality, enablingbreadcrumb mapping to show the precise locations thatcorrespond to all gas readings logged within the GS700detector . When looking to pinpoint leaks, analysehazards and document sources of emissions, this locationintelligence is invaluable. Additionally, users can interactwith dynamic charts and tabulated data displays toreveal further insights into field activity and events.A Flexible Solution for Ports“The positioning of the ship in the terminal is critical foroptimal loading and unloading operations,” stated MartinTiling, Head of Shore Power at igus. “Fixed shore connectionscan limit flexibility, as the onboard cable reels may not belocated where the connection points are. With the iMSPO,we ensure that ports can connect ships without hinderingterminal operations.”The iMSPO system is comprised of track elements on which amobile carriage with a socket box is guided. An energy chainsystem guides the cables safely inside the track, allowing forsmooth and reliable movements. The socket box can belowered for easy cable connection and then raised again toprevent obstruction on the terminal while supplying power.All movements are controlled via a wired or wireless remotecontrol pendant, ensuring both efficiency and safety.Global Recognition for InnovationThe iMSPO system is compliant with international standardIEC/IEEE 80005-1, ensuring compatibility with ships acrossvarious ports worldwide. Its innovative design has beenrecognized by a panel of international industry experts,consultants, and journalists at the Electric & Hybrid MarineAwards, securing the award for Ports and Harbor Innovationof the Year for 2024.With this new technology, igus offers port operators asustainable and flexible solution to meet futureenvironmental requirements while optimizing portoperations. The system represents a one-time investmentwith long-term benefits, supporting a green future for ports.Transform field data intoactionable business datawith Teledyne GDCloud™

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Page 28Technology & ProductsWith powerful tools that track andanalyse, Teledyne GDCloud™ canalso support a cost-effective,efficient, condition-based fleetmanagement programme.Functions include equipmentstatus, fault reporting and remotediagnostics from Teledyne experts.Notably, the availability of alarmprioritisation ensures that'important and urgent' data can beactioned before lower-level risks.With its intuitive and customisabledashboard, Teledyne GDCloud™provides total visibility into theoperational and compliance status of allgas detectors within a user's fleet.Configurable widgets facilitate theorganisation of key information inaccordance with user preferences,while colour-coded indicatorsimmediately highlight significant fieldevents. These indicators highlightinstruments that require imminentcalibration or functional bump testingto maintain instrument performanceand guarantee the ongoing capture ofaccurate readings.Teledyne GDCloud™ offers a user-friendly cloud solution for gas detectionprograms, featuring comprehensivecompliance monitoring, visualisation offield events, and projected gaseoushazards based on location-mapped “Stringent record-keeping is crucial fordemonstrating regulatory compliancewith gas safety protocols," states NickWood, Global Marketing Director,Teledyne GFD. “Teledyne GDCloud™securely stores comprehensivecalibration data records for everydetector. Users can quickly access anddocument an instrument's recentoperational history, including all pastcalibration readings, bump test status,the technicians involved and anyrelevant service notes, providing ameticulous audit trail with simplereporting at a touch of a button."readings. It also includes meticulous record-keeping and intelligent fleet tracking. Thesecure and reliable cellular solutionoperates independently of the end user's ITinfrastructure and can be quickly retrofittedto existing GS700, GS500, Shipsurveyor orPS200 instrument fleets. Teledyne GFD hassuccessfully rolled out Teledyne GDCloud™globally with many customers and remainscommitted to supporting futureadvancements in this field.Secure M12 PushPull connections for ADLINK AVA 1000 andAVA 7200At InnoTrans 2024, HARTING andADLINK Technologies Inc. will behighlighting the next generation offanless and robust AI Edge Serversand Train-to-Ground (T2G)Gateways for rugged anddemanding rail applications.Equipped with the most advanced,leading edge processor technologyand absolutely reliable and easy-to-use M12 PushPull interfaces, theyoffer users a powerful and robustsolution for data traffic ontomorrow's trains.AVA 7200 and AVA 1000 are the latest generation solutions from ADLINKTechnologies. They merge safety, efficiency and connectivity in railway operationswith advanced AI computing functions.

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Page 29Technology & ProductsThe AVA 7200 Edge AI Servercovers a wide range of applications,including AI, 5G/Wi-Fi connectivityand onboard servers. The latestNVIDIA Ampere GPGPU chip is thecore of the AVA 7200, providinggenerous computing power.Designed as a fanless and robustserver, the device is certified inaccordance with EN50155 andEN45545. Outstandingperformance and immediateoperational readiness boost safetyand operational efficiency. The useof AI-supported video analysisenables proactive riskminimisation, while elevatinggeneral safety in rail transport.Equipped with eight M12 PushPullx-coded Ethernet ports, the AVA7200 can be connected quickly,easily and absolutely securely.Even in highly demanding andrugged railway applications, theM12 PushPull solutions stand forabsolutely safe and secure dataconnections.ADLINK AVA 7200The AVA-1000 Scalable Train-to-Ground Onboard Gateway impresses in applicationscenarios thanks to its fanless design, absolute durability in extended temperatureranges and advanced TPM 2.0 technology. This ensures the necessary data integrityand data protection in operations. In combination with three M12 PushPull x-codedEthernet ports, the solution provides uninterrupted connectivity for communicationbetween train and ground. In addition, its compact and lightweight design and easy-to-use interfaces facilitate installation, positioning it as an ideal solution for railwayintegrators working in environments where space is at a premium. M12 PushPullconnections provide audible feedback when plugged by way of the secure lockingmechanism, which ensures trouble-free operation.ADLINK AVA 1000

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Page 30Highly scalable and easy to integrate withnew or existing energy meters, the EnergyManager solution makes it easy tocommission and quickly realize return-on-investment. The software is available eitherpreinstalled on edge hardware, such as thePACSystems™ RXi2-BP industrial PC, or as astand-alone application that can be installedin a virtualized environment. New Emerson Solution Reduces Energy Costs, CarbonEmissions for ManufacturersTechnology & ProductsEmerson has launched its new Energy Manager solution, a pre-engineeredhardware and software offering designed to simplify industrial electricitymonitoring with quick setup and intuitive operation. Ready out of the box, theEnergy Manager solution monitors asset energy use in real time, allowingmanufacturers to gain deeper insight into energy consumption and operatingcosts, lowering carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and maximize energy andoperational efficiency.Most manufacturers, including original equipment and industrial manufacturers,consumer packaged goods companies and food and beverage producers, facemounting pressure to increase productivity while reducing energy use andenvironmental impact. Yet industrial machinery is energy-intensive, consuminghigh power even when idle. To better meet efficiency and sustainability goals,operators need the best possible visibility into their facilities’ energy use toaddress waste and inefficiencies. Emerson’s Energy Manager solution provides energy measurements in real time,allowing plant managers to quickly view detailed values and see savingsopportunities, such as idle consumption and peak loads. The software’s easy-to-use dashboard provides asset-specific energy use, associated costs and CO2emissions for up to 10 end points (expandable to 50 endpoints with a license). This level of visibility gives organizations greater control to identify idlemachines and optimize machine schedules during off-peak hours, reducingelectricity use across the plant floor and significantly lowering overall utilitycosts. Most facilities can reduce energy waste up to 10-30% and carbonemissions by up to 15-30%.Energy Manager simplifies electricity monitoring, tracking real-time use to identifyopportunities that can minimize waste and reduce emissions by up to 30%“Reliable, accurate monitoring of energycosts and emissions is becominginvaluable to organizations,” saidEugenio Silva, intelligent automationproduct manager with Emerson’sdiscrete automation business. “Our newEnergy Manager solution givesoperators, facility managers andcorporate sustainability teams greatervisibility and deeper understanding ofenergy consumption and operating costsat all times. This can better positioncompanies to track and reach targets,comply with regulations, and reliablyreduce environmental impact.” For more extensive media and utilitiesmonitoring, the Energy Manager can bepaired with the Emerson Compressed AirManager to provide a streamlined view ofenergy costs and compressed air usage ofmachines across a production line, factoryand site.

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Page 31Siemens launches fully electronic e-Starter with semiconductor technologyTechnology & ProductsSiemens Smart Infrastructure launches its first fully electronic starter withsemiconductor technology. The SIMATIC ET 200SP e-Starter offers short-circuitprotection that is 1000 times faster and is virtually wear-free compared toconventional solutions such as circuit breakers or fuses. This ensures optimalprotection for motors as well as other types of loads and the applications in whichthey are used. The e-Starter also features the application-friendly Smart Start andfull integration into the Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) concept. The compactdevice can be used worldwide, requires minimal space in the control cabinet, and iseasy to install.In industries such as food and beverage, intralogistics, and mechanical engineering,high efficiency motors are used in demanding applications, for example to driveconveyor systems or pumps. Malfunctions and failures can quickly lead toconsiderable damage and costs. Against this backdrop, motor starters play animportant role: They not only switch motors reliably, but also protect them againstoverload and short circuits.The e-starter is typically used in areas where short circuits occur frequently. The foodindustry is subject to strict hygiene regulations. For example, conveyor systems often haveto be deep-cleaned using high-pressure washers. Liquid can cause short circuits on worncables between starters and motors that move the conveyor belts. This often results incostly downtimes. The new ET 200SP e-starter detects a short-circuit current extremelyquickly and switches it off immediately. This prevents potentially damaging short-circuitcurrents from occurring in the first place. Once the cause of the short circuit has beeneliminated, the device is immediately ready to be switched on again. Procuring spare partsor replacing devices – as was often necessary after short circuits – is no longer required.The SIMATIC ET 200SP e-Starter usessemiconductor technology with siliconcarbide metal-oxide semiconductorfield-effect transistors (SiC MOSFETS),which enables ultra-fast and wear-freeswitching. Because of the short-circuitprotection device they are equippedwith conventional feeder solutionshave a comparatively slow responsetime. As a result, the device oftenneeds to be replaced when a shortcircuit occurs. In contrast, the e-Starterdetects short circuits extremely quicklyand switches off in less than 4 µs. Thismakes it approximately 1,000 timesfaster than conventional components.The device offers unlimited short-circuit shutdown and does not need tobe replaced after being tripped, whichincreases availability and significantlyreduces warehousing costs forreplacement parts.High inrush currents are typical forhigh-efficiency motors, e.g. those inenergy efficiency classes IE3 and IE4,and can lead to unintended trips of theprotection device. The phase-optimized switching and Smart Start ofthe SIMATIC ET 200SP e-Starterneutralize the inrush currents andsignificantly reduce the startingcurrents and therefore the electricalload on the grid during start-up. Inaddition, the torque surges that occurduring a direct start are minimized aswell, noticeably reducing themechanical wear. This means that lessmaintenance work is required – avaluable benefit for applications with ahigh switching rate.

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Page 32Dassault Systèmes Launches SOLIDWORKS 2025,Accelerating Product Development for Millions of UsersTechnology & ProductsDassault Systèmes has launchedSOLIDWORKS 2025, the latest release ofits portfolio of 3D design and productdevelopment applications. Millions ofinnovators worldwide can accelerate thedevelopment of new products and improveproduct experiences for their customerswith hundreds of user-requestedenhancements and new functionalities thatimprove user experience and performance.SOLIDWORKS 2025 features enhancedcollaboration and data management,streamlined workflows for parts,assemblies, drawings, 3D dimensioning andtolerancing, electrical and pipe routing,ECAD/MCAD collaboration, andrendering. It also includes updates toSOLIDWORKS PDM, SOLIDWORKSSimulation, SOLIDWORKS ElectricSchematic, SOLIDWORKS ElectricalSchematic Designer, and DraftSightapplications that enable better and fasterdesign. Users continue to benefit from theseamless integration of SOLIDWORKSwith Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCEplatform on the cloud, which unifies data,applications and the latest technologies toensure they work collaboratively and withthe latest files. Highlights of SOLIDWORKS 2025 include:Collaboration with industry peers by accessingcommunities directly from SOLIDWORKS, andreal-time notifications of all actions performed ona model.Streamlined part design with a new selectionaccelerator for chamfers and the ability to createsmoother variable size fillets with an option tocontinuously blend fillet edges.Accelerated assembly creation with the ability tocopy assembly components along with theirassociated advanced and mechanical mates.Time-saving, convenient multi-approval stamps ondrawings anytime, on any connected device.Faster correction of sketches containing brokendimensions.For a full overview ofthe enhancementsand newfunctionalities inSOLIDWORKS 2025,visit: 2025will be generallyavailable onNovember 15, 2024through value-addedresellers or online.For moreinformation:

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Page 34Balancing Act: Navigating the Seasof Industry and EnvironmentalResponsibilityFeature StorySustainable Harvest: Innovations in Oil and Gas ExtractionAs climate change intensifies and the urgencyfor sustainable energy mounts, the oil and gasindustry stands at a crossroads. The need forfossil fuels remains, yet the environmentaltoll of extraction processes has cast a shadowover the sector. In response, forward-thinking companies are pioneeringgroundbreaking innovations in extractiontechnology and environmental management,transforming the industry in ways that couldpermanently alter its ecological footprint.These advancements not only aim to mitigateenvironmental damage but also seek toenhance efficiency and reduce costs. Byembracing a dual approach of modernizationand sustainability, these companies arepositioning themselves as leaders in a rapidlyevolving energy landscape.Innovative extraction methods are nowpaired with advanced environmentalsafeguards aimed at minimizingecological impact. A key advancement isthe adoption of precision drillingtechniques, which significantly lessenland disruption and enhance resourceyield by utilizing AI-driven drills that canadapt in real time to subsurfaceconditions. Additionally, companies areincorporating subsurface imagingtechnology, which not only facilitatesefficient extraction but also decreasesthe need for exploratory drilling, thusprotecting untouched landscapes.At the same time, organizations areimplementing closed-loop water systemsto recycle water used in fracking andextraction processes, effectivelydiminishing reliance on freshwater andreducing wastewater emissions. Thistransition to circular water usage marks asignificant shift towards sustainableresource consumption in an industryhistorically known for its heavy waterreliance.The conventional oil and gas extractionprocess presents significant environmentalchallenges, including greenhouse gasemissions, disruption of biodiversity, andwaste generation. However, an increasingfocus on Environmental, Social, andGovernance (ESG) criteria is compellingcompanies to transform outdated practices,navigating the complex relationship betweenenergy demand and climate responsibility.Striking this balance is a formidable task; itnecessitates a cohesive strategy wheresustainability and profitability are no longerseen as opposing forces, but as essentialcomponents of operational success.Carbon Capture,Utilization, and Storage(CCUS): The Pillar ofEmission ReductionTo effectively reduceemissions, the industry issignificantly increasing itsinvestments in CarbonCapture, Utilization, andStorage (CCUS). InnovativeCCUS technologies captureCO₂ emissions from processingplants, storing it in deepgeological formations orrepurposing it for enhanced oilrecovery, thereby establishinga sustainable resourcemanagement cycle. However,the current CCUS methodsface challenges, including highcosts and technicalcomplexities, which theindustry must overcome tomake these solutions feasibleon a global scale.

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Page 35Feature StoryAdditionally, energy companies are experimenting with theintegration of direct air capture (DAC) facilities near extractionsites. This emerging technology directly removes CO₂ from theatmosphere and, although still in its early stages, holds thepotential to complement CCUS efforts and offset emissionsgenerated elsewhere. This aligns with the industry's long-termobjectives for achieving net-zero operations.Digital transformation in the sector is accelerating as companiesleverage digital twins—real-time, virtual replicas of physicalassets. This allows operators to simulate extraction scenarios,optimizing resource use while identifying potentialenvironmental hazards before they arise. Digital twins providepredictive capabilities for operational efficiency andenvironmental stewardship, enabling companies to foreseerisks, manage resources more effectively, and reduce wastage.Predictive analytics is another powerful tool, using data toanticipate equipment failures, monitor emissions in real time,and prevent leaks that harm the environment. By implementingpredictive maintenance through machine learning algorithms,operators can minimize downtime, reduce greenhouse gasemissions, and cut operational costs simultaneously.Drones and AI-driven surveillance systems are becoming crucial inmonitoring pipelines, detecting leaks, and tracking wildlifemovements in real-time. These autonomous systems enableswift responses to emerging environmental threats, makingoperations safer and more environmentally conscious.Beyond technology, sustainable extraction requiresactive community engagement and ecosystemmanagement. Companies are increasingly working withindigenous groups, environmental organizations, andlocal stakeholders to ensure that operations respectcultural values, environmental priorities, and land rights.In areas where ecosystems have been impacted,initiatives in habitat restoration, reforestation, and landreclamation are becoming industry norms, showing acommitment to returning the land to its natural statepost-extraction.Some companies have also introduced green bonds tofund specific environmental projects, allowingcommunities and investors alike to participate insustainability initiatives. This form of financing not onlyunderlines a company’s commitment to sustainabilitybut also enables local economies to share in the benefitsof corporate responsibility.Automation and Digital Twins: RevolutionizingEnvironmental Impact ManagementThe Path Forward: A Strategic Realignment ofIndustry ValuesThe path forward is clear: a sustainable oil and gasindustry will depend on continued technologicalinnovation, strict adherence to ESG criteria, and acollaborative approach with environmental regulatorsand local communities. While the economic andenvironmental stakes remain high, this is an era ofunprecedented technological potential.

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Page 36Feature StoryFrom carbon capture to advanced predictiveanalytics, the oil and gas sector is navigating a newfrontier—one where energy demands are met withminimal environmental costs. The sector’s ability toadapt, innovate, and embrace sustainable practiceswill define its place in the energy landscape oftomorrow, transforming oil and gas from ahistorically extractive industry to a pivotal partnerin achieving a low-carbon future. As climate awareness reshapes industriesworldwide, shipbuilding is undergoing agreen revolution. Historically associatedwith significant carbon emissions andpollution, the maritime industry nowfaces urgent calls for sustainabletransformation. Advanced engineering,renewable energy integration, and eco-friendly materials are redefining howvessels are designed and built, promisingto cut emissions, protect marineecosystems, and create a new era ofsustainable ocean travel.One of the most remarkable shifts inmodern shipbuilding is the return to windpower, albeit with a futuristic twist.Rethinking traditional sails, engineers areintroducing automated kite sails, rotor sails,and wing sails that significantly reducefuel consumption by capturing naturalwind energy. These designs are controlled bysophisticated onboard systems thatadjust to wind conditions in real-time,achieving fuel savings of up to 20% onlong voyages.The integration of solar power is alsobecoming widespread. Solar panelsinstalled on deck are increasinglyefficient, providing auxiliary power toships' systems and reducing thereliance on fossil-fuel-generatedelectricity. For smaller vessels, solarenergy can power everything fromnavigation to lighting, allowing short-range ferries to operate emissions-free in harbors and coastal waters.Through strategic realignment, the industry has an opportunity toset a new standard for sustainable energy and ensure that the nextchapter in oil and gas is one defined by accountability, innovation,and resilience. By investing in new technologies and fosteringcollaborations with clean energy sectors, the oil and gas industry candrive significant advancements in reducing carbon emissions. Thiscommitment will not only bolster its reputation but also attractinvestment and talent focused on fostering a sustainable energyecosystem.Sailing Green – Eco-Friendly Designs in Modern ShipbuildingElectric and Hybrid Engines:Paving the Way to Emission-Free TravelMirroring the automotive industry'sadvancements, electric and hybridpropulsion systems arerevolutionizing the maritime sector.Fully electric ferries, such as thosecurrently operating in Scandinavia,showcase the practicality ofconducting short-haul trips with zeroemissions. For larger vessels, hybridengines that merge traditional fuelsources with battery power present aviable solution for reducing emissions.This innovative approach diminishesthe reliance on diesel engines, therebycutting down harmful pollutants likesulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides.

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Page 37Moreover, AI-powered route optimization software calculates themost fuel-efficient paths, factoring in ocean currents, weatherconditions, and port schedules. These systems not only cut traveltimes but also reduce fuel consumption, directly loweringgreenhouse gas emissions. This is especially significant for cargoships and tankers, which are responsible for the bulk of maritimeemissions.In line with circular economy principles, eco-friendly shipbuildingincreasingly emphasizes waste reduction at every stage—fromconstruction to decommissioning. Shipbuilders are designingvessels with modular components that can be replaced and reused,extending the life of each part and reducing overall materialdemand. Furthermore, "design for disassembly" principles allowships to be dismantled at the end of their lifecycle, with metals,composites, and other components recycled into new vessels orrepurposed in other industries.Recycling and waste-to-energy systems are also being incorporatedon board. Advanced waste treatment technologies can convertorganic waste into energy, reducing the amount of waste dischargedinto the ocean and supporting the ship’s energy needs withrenewable sources.Feature StoryAs battery technology continues to advance, high-capacity batteries are enabling even sizable vesselsto shift towards electric power. Companies areinvesting in extensive battery banks that rechargewhile docked, effectively eliminating emissionsduring transit and making zero-emission shipping arealistic option for coastal routes and regionalfreight operations.Beyond propulsion, eco-friendly shipbuildinginvolves a fundamental re-evaluation of materials.Traditionally, shipbuilding has relied heavily on steeland other high-carbon materials, but lightweightcomposites, bioplastics, and recyclable alloys are nowgaining traction. These materials not only reduce theweight of vessels, improving fuel efficiency, but alsocontribute to a lower carbon footprint in productionand allow for easier recycling at the end of the ship'slifecycle.Innovations in sustainable coatings are also makingan impact. New, eco-friendly hull coatings reducebiofouling (the accumulation of marine organisms onthe hull), which in turn reduces drag and enhancesfuel efficiency. These coatings also eliminate theneed for toxic biocides, preventing the release ofharmful chemicals into the ocean.One of the most transformative trends in eco-friendly shipbuilding is the rise of digitaltechnologies that optimize design, performance, androute planning. Digital twins—virtual models ofvessels—enable designers to simulate thousands ofscenarios, predicting how different materials, enginetypes, and hull shapes will perform. This allows formaximum efficiency and minimal waste, as real-timedata from operational ships continuously improvesdesign accuracy.Sustainable Materials: Rethinking theCore of Shipbuilding

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Page 38Feature StoryThe shift towards sustainable shipbuilding is bolstered by internationalregulatory efforts. Organizations such as the International MaritimeOrganization (IMO) have set ambitious targets for reducing carbon intensity by40% by 2030 and achieving a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by2050. These regulations are pushing shipbuilders and operators to adopt cleanertechnologies, greener designs, and more efficient fuels to meet global standards.Furthermore, ports worldwide are joining the green transition, offeringincentives like reduced fees for low-emission ships and installing shoresidepower stations that allow ships to turn off their engines while docked, furthercutting emissions. Collaborative efforts among shipbuilders, governments, andenvironmental organizations are driving progress and setting new standards forsustainable maritime travel. Perhaps the most revolutionary shift on the horizon for green shipbuilding is theadoption of hydrogen and ammonia as alternative fuels. Hydrogen-poweredvessels produce zero carbon emissions, with the only byproduct being watervapor. Companies are exploring liquid hydrogen storage and fuel cell technology forlarger vessels, although the scalability and storage challenges still requiresignificant research.Ammonia, another promising zero-carbon fuel, can be produced using renewableenergy and offers a higher energy density than hydrogen. With its establishedhandling protocols in the chemical industry, ammonia holds promise as a viablealternative fuel for long-haul, large-capacity vessels that require high energyoutputs.The movement toward eco-friendlyshipbuilding represents a monumentalshift for one of the world’s mostessential yet traditionally pollutingindustries. Through a combination oftechnological innovation, sustainablematerials, and regulatory compliance,the maritime industry is poised toreduce its environmental impact on amassive scale. From electric ferriescruising in silence to tankers poweredby hydrogen, the vision of greenshipping is becoming a reality—usheringin a new era where sustainability andsea travel sail together. As shipownersand builders embrace theseadvancements, they not only contributeto the health of our oceans but alsoattract a growing eco-consciousconsumer base. This sea change inshipbuilding practices promises to pavethe way for a more sustainable futurefor generations to come.Charting a Course for aSustainable Ocean Future

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Page 40Success StoryBureau Veritas / Naval GroupFor ship owners and operators, safety and efficiency are ofthe utmost importance. Inefficient design and constructioncan result in high operating costs, increased fuelconsumption and a shorter operating life. Today, more andmore shipyards are modernizing their operations by takingadvantage of digital transformation to increase theirefficiency and quality as well as reduce costs. Naval Group,the European leader in the naval industry, is one of thesecompanies having chosen 3D models as the standard fortheir activities.Challenging processesDesign review is a key phasein the classification process.Facing limitations with thestandard classificationprocess of vessels based on2D drawings, BureauVeritas and Naval Groupjoined forces to definepragmatic solutions thatwould enhance thecompetitiveness of bothcompanies.“Classification is an iterativeprocess,” said CédricCheylan, manager of the hullstructure design team atNaval Group. “First, wedesign the structure in 3D,and then we create 2D plansfor Bureau Veritas toinspect and return to uswith their comments. Wethen either decide toprovide further justification,or to update the model in3D and start a new loop.Managing theinconsistencies that canarise between 3D modelsand 2D plans is difficult andtime-consuming. There is arisk of misunderstandingsbetween Bureau Veritasand Naval Group.”“To meet our business challenges, innovation is at the heartof our strategy,” said Olivier de la Bourdonnaye, executivevice president Industry, Naval Group. “Innovation inproduct, but also in processes. It will help us to decrease ourengineering costs and also improve the lead time of ourdevelopments.”To ensure ships comply with safety and environmentalregulations before they are set out to sea, ship designs andproduction facilities are tested, inspected and certified byindependent classification societies like Bureau Veritas, aglobal leader in this domain. “To remain competitive, weneed to review our business model to improveproductivity,” said Matthieu de Tugny, president, Marine &Offshore, Bureau Veritas. “Proceeding with our digitaltransformation and focusing on the life cycle managementof the products we certify are our main priorities. We areleveraging our digital initiatives to better respond to ourcustomers’ expectations and to improve our ownoperational excellence.”Bureau Veritas and Naval Group joined their forces to developthe 3D Classification concept based on the 3DEXPERIENCEplatform to reduce design review times of new ships and theinherent costs.3D Classification based on the 3DEXPERIENCEplatform will help us decrease our cost of engineeringand also improve the lead time of our developments. -Olivier de la Boudonnaye, Executive Vice PresidentIndustry, Naval Group“The standard classificationprocess based on 2D paperdrawings brings two mainlimitations,” explained Jean-François Segretain, marinetechnical director at BureauVeritas. “Finite elementcalculation models aregenerated from thesedrawings to perform thenecessary analyses.Unfortunately, there is nodirect link between thecalculation models used by theclassification society and thedrawings. Plus, it’s sometimesdifficult to see the geometry ofa complex shape using only 2Ddrawings.”“Instead of reviewing acollection of 2D drawings, weare now delivering theclassification based on the 3Dmodel of the vessel,” de Tugnysaid. To meet this challenge,Bureau Veritas is operatingthe 3D Classification processon a classified navy shipdesigned by Naval Group.3D Classification bringspractical, tangible andscalable benefits to theshipbuilding industry. -Matthieu de Tugny,President, Marine &Offshore, Bureau Veritas

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Page 41Through the work accomplished as part of thecollaboration, Dassault Systèmes enhances itsoffering with a readyto- use certification solution forthe shipbuilding industry. By providing a replicablestructure for shipyards and classification societies,including industry methods and best practices, thesolution connects the dots for a streamlined design-to-certification process.“3D Classification brings practical, tangible andscalable benefits to the shipbuilding industry,” deTugny concluded.Success StoryBureau Veritas and Naval Group areleading the charge in thedevelopment of the 3D Classificationconcept based on Dassault Systèmes’3DEXPERIENCE platform. The maindriver is to accelerate theclassification process bytransitioning from 2D to 3D.“With 3D Classification, we willprovide Bureau Veritas with a 3Ddigital model, which eliminates theneed to create 2D plans,” Cheylansaid. “Implementing end-to-enddigital continuity between our twocompanies will provide benefits interms of time and costs as well aslead to a better technicalunderstanding.”“We are relying on the3DEXPERIENCE platform to pushthis new classification approachbased on a 3D model of the vesselforward,” de Tugny said. “Not onlywill we reduce the number ofiterations and the time spent tocertify a design, the differentstakeholders also can better shareinformation and connect data on thisplatform to our different calculationtools, which will improve accuracyand traceability.”“Moreover, we can automaticallygenerate our calculation models fromthe 3D digital mockup, which savestime and resources,” Segretainadded.The 3DEXPERIENCEplatform offers a number offeatures that make 3DClassification possible. Withfiltered information basedon roles, Bureau Veritas andNaval Group can ensureconfidentiality and IPprotection when sharingmodels with each other.They can directly integratecomments on the 3D modeland manage revisions byenabling easy visualizationof modified areas whilekeeping track of revisionhistory. They can link designand classification modelsthroughout the lifecycle of avessel. And it is easier tokeep track and updateinformation since they workfrom a single data source.Fostering digital continuityTailored to the shipbuilding industry

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Page 42Ground-based Robots: These robots navigate variousterrains and can have wheels, tracks, or even legs totackle obstacles and confined spaces. Ground-basedrobots commonly inspect pipelines, storage tanks,industrial machinery, and infrastructure like tunnelsand sewers.Underwater Robots (ROVs): Designed for submergedenvironments, these robots are highly maneuverableand are equipped with cameras, sonar, and sometimesmanipulator arms. They excel in inspecting underwaterstructures, including marine vessels, offshore rigs, andpipelines.Crawler Robots: Crawler robots move along surfaceslike walls and ceilings. Using grippers or suction cups,they adhere to these surfaces for inspection tasks.These robots operate under varying levels of humancontrol:Full autonomy: No human intervention is needed forregular inspections.Supervised autonomy: Robots perform tasks withperiodic supervision.Teleoperation: A human operator directly controls therobot, often in complex or unknown environments.Various factors like area size, environmental hazards, andthe presence of obstacles may necessitate specificinspection robot solutions.Success StoryUnderstanding Inspection Robots: Definition, Types,Advantages, and ApplicationsFor ship owners and operators, safety and efficiency are of theutmost importance. Inefficient design and construction canresult in high operating costs, increased fuel consumption and ashorter operating life. Today, more and more shipyards aremodernizing their operations by taking advantage of digitaltransformation to increase their efficiency and quality as wellas reduce costs. Naval Group, the European leader in the navalindustry, is one of these companies having chosen 3D modelsas the standard for their activities.These robots are especially valuable in hazardous or difficult-to-access areas, minimizing human exposure to dangerousenvironments. Their data-gathering capabilities make themindispensable across numerous sectors, where they enhancesafety, accuracy, and efficiency.What is an Inspection Robot?2. Types of Inspection RobotsThe inspection robot market is expanding rapidly. Here’s a lookat the primary types of inspection robots in use today:Aerial Drones: Often referred to as unmanned aerialvehicles (UAVs), these lightweight drones, equipped withhigh-resolution cameras, thermal imaging, and sometimesLiDAR, are perfect for inspecting large, elevated structureslike bridges and power lines, providing a comprehensiveaerial view without human risk.

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Page 43Technolology NewsWith rapidly advancing technology,choosing an inspection robot can bechallenging. The ideal choice depends onthe type of inspection, industry-specificrequirements, and the desired dataoutcomes. Determining yourorganization’s specific inspection needs isessential to identifying the most valuablerobotic solution.3. Selecting the Right Inspection Robot4. Advantages of Robotic InspectionAdopting robotic solutions for industrialinspections brings distinct advantagesover traditional methods:Enhanced Safety: Inspection tasks inindustrial environments can be riskyor difficult for human workers.Robots can access challenging areas,reducing the need for humanintervention and allowing workers tofocus on higher-value tasks.Increased Productivity and Cost-Effectiveness: Robots conductregular inspections, detecting issuesearly and minimizing unexpecteddowntime. This preventive approachreduces the need for extensivehuman resources and lowersassociated costs.Improved Data Accuracy andConsistency: Robots provideconsistent, high-quality data,minimizing human errors.Organizations can use this data forinformed decision-making andpredictive maintenance.Addressing Workforce Shortages:With labor shortages predicted togrow, inspection robots can help fillthe gap, maintaining productivity andoperational efficiency.Benefits of Inspection Robot:Increased equipmentuptime and asset lifespanReduced production lossesand hazardous exposureOptimized maintenanceschedules and costsSupport for digitalizationthrough accurate data andpredictive monitoringInspection robots integrate severaltechnologies that make themeffective across industrial settings:Advanced Sensors: Theseinclude high-resolution cameras,LiDAR, and thermal imaging,allowing robots to capturedetailed visuals and detectanomalies with precision.Autonomous NavigationSystems: Robots use advancedalgorithms and sensor data tonavigate complex environments,following predefined routes andadapting to obstacles.Remote Control and Monitoring:This feature enables operatorsto control robots from adistance, particularly valuable inhazardous environments.In addition, inspection robots oftenfeature sophisticated data analyticstools that provide real-time analysis,helping organizations quicklyinterpret and act on inspection data.5. Key Technologies EmpoweringInspection Robots6. Applications of InspectionRobotsThe primary role of inspection robots isto automate routine inspections, makingthem safer and more efficient thanmanual methods. Equipped with visual,thermal, and acoustic sensors, robotscan detect equipment issues early,enabling timely preventive maintenanceand minimizing costly downtime.Industry-Specific Applications:Oil and Gas: Robots inspect complexmachinery, detect gas leaks, andmonitor equipment, addressingsafety concerns in high-risk areas.Power and Utilities: Automatedinspection robots maintaininfrastructure such as power lines,ensuring reliable electricitydistribution.

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Page 44Each industry’s uniquerequirements determine the besttype of robot and inspection tasks,from legged robots for navigatingrugged terrains to wheeled robotsfor smooth surfaces.Beyond these applications,inspection robots can create adigital twin of a facility, enablingoperators to conduct inspectionsand monitor assets digitally. Thisadvancement not only enhancesworker safety and efficiency butalso provides valuable data forpredictive maintenance.7. Looking AheadInspection robots represent the cuttingedge of industrial innovation, reshapinghow inspections are conducted acrossvarious industries. From inspecting deep-sea oil rigs to high-altitude wind turbines,these robots enhance safety standardsand operational efficiency.As technology evolves with advances inAI, sensor technology, and data analysis,inspection robots’ role will continue togrow. This progress opens up excitingpossibilities for future innovations andimprovements in inspection practicesacross industrial landscapes.Technolology News

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Page 45Welcome to the GCCA’s 6th annual Concrete in Lifephotography competition, following the huge success of our2023 competition! 21,000 of you entered and we receivedglobal recognition from the BBC, Forbes and Dezeen.Great OpportunityConcrete in Life 2024/2025Concrete in Life is our annual photography competition,open to all photographers (or anyone with a cameraphone) around the world. It tasks you to take photos ofconcrete in your life for a chance to win up to $10,000.As one of the most widely used man-made products on theplanet, concrete is essential to our lives: in our houses andoffices; our roads and pavements; in the bridges that connectus; the wind farms that provide us with energy; and the seabarriers that protect us. As the sustainable building material ofchoice, it provides safe, durable and resilient structures as wellas providing the basis for renewable energy infrastructure.Entering the competition is simple. Just upload a photo ofconcrete using the hashtag #ConcreteInLife2425, the hashtag# of the category you are entering and the hashtag # of thecountry you took the photo in (full entry details below).Entries will be judged by our judging panel – our shortlist willbe revealed later this year and winners will be announced inearly 2025.We are also excited to have our People’s Choice award, wherethe public will vote for their favourite photo from our shortlist.2024/25 Categories (4 Total)Urban design and use#UrbanConcrete –images of the citylandscapes and buildingsaround us, both well-known and hidden awayConcrete Infrastructure#ConcreteInfrastructure – photographs of ourinfrastructure, in ourcities and rural, aboveand below ground.Concrete in Daily Life#ConcreteInDailyLife –the human side ofconcrete and how it’sused and interacted withdaily.Beauty and Design#ConcreteBeautyAndDesign – showcasingbeautiful uses concretein the world around usHow to EnterTake a photo of concrete in your life and upload it toInstagram or X. Include the following information:#ConcreteInLife2425The hashtag # of the category you are entering (oneper photo)The hashtag # of the country where you took the photoYou can also email us your entryconcreteinlife@gccassociation.orgYou can enter as many photos as you like, but each one canonly be considered for one category.Remember to make your photo public on Instagram or wewon’t be able to view your photos.* There are no amateur or professional categories.

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Page 46Great OpportunityTotal prizes:Overall winner – $10,000Urban Concrete – $2,500Concrete Infrastructure –$2,500Concrete in Daily Life –$2,500Concrete Beauty andDesign – $2,500People’s Choice – $5,000Prizes“As the globally renowned professionalbody for the built and naturalenvironment, RICS members know justhow important concrete is to moderninfrastructure and to meeting the world’snet zero targets via the circulareconomy. I’m looking forward to judgingthis year’s Concrete in Life competitionand getting the chance to see many awe-inspiring photographs from around theworld.”The JudgesDiane HoskinsGlobal Co‑Chair, Gensler“The places and spaces wherewe spend our time shape ourexperience of the world.Concrete is one of the mostversatile and ubiquitousbuilding materials, opening upan incredible opportunity forinnovation and creativity. Asarchitects and designers, westrive to achieve beauty,function, and resilience in ourwork. This is the power andpromise of the builtenvironment and the materialsthat bring it to life.”Tina PailletPresident of the RoyalInstitution of CharteredSurveyors (RICS)Chris GeorgeContent Director at DigitalCamera WorldThomas GuillotChief Executive, GCCA“Concrete is all around us and has a beautythat might not always be obvious to somepeople. The Concrete in Life globalphotography competition continues toprove it is possible to take stunning shots ofarchitecture and the manmadeenvironment that show off the beauty ofthis universal building material.”“Concrete is a highly versatile material,offering the potential for beautiful design, aswell as durability and strength. In our busy,modern world, we don’t always appreciateit, but if we didn’t have it, we’d certainlynotice. Our Concrete in Life Competitiongives every community across the globe achance to show just how essential concreteis to our lives.”Thirty-Five TeamsQualify for 2025Collegiate WindCompetitionLeer en español.Today, the U.S. Department of Energy(DOE) announced the 35 college anduniversity teams that have qualified toparticipate in the 2025 Collegiate WindCompetition (CWC) during the first halfof the 2024–2025 school year.A strong wind industry workforce andsupply chain will be essential toreaching the nation’s climate goals andare vital to the future success of thewind energy industry. Since 2014, theCWC has helped prepare that futureworkforce by inviting college studentsfrom a range of disciplines to representtheir schools as they design, build, andtest a model wind turbine; develop asite plan and cost-of-energy analysis fora hypothetical wind farm; and conductoutreach to the wind energy industry,their communities, and local mediaoutlets.The 2025 CWC will focus on the siting,outreach, and development challengesassociated with floating offshore windenergy projects. During the first half ofthe upcoming school year (September2024–January 2025), teams willdevelop a preliminary design and reportfor their model wind turbine and apreliminary site design for theirhypothetical floating offshore windfarm. The teams will also create anoutreach strategy, which may include,for example, interviewing professionalsfrom different wind industry sectors tolearn about career opportunities and/ordeveloping outreach materials toeducate and inspire younger students.

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Page 47Great OpportunityEach qualifying team will receive $2,000 infunding, which they can use to begindesigning their prototype wind turbine,creating their wind energy projectdevelopment plans, and conducting theiroutreach activities.The college and university teams that havequalified to participate in the 2025Collegiate Wind Competition are:Brigham Young UniversityCalifornia Polytechnic State UniversityCalifornia State University MaritimeAcademyCalifornia State University, FresnoColumbia University (ColumbiaUniversity in the City of New York)Iowa State UniversityJohns Hopkins UniversityKansas State UniversityMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyMilwaukee School of EngineeringNorthern Arizona UniversityOklahoma State University (withNorthern Oklahoma College)Rice UniversityTexas Tech University (with SouthPlains College)The City College of New YorkThe Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversidad Ana G. Méndez Recinto deGuraboUniversity of Colorado BoulderUniversity of MarylandUniversity of Massachusetts LowellUniversity of MichiganUniversity of New OrleansUniversity of North Carolina atCharlotteUniversity of North TexasUniversity of Northwestern – St.PaulUniversity of OklahomaUniversity of Puerto Rico atMayagüezUniversity of Texas at DallasUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonUniversity of WyomingVirginia TechWashington State UniversityEverett (with Everett CommunityCollege)Western Michigan University (withKalamazoo College)Wichita State UniversityYoungstown State UniversityAmong these qualifying teamsare one community college andtwo institutions based in PuertoRico. Twelve minority-servinginstitutions are participating inthis first round, including sixHispanic-serving institutions,four Asian American and NativeAmerican Pacific Islander-serving institutions, and twoschools that fall under both ofthose designations.By early 2025, the competitionorganizers will use aperformance-based selectionprocess to narrow thecompetition to, at most, 12 finalteams. These finalist teams willbe invited to continueparticipating in the CWC duringthe second half of the schoolyear (January 2025–May 2025)and will be awarded anadditional $15,000 to completetheir projects, which includesbuilding their prototype windturbines. The finalist teams willalso be invited to test theirmodel turbines in an on-sitewind tunnel and present theirwork at the CWC final event,where they will be eligible forprize funding from a $30,000prize pool. The CWC is funded by DOE'sWind Energy TechnologiesOffice and managed by theNational Renewable EnergyLaboratory.

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Page 48Great OpportunityWorld Sustainable Development Summit 2025The World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS)2025 will take place on the theme, ‘Partnerships forAccelerating Sustainable Development and ClimateSolutions’. The theme recognizes the world is off track toachieve climate goals, including current nationallydetermined contributions (NDCs) and the SDGs,underscoring the complex, interconnected nature ofchallenges in achieving sustainable development and theimportance of collective action in working towardscreating a sustainable future. The event will explore therole of partnerships in accelerating problem solving andimplementation through shared responsibilities, collectiveaction, and collaborative problem solving.The WSDS is the annual flagship event of The Energy andResources Institute (TERI). The Summit will focus on the roleof partnerships in advancing the global sustainabledevelopment agenda and driving transformative change.Participants will consider solution-based approaches anddiscuss an action plan for fostering partnerships amonggovernments, the private sector, civil society, and otherstakeholders.DATE: 5–7 March 2025LOCATION: New Delhi, IndiaWEBSITE: Collegiate WindCompetitionHelping college students prepare for jobs inthe wind and renewable energy workforcethrough real-world experiences.GuidelinesA team must comprise undergraduatestudents subject to the following guidelines:Students may come from a mixture of 4-year colleges or universities in theUnited States and 2-year institutions,such as community colleges.Students from international institutionsare welcome to participate on a teambut must partner and apply with a teamof students from a domestic U.S.institution as the lead. Internationalparticipants will not be eligible toreceive cash prizes directly from DOE.Phase 1 teams are notrequired to have a facultyadvisor by the Phase 1submission deadline;however, teams will need toengage a faculty advisor froma college or university in theUnited States to be eligible tocompete in Phase 2.Teams should strive to include a diverserange of academic disciplines, includingbut not limited to:EngineeringBusinessMarketingCommunicationsEnvironmental and Public PolicySocial Sciences

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Page 49Great OpportunityOverviewThe 2025 CollegiateWind CompetitionNOTE: The CWC 2025competition cycle runs fromMarch 2024 to May 2025. TheCWC 2025 application periodclosed June 13, 2024. Keep aneye out for the CWC 2025qualifying teams announcement!The U.S. Department of Energy’sWind Energy TechnologiesOffice launched the CollegiateWind Competition (CWC) in2014. The CWC helpsmultidisciplinary teams ofundergraduate students preparefor jobs in wind and renewableenergy through the followingactivities: The Turbine PrototypeContest & Turbine TestingContest, in which teamsdesign, build, and present aunique, wind-driven powersystem based on marketresearch and test the windturbine in an on-site windtunnel. The Project DevelopmentContest, in which teamsresearch wind resource data,transmission infrastructure,and environmental factorsto create a site plan andfinancial analysis for ahypothetical wind farm. The Connection CreationContest, in which teamsconduct outreach with thewind energy industry, theirlocal communities, and localmedia outlets to raise windenergy awareness andpromote theiraccomplishments. Start Up Energy Transition Award 2025Leverage Our Global Network through the SET AwardThe Climate Tech Startup Competition Connecting You to Top Innovators,Investors and Partners in Sustainable Energy Innovation!The Start Up Energy Transition (SET) Award is the ultimate sustainablity startupcompetition that empowers climate tech innovators and clean energy startups tocatapult their businesses to the frontlines of the energy industry. Your breakthroughsolutions have the power to reshape industries, uplift communities, and acceleratethe global shift to clean energy—and we’ll make sure the world knows it.For the past eight years, we’ve seen over 3,500 applications from more than 100countries. Will you be next?Let’s START UP the ENERGY TRANSITION for a ninth time—your ticket totransforming the future of energy.We want to showcase your unique technology & sustainableinnovation!

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Page 50IndustryThe backbone of modernlife, industry toucheseverything—but it’s alsoone of our biggestchallenges. We needgame-changing tech todecarbonize, reduceemissions, and create acleaner future forindustries and thepeople who rely onthem. Got the innovationto transform it all? Stepup!Buildings & ConstructionBuildings aren’t juststructures—they’rewhere we live, work, andthrive. We need startupsthat can redefine howwe build, with energy-efficient materials andsmarter systems. Canyour innovation shapesustainable spaces fortomorrow? Show us!Great OpportunityThe 2025 SET Award CategoriesClean Energy & StorageClean energy powersour future—and it’sabout more than justtech. We’re looking forinnovators whosesolutions in renewableenergy generation,storage, anddistribution can scaleto meet the evolvingneeds of both peopleand the planet. Gotwhat it takes? Let’s seeit!Quality Energy Access & SDG-7If changing lives through clean energyis your mission–this is your moment.We’re on the hunt for startupsbringing affordable, reliable, andsustainable power to communitiesmost affected by climate change. Youin?Mobility & TransportationThe road to a greener future starts here.From electric vehicles to digital mobilityinnovations, we’re seeking bold startupstransforming how we move people andgoods. If you’re driving sustainabilityand cutting energy use, let’s roll!SET Award’s gotsomething epic waitingfor you at every stage.Category Winners€10,000 Cash Boost: Walkaway with equity-free prizemoney to turbocharge yourstartupGlobal Spotlight: Yourstartup gets celebratedacross the World EnergyCouncil’s network in 100+countries—now that’s globalexposure!Insider Access: Connectwith Industry leaders at theWorld Energy Leaders’SummitPR Powerhouse: Crank upyour visibility with top-tiermedia buzz and extravisibility in the energysector.Mic Drop Moment: Take thestage and own it at theBerlin Energy TransitionDialogue 2025.FinalistsTrip to Berlin: We’ve got theflights and accomodationcovered for two — just bringyour A-game.Meet the Mavericks: Getface time with our C-leveljury of investors andcorporates. Make thoseconnections count.Showcase Your Stuff: Rockyour own booth at the SETTech Festival.Live Pitch Battle: Pitch yourstartup live to the industry’sbiggest movers and shakers.Get Featured: Shine in ourEnergy Frontrunners series,putting your startup on theglobal map.

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Page 51looking for energy-efficient refurbishments, modernisations, conversions,extensions and densification projects that combine climate change mitigation and adaptation, recyclability, energy efficiency and biodiversity withsufficiency strategies and social aspects. “The aim of the competition isprimarily to demonstrate the compatibility of sustainability and climate changemitigation strategies along with the social dimension. Successful climatechange mitigation means including all sections of the population. With thisaward, we want to promote construction and renovation projects that takesocial, ecological and economic aspects into account,” says UBA President DirkMessner. Above all, results that can be transferred to other buildings and thuscontribute to accelerating the transition in construction will be considered forthe award.The winning projects will be presented to the public and the media at anawards ceremony on 7 April 2025 at the Federal Ministry for the Environmentin Berlin. They will become role models for sustainable building and can have apositive influence on political decisions. The award-winning projects will bepresented in detail on the German Environment Agency’s website. Videoportraits produced by the UBA will provide information to interested membersof the public.For the third time, BMUV and UBAare honouring sustainablebuildings, neighbourhoods andinnovation – submissions now openThe Federal Ministry for the Environment,Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety andConsumer Protection (BMUV) and theGerman Environment Agency (UBA) areorganising the German SUSTAINABLEBUILDING Award for the third time.Sponsored by Federal EnvironmentMinister Steffi Lemke, the GermanSUSTAINABLE BUILDING Awardrecognises projects that comprehensivelyimplement the values of the EU’s NewEuropean Bauhaus initiative –sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion.With immediate effect, role models fordesign and construction in existingcontexts are being sought in fourcategories. The competition is aimed atthought leaders from the fields ofarchitecture, specialist planning andbuilding products. The closing date forentries is 18 November 2024. The awardceremony will take place on 7 April 2025.The focus of the German SUSTAINABLEBUILDING Award (Bundespreis UMWELT& BAUEN) 2025 is on existing buildings.Sustainable new construction cannotsufficiently reduce greenhouse gasemissions, the use of resources or theamount of waste generated by theconstruction sector. We are therefore Great OpportunityGerman SUSTAINABLEBUILDING Award2025 focuses ondesign andconstruction inexisting contextsCategories and conditions of participation: The German SUSTAINABLEBUILDING Award 2025 is presented in the categories “Residentialbuilding”, “Non-residential building”, “Neighbourhood” and “Specialaward for construction products, construction technology or digitalinnovations”. The buildings must be exemplary and construction inGermany must have already been completed. In the case ofneighbourhoods, partial completion is sufficient. The innovations for thespecial prize must be marketable. Projects can be submitted by allproject participants such as property developers, architecture andplanning offices, manufacturers or research institutions from now until18 November 2024. Multiple applications in different categories arepermitted.

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E V E N T C A L E N D A RNovemberC H I N A I N T E R N A T I O N A LP L A S T I C S E X H I B I T I O N2 0 2 4N A N J I N GI N T E R N A T I O N A L E X P OC E N T E R , N A N J I N G ,C H I N A 0 1 - 0 3 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4OctoberT A N Z A N I A I N T E R N A T I O N A LM A N U F A C T U R E R S E X P O2 0 2 4M W A L I M U J . K . N Y E R E R ET R A D E F A I R G R O U N D , D A RE S S A L A A M , T A N Z A N I A2 6 S E P T E M B E R - 0 3O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4I A S S T E E L C O N F E R E N C EA N D E X P O I A S 2 0 2 4R O S A R I O , A R G E N T I N A0 1 - 0 3 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4O D O O M A N U F A C T U R I N GD A Y 2 0 2 4B R U S S E L S E X H I B I T I O NC E N T R E A T T H E B R U S S E L SE X P O , B R U S S E L S , B E L G I U M 0 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4M E T A L E X V I E T N A M 2 0 2 4S A I G O N E X H I B I T I O N A N DC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R , H OC H I M I N H , V I E T N A M 0 2 - 0 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N O N T H EI N D U S T R Y O F P L A S T I C SA N D P O L Y M E R S 2 0 2 4U Z E K S P O C E N T R EE X H I B I T I O N C E N T R E ,T A S H K E N T , U Z B E K I S T A N0 2 - 0 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4M A N U F A C T U R I N G D I G I T A LT R A N S F O R M A T I O N E X P OO S A K A 2 0 2 4I N T E X O S A K A , O S A K A ,J A P A N0 2 - 0 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4M A N U F A C T U R I N G D I G I T A LT R A N S F O R M A T I O N E X P OO S A K A 2 0 2 4I N T E X O S A K A , O S A K A ,J A P A N0 2 - 0 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4F L U I D F L O W A N D H E A TT R A N S F E R I N I N D U S T R I A LA P P L I C A T I O N S - M A E 82 0 2 4S I N G A P O R E0 6 - 1 0 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4P R A C T I C A L P U M P A N DV A L V E T E C H N O L O G Y 2 0 2 4D U B A I , U A E0 6 - 1 0 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4I N D U S T R I A L P R O C E S SM E A S U R E M E N T A N DC O N T R O L 2 0 2 4D U B A I , U A E0 6 - 1 0 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4P R E C I S I O NE N G I N E E R I N G , M A C H I N ET O O L T E C H N O L O G YS H O W 2 0 2 4U N E I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N A N DC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R ,P I M P R I - C H I N C H W A D ,I N D I A0 7 - 1 0 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N F E R E N C E A N DE X H I B I T I O N O NT H E R M O P L A S T I CC O M P O S I T E S 2 0 2 4M E S S E B R E M E N ,B R E M E N , G E R M A N Y0 9 - 1 0 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4N A N J I N GI N T E R N A T I O N A L E X P OC E N T E R , N A N J I N G ,C H I N AS H E N Z H E N , C H I N A0 1 - 0 3 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4L A / O C E X P O & T E C HF O R U M 2 0 2 4H I G H W A Y 3 9 E V E N TC E N T E R , A N A H E I M , U S A0 5 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A LA E R O S O L A N D M E T A LC O N T A I N E R S E X H I B I T I O N2 0 2 4N I N G B O I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N F E R E N C E A N DE X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,N I N G B O , C H I N A0 4 - 0 6 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4T O O L E X P O K A Z A K H S T A N2 0 2 4B A L U A N S H O L A K S P O R T SP A L A C E , A L M A T Y ,K A Z A K H S T A N0 5 - 0 7 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4T O O L E X P O K A Z A K H S T A N2 0 2 4B A L U A N S H O L A K S P O R T SP A L A C E , A L M A T Y ,K A Z A K H S T A N0 5 - 0 7 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4E U R O E X P O I N D U S T R YF A I R K I R U N A 2 0 2 4A R E N A A R C T I C A ,K I R U N A , S W E D E N0 5 - 0 7 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4M O S C O WI N T E R N A T I O N A L T O O LE X P O 2 0 2 4M O S C O W , R U S S I A0 5 - 0 8 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4M A N U F A C T U R E R S ' E X P O2 0 2 4Y O R K E X P O C E N T E RG R A N D S T A N D , Y O R K , U S A0 7 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4I N T E R N A T I O N A L H I G H L Y -F U N C T I O N A L M A T E R I A LE X P O 2 0 2 4 S H E N Z H E N W O R L DE X H I B I T I O N &C O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R ,S H E N Z H E N , C H I N A0 6 - 0 8 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4J A P A N I N T E R N A T I O N A LM A C H I N E T O O L F A I R2 0 2 4T O K Y O B I G S I G H T , K O T O ,J A P A N0 5 - 0 8 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4H O N G K O N GI N T E R N A T I O N A LO U T D O O R A N D T E C HL I G H T E X P O 2 0 2 4A S I A W O R L D - E X P O , H O N GK O N G2 9 O C T O B E R - 0 1N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4B A L I K P A P A N I N D U S T R I A LE X P O 2 0 2 4B P P S P O R T A N DC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R ,S O U T H B A L I K P A P A N ,I N D O N E S I A3 0 O C T O B E R - 0 1N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4

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E V E N T C A L E N D A RJanuaryG E E L O N G C L A S S I C T R U C K& M A C H I N E R Y S H O W2 0 2 5G E E L O N G S H O W G R O U N D SM A R K E T , B R E A K W A T E R ,A U S T R A L I A 1 1 - 1 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5DecemberF U T U R E C E M E N TC O N F E R E N C E A N DE X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 4H O T E L P U L L M A N B R U S S E L SC E N T R E M I D I , B R U S S E L S ,B E L G I U M0 3 - 0 4 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4F U T U R E O F C H E M I C A LR E C Y C L I N G 2 0 2 5K O L O B R Z E G , P O L A N D0 1 - 3 1 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5I R A N I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N O F M O L DA N D R E L A T E DI N D U S T R I E S 2 0 2 5N I N G B O I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N F E R E N C E A N DE X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,N I N G B O , C H I N A1 9 - 2 1 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5T H E M A G N E T I C S S H O WE U R O P E 2 0 2 4R A I A M S T E R D A M ,A M S T E R D A M ,N E T H E R L A N D S0 3 - 0 4 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4I N T E R N A T I O N A L V A L V E SC O N F E R E N C E A N DE X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 4D H A H R A N E X P O , D H A H R A N ,S A U D I A R A B I A0 3 - 0 5 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4S H A N G H A I I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N O N H E A T I N GT E C H N O L O G Y 2 0 2 4S H A N G H A I W O R L D E X P OE X H I B I T I O N A N DC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R ,S H A N G H A I , C H I N A0 4 - 0 6 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4N A N J I N G I N T E R N A T I O N A LA D V A N C E DM A N U F A C T U R I N G A N DS M A R T F A C T O R YE X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 4N A N J I N G I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,N A N J I N G , C H I N A0 4 - 0 7 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4M A N U F A C T U R I N GI N D O N E S I A 2 0 2 4J I E X P O C O N V E N T I O NC E N T R E A N D T H E A T R E ,J A K A R T A U T A R A ,I N D O N E S I A0 4 - 0 7 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N F O R M E T A LW O R K I N G , C N CM A C H I N E R Y , I N D U S T R I A LT O O L S , W E L D I N G A N DC U T T I N G E Q U I P M E N T 2 0 2 4E G Y P T I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,C A I R O , E G Y P T1 2 - 1 5 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4G L O B A L I N D U S T R I A LE X P O 2 0 2 4A U T O C L U S T E RE X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,P U N E , I N D I A1 3 - 1 5 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4M T M M E T A L W O R L D E X P O2 0 2 4S H A N G H A I N E WI N T E R N A T I O N A L E X P OC E N T R E ( S N I E C ) ,S H A N G H A I , C H I N A1 8 - 2 0 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4S H A N G H A II N T E R N A T I O N A LE L E C T R O N I C C H E M I C A L SA N D N E W M A T E R I A L SE X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 4S H A N G H A I N E WI N T E R N A T I O N A L E X P OC E N T R E ( S N I E C ) ,S H A N G H A I , C H I N A1 8 - 2 0 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4C H I N A M A C H I N E X I N D I A2 0 2 4B O M B A Y E X H I B I T I O NC E N T R E ( B E C ) , M U M B A I ,I N D I A2 3 - 2 5 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4G L O B E - T E C HE N G I N E E R I N G E X P O -B E L A G A V I 2 0 2 5M A L I N I C I T Y , B E L A G A V I ,I N D I A1 0 - 1 3 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5A I & B U S I N E S SA U T O M A T I O N E X P OO S A K A 2 0 2 5I N T E X O S A K A , O S A K A ,J A P A N1 5 - 1 7 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N F E R E N C E &E X H I B I T I O N O NR E I N F O R C E D P L A S T I C S2 0 2 5B O M B A Y E X H I B I T I O NC E N T R E ( B E C ) , M U M B A I ,I N D I A2 1 - 2 3 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N F O RM A T E R I A L H A N D L I N G &S T O R A G E E Q U I P M E N T2 0 2 5R I Y A D H I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N V E N T I O N &E X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,R I Y A D H , S A U D I A R A B I A2 1 - 2 3 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5E L E C T R O N I C SD E V E L O P M E N T A N DI M P L E M E N T A T I O NE X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 5T O K Y O B I G S I G H T , K O T O ,J A P A N2 2 - 2 4 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5I N T E R P L A S T P A C K E A S TA F R I C A 2 0 2 5A G A K H A N D I A M O N DJ U B I L E E H A L L , D A R E SS A L A A M , T A N Z A N I A2 3 - 2 5 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5M I D W E S T T O O L E X P O &A U C T I O N 2 0 2 5M I C H I A N A E V E N T C E N T E R( M E C ) , H O W E , U S A2 3 - 2 5 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5M I C H I A N A E V E N T C E N T E R( M E C ) , H O W E , U S A G 2 3 -2 5 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5T H E S P A A T T H E H I L T O ND A Y T O N A B E A C HO C E A N F R O N T R E S O R T ,D A Y T O N A B E A C H , U S A2 6 - 3 1 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5