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A Symphony of Metalworking,Measurement, and ControlPRECISIONMASTERY :Industrial Roadshow Cikarang 2024:Forging New Frontiers in IndustrialInnovationMATTHEW HARDMAN,CTO OF HITACHIVANTARA APACThe Impact of AI on TransformingQuality Control in ManufacturingMetalworking Trends in theMedical Industry for 2024Revolutionizing Industrial Efficiencywith Advanced Measurement andControl TechnologyGroundbreaking MoU Signings at TheIndustrial Roadshow Cikarang 2024

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NoteAttendees had the opportunity to engage in insightful panel discussions, hands-on workshops, andinteractive demonstrations that showcased cutting-edge innovations. The event featured a diverselineup of keynote speakers who addressed critical topics such as sustainability, digitaltransformation, and the integration of artificial intelligence in manufacturing processes.Networking sessions allowed participants to connect with peers, explore collaborativeopportunities, and gain fresh perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing the industry.Additionally, the exhibition hall was bustling with activity, featuring booths from leading companiesdisplaying their latest products and services.For many, the highlight of the Roadshow was the Startup Showcase, where emerging companiespresented their groundbreaking solutions to potential investors and partners. This segmentunderscored the importance of nurturing new talent and supporting the entrepreneurial ecosystemwithin the industrial sector.Overall, the Industrial Roadshow Cikarang 2024 not only highlighted the advancements and futuredirections of the industry but also fostered a sense of community and shared purpose among allattendees. It was a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in driving progress andshaping a sustainable, dynamic future for the industrial landscape.The Industrial Roadshow Cikarang 2024 was a great chance for participants to immerse themselvesin the latest industrial trends and technologies. It provided an ideal platform for industry leaders,innovators, and key stakeholders to share their expertise, discover new technologies, and establishvaluable strategic partnerships that will significantly impact the future of the industrial sector.Publisher’sWith Love,Team Industrial Guide Asia

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Page 1Notable Exhibitors and Pavilions: The event featured leading exhibitorsand pavilions such as KAR, KOMIPO, Daejeon Technopark, NACSI fromSouth Korea, The Machine Maker from India, MYAIRA from Malaysia,and Yaamuna Aldragen from Europe. Local Indonesian pavilionsincluded PMATOII and eight local associations from PIDI 4.0, KadinBekasi, Printidi, Starfindo, ASTTA, APDI, and PHRI. These pavilionsprovided comprehensive insights into cutting-edge trends andinnovations shaping the industrial sector. Attendees experiencedfirsthand the latest advancements in:Factory Automation: Enhancing productivity and efficiency.Drones and Robotics: Revolutionizing manufacturing and logistics.Educational Robots: Transforming learning and skill development.SaaS Solutions: Streamlining operations and improving businessoutcomes.Industrial Digitalization: Smart factory solutions and IoTapplications.Industry 4.0 Engineering: Integrating advanced manufacturingtechnologies.Machinery and Tools: Enhancing manufacturing processes andprecision engineering.Insight OutIndustrial Roadshow Cikarang 2024: ForgingNew Frontiers in Industrial InnovationThe Industrial RoadshowCikarang 2024, held onJuly 18-19, has concludedwith remarkable success,bringing together over 112exhibitors and recordingaround 200 businessmatchings. This eventhas been pivotal infostering new businessrelationships andopening up significantopportunities.Export ConsultationPerformance:Participating companiesfrom Daejeon achievedexport consultationsworth $15.02 million USD.Contracts andAgreements: The eventcontributed to securingcontract promotions of$725,000 and fostering10 profitable exportagreements withinternational buyers.Notably, Aeris Co., Ltd., aprominentmanufacturer in securityand search equipment,inked a substantialcontract worth $30,000.Additionally, 15 on-the-spot transactions werecompleted for otherexhibitors, underscoringthe event's significance.MOUs Signed: A total of20 Memorandums ofUnderstanding (MOUs)were signed during theevent, further solidifyinginternationalpartnerships andcollaborations.Key Achievements:KAR, KOMIPO, PIDI AND TP DAEJEON

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Page 2Insight OutTechnical Workshops and Seminars: TheTechnical Workshop by SG Expert was anoutstanding event with a remarkablelineup of 14 advanced technicalworkshops. It captivated the interest of animpressive 272 participants enthusiasticabout diving into the thrilling realms ofautomation, robotics, industrialdigitalization, SaaS, AI, and Industry Visits: Over a two-day period,delegates toured five essential facilities,such as the PIDI building in Jakarta, MetaDC in Cikarang, Cikarang Dry Port, BekasiPower Plant, and Jababeka Infrastructurefor Water Treatment Plant. These visitshighlighted Jababeka's remarkableendeavors in creating a top-tier industrialpark in Cikarang. Infrastructure for WaterTreatment Plant. These visits showcasedthe extensive efforts by Jababeka inbuilding a world-class industrial park inCikarang.Networking and Future Plans: The eventfacilitated robust networking amongexhibitors and visitors from nearbyfactories. The successful completion of theroadshow sets the stage for follow-upstudy field trips to Singapore and Korea inthe coming months and participation inRobotWorld in Korea this October.MOU and future collaboration: A Letter of Intent(LOI) was signed on July 18th with BPSDMI BadanPengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia IndustriKementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia,Daejeon Technopark, Korea Midland Power, and theKorea Association of Robot Industry to collaborateand exchange expertise in 4th industrial revolutiontechnologies. Also, Jababeka, in partnership withYaamuna Aldragen, played a key role in signing 20additional MOUs between visitors and exhibitors,enhancing international cooperation andinnovation.Comments from Daejeon Technopark: Kim Woo-yeon, head of Daejeon Technopark, stated, “Thistechnology roadshow was a good opportunity forDaejeon robot companies to enter the Indonesianmarket. Now that we have confirmed the localmarket status and development potential, we willactively support Daejeon robot companies to enterthe Southeast Asian market beyond Indonesia.”Conclusion: The Industrial Roadshow Cikarang 2024has been a milestone event, setting newopportunities and fostering relationships betweenlocal and foreign companies. The successfulcollaboration and innovation showcased at theevent will undoubtedly drive the future of theindustrial sector.

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Page 3Insight OutGroundbreakingMoU Signings atThe IndustrialRoadshowCikarang 2024On July 30, 2024, the IndustrialRoadshow Cikarang 2024 took placeand was an unprecedented event forthe industrial sector. Held on July 18-19, 2024, from 09:00 to 17:00 at theprestigious President UniversityConvention Hall in Cikarang, thishighly anticipated event included thesigning of several significantMemoranda of Understanding(MoUs), signifying a crucial momentfor international collaboration andinnovation.A New Era of Collaboration andInnovationThe Industrial Roadshow Cikarang2024 brought together leadingcompanies, innovators, and industrystakeholders from around the globe.The event not only showcasedcutting-edge technologies but alsoserved as a platform for forging newbusiness partnerships. The signing ofMoUs between major industry playerswas a highlight of the Roadshow,symbolizing a commitment tocollaboration and the sharing oftechnological expertise.Key MoU Signings Among the significant MoU signings, the followingcollaborations stand out:DAEJEON TP & NES&TEC with PT Karunia KsatriaKasba: A partnership set to enhance drone andsecurity solutions.1.DAEJEON TP & Saeon Co. Ltd. with Roboto Inc: Aimingto innovate in edu robot solutions2.DAEJEON TP & AIRISS with ATG: Focused on safetysolutions.3.DAEJEON TP & BlueWaveTel Co. Ltd. with YaamunaAldragen: Enhancing telecommunications andconnectivity.4.DAEJEON TP & Synerex with PT. NOCOLA IOTSOLUTION, AEROTERRA, Indonesia AsosiasiPilotDrone: Pioneering IoT and drone technologies.5.DAEJEON TP & Korea Information System Co. Ltd withPT INOVASI SOLUSI TRANSPORTASI INDONESIA,Synectics1, PT Labsistematika Indonesia: Developingsmart transportation systems.6.KOMIPO & GAUSS LAB with Techno GIS: Advancinggeospatial information systems.7.KOMIPO & Ludens Partners Inc. with SG EXPERT:Revolutionizing food technology robotic training inSouth East Asia8.KOMIPO & HAICT Inc. with Roboto Inc: Innovating inedurobot technology.9.KOMIPO & Coresecurity with One Click Solutions,Emerald Synergy Materia: Strengtheningcybersecurity frameworks.10.KOMIPO & COTRAS Co. Ltd. with FLAP Control system,Roboto Inc: Advancing medical robotics technology11.KOMIPO & LPTech Co. Ltd. with Techno GIS, JAGOWEB,One Click Solutions, SG EXPERT: Fostering IT andsoftware solutions.12.JABABEKA and Yaamuna Aldragen : Developingmarketing strategies to promote Cikarang's industrialsector to the European market13.

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Page 4Insight OutThe Industrial Roadshow Cikarang 2024 was a great chance forparticipants to immerse themselves in the latest industrial trendsand technologies. It provided an ideal platform for industryleaders, innovators, and key stakeholders to share their expertise,discover new technologies, and establish valuable strategicpartnerships that will significantly impact the future of theindustrial sector.About The Industrial RoadshowCikarang 2024The Industrial Roadshow Cikarang2024 is a must-attend event forprofessionals in the industrial sector.Taking place at the PresidentUniversity Convention Hall this yearand set to tour the Cikarang area inthe future, the Roadshow offers aprime opportunity to presentinnovations, exchange knowledge,and establish partnerships that willpropel industry progress andadvancement. Visit : Opening Ceremony of Industrial Roadshow Cikarang

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Mat Elmore, SVP of strategicaccounts at Pivot Energy, said: “Thismarks a significant step in scaling uprenewables nationwide by providing ablueprint for how the auto industry canexpand their energy impact in areasthat need it most.”Insight OutPivot Energy, Rivian to build 60MW community solarin Illinois, USUS independent powerproducer Pivot Energyand electric vehicle (EV)manufacturer Rivianhave partnered to build60MW of communitysolar in Illinois, US.Rivian has committed topurchase renewableenergy certificates (REC)generated from 50MW ofsolar PV, whilesubscribing to theremaining 10MW ofcommunity solar fromPivot Energy that willpower its manufacturingfacility in the state.This is the latest partnership PivotEnergy signed with a company forcommunity solar projects. Last March,US retail giant Walmart invested in 19solar projects across the US, 15 ofwhich were community solarprojects.The partnership between thecompanies was made through a taxequity investment for the construction,operation and maintenance of thesolar portfolio.Corporate StrategyAccording to Pivot Energy,partnering with the EV maker willallow for the buildout of solarcapacity in locations that aremore fossil fuel dependent.A spokesperson from PivotEnergy told PV Tech thatconstruction of the projects hasalready begun. The earliestproject is expected to be online inthe fourth quarter of 2024, andthe rest will be commissionedthroughout 2025 and 2026.The two companies will invest$5,000 per MW built in localcommunity organisations, whichwill, among other things, reducethe energy burden for low-income families.Eagle Materials Announces Plansto Modernize and Expand ItsCement Plant in Laramie,WyomingEagle Materials Inc. announced plans to modernize and expand itsLaramie, Wyoming cement plant and related distribution facilities,which provide cement to several markets, including the growingnorthern Colorado area, Nebraska, Utah and Wyoming.The modernized plant and an additional cement distribution facilityin northern Colorado will incorporate state-of-the-art technologymaximizing operating efficiencies which will further strengthenEagle’s low-cost producer position. The expansion will increase theplant’s annual manufacturing capacity by 50% to approximately 1.2million tons of cement and is expected to reduce manufacturingcosts by approximately 25%.Expected cost reductions fromthe modern kiln line will begenerated by replacing the useof solid fuels with lower costalternative fuels and natural gas,simplified maintenanceprograms, and improvedoperating efficiencies. Additionally, the CO2 intensityfrom the Laramie, Wyomingfacility is expected to decline bynearly 20% once the project iscomplete. The projectinvestment, which includes anadditional distribution facility innorthern Colorado, is estimatedto be approximately $430million.Page 5

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The existing plant, which became operational in1927, has an annual capacity of 800,000 tons ofcement. Planning for the project has beencompleted, primary regulatory approvals havebeen received and construction is expected tobegin immediately with startup scheduled for thesecond half of calendar year 2026.$430 million growth investment will increase plant capacity by 50%; expected to result in costsavings of 25% and reduce CO2 intensity by nearly 20%ProLogium Leads theRealization of a SmartGigafactory for LithiumCeramic Batteries withSchneider Electric inFranceProLogium, a global leader in lithium ceramicbattery technology, and Schneider Electric, theworldwide leader in automated mass productionsolutions, have signed a Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MOU) enabling ProLogium toleverage Schneider Electric’s extensive automationexpertise to establish its smart gigafactory forlithium ceramic batteries in Dunkirk, France.Vincent Yang, the founder and Chairman ofProLogium and Laurent Bataille, Executive VicePresident of Schneider Electric France, signed theMOU between these two industry leaders in thepresence of French Minister of Transport PatriceVergriete. The partnership will be a critical driver inthe expansion of next-generation battery solutionsacross Europe, in line with ProLogium’scommitment to innovation and sustainabledevelopment.Schneider Electric, one of the largest energymanagement companies with a presence in over100 countries, is a pioneer in industrial digitization,transformation and automation technology. It hasassisted numerous renowned energy companiesworldwide in establishing smart factories,reaching their sustainability and mass productiongoals.ProLogium opened the world’s first giga-levellithium ceramic battery demonstration line inTaoyuan, Taiwan in January 2024, providing Thecollaboration with Schneider Electric aims toachieve ProLogium’s mass production goals whileestablishing an efficient and eco-friendlyproduction line. This marks another significantmilestone in the commercialization of lithiumceramic batteries.The partnership outlines the implementation ofseven major workflow processes including powerdistributed systems, smart manufacturing, andcarbon footprint management to establish acutting-edge, sustainable, and intelligentgigafactory. Concept verification is scheduled tobegin in the latter half of 2024, with plans to shapethe automated manufacturing system for theDunkirk plant before groundbreaking.With this expansion, Eagle re-emphasizes itscommitment to be the cement supplier of choicein the Mountain Region, including the key cities ofDenver and Salt Lake City, meeting the expectedincrease in demand for cement more broadly andto reduce the intensity of carbon emissions fromits facilities.Insight OutPage 6

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Patrice Vergriete, Minister of Transports stated, “Oneyear ago, the President of the French Republic honoredus with his visit to Dunkirk to announce theestablishment of ProLogium in our battery valley,which has become a symbol of Frenchreindustrialization. Since then, the Dunkirk area hasworked enthusiastically alongside ProLogium’s teams,and we thank them once again for their confidence.Today, we are delighted to see ProLogium announcenew partnerships that confirm our country’s positivetrajectory towards the decarbonized industry of the21st century!”“This agreement represents our shared vision for amore sustainable, energy efficient and resilient futurebuilt on innovation and electrification. Whiledemonstrating the pivotal role that both ProLogiumand Schneider Electric play in the Frenchgovernment’s green re-industrialization strategy.” saidLaurent Bataille, Executive Vice President, SchneiderElectric France Operations.The phased construction preparation for the Dunkirkgigafactory is progressing. Public consultations andarchitectural concept designs were finalized in 2023,while environmental assessments and procedures toobtain the construction permit are currently underwayconcurrently, and the gigafactory’s site is undergoingbackfilling. This progress is paving the way forsubsequent groundbreaking and completionanticipated by the end of 2026 or early 2027. By 2030,the factory is planned to provide approximately 3,000direct job opportunities in the Dunkirk region.“With sincere gratitude to the local government andour esteemed partners for their unwavering support,we are pleased to announce the smooth progress ofthe initial preparations for the ProLogium Dunkirkgigafactory construction project. Moving forward, weare poised to collaborate with Schneider Electric tooptimize the factory’s electricity, energy usage andproduction lines. Leveraging their extensive expertisein energy management, particularly in powerdistribution design and equipment automation, we aim toestablish a sustainable smart factory that isnot only more automated but alsoenvironmentally friendly.” said Calvin Hsieh,ProLogium Group Vice President of EUManufacturing Center.On May 13th, ProLogium was invited for thethird time to participate in Choose France,underpinning ProLogium’s alignment with theFrench government’s strategy in key areassuch as “Green Industry” and“Reindustrialization” in industrial growth.Universal Robots andMiR open new roboticshub in DenmarkUniversal Robots, the Danish collaborativerobot (cobot) company, and MiR, the Danishmanufacturer of AMRs (autonomous mobilerobots), today celebrated the Grand Openingof their new 20,000 sqm (215,000 sqft)headquarters in Odense, Denmark.Partners from UR and MiR's global ecosystemsattended the event, including NVIDIA andSiemens, with whom Teradyne Robotics andits companies have recently announcedseveral collaborations.“The launch of this new headquarters marks asignificant milestone for Teradyne Robotics aswe bring together two leading companies inrobotics innovation,” says Ujjwal Kumar, GroupPresident of Teradyne Robotics. “We will nowhave the optimal environment to evolve ourtechnological capabilities, which are alreadyin high demand."Universal Robots (UR) and MobileIndustrial Robots (MiR), both TeradyneRobotics companies, will share headquartersto increase synergies and accelerateinnovation within advanced robotics.Insight OutPage 7

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On the new robotics hub, Jean-Pierre Hathout,President of MiR, said: "Our new headquarters isdesigned to foster innovation, providing the perfectsetting for our teams to develop leading-edgesolutions that will revolutionize automation. MiR iscommitted to being a one-stop-shop for materialhandling, continuously advancing our technology tomeet the evolving needs of our large, globalcustomers. Our recently launched AI-poweredMiR1200 Pallet Jack exemplifies this dedication.I'm thrilled to witness the transformative impact ofour endeavors and to showcase MiR’s and UR’sofferings to our customers and partners at thisstate-of-the-art facility.Page 8Kim Povlsen, President of Universal Robots, added:“Since our foundation, UR has become a platformof choice for thousands of customers andhundreds of ecosystem partners. This beautifulbuilding reflects our strong design philosophy andprovides the perfect location for us to continue ourmission to deliver automation for anyone,anywhere.”AEye, Inc. (NASDAQ: LIDR), a global leader inadaptive, high-performance lidar solutions,today announced it will partner with AccelightTechnologies, Inc. (“ATI”) and LighTekton Co., deliver AEye’s 4Sight™ lidar solutions to theChina market. Together, the group will helpdeliver safer autonomous trucking and railwaysystems in China, using AEye’s ultra-long-range4Sight platform.Matt Fisch, AEye CEO said, “China is leading themarket in lidar adoption particularly as itapplies to the build-out of its smart rail transitand investment in autonomous trucking for itshighway system. Our 4Sight platform is an ultra-long-range solution that provides ‘safety atspeed’ and could help deliver greater efficiencyand safety for China’s dynamic publictransportation systems. We are excited to workwith two technology leaders to bring our 4Sightplatform to China’s extensive highway and railsystems. ATI and LighTekton are the rightpartners to make this happen, with theiradvanced capabilities and innate desire todeliver a safer experience for both autonomoustrucking and railways..AEye, AccelightTechnologies, andLighTekton Co.Announce Partnership toBring Lidar Solutions toChinaThe opening included a panel discussion featuringDeepu Talla, Vice President of Robotics and EdgeComputing of NVIDIA, Rainer Brehm, CEO ofSiemens Factory Automation, and Ujjwal Kumar,Group President of Teradyne Robotics. Thepanelists discussed the use of physical AI acrossindustries, underscoring the transformative powerof advanced automation for businesses andworkplaces.“…China is leading the market in lidar adoptionand we are very excited to work with AEye tobring their ultra-long-range lidar to the Chinamarket, where the TAM is estimated to be $2.5billion USD over the next 3 years. We believeAEye’s 4Sight technology will truly advance theoverall safety experience in both autonomoustrucking and railway systems.”Gordon Gu, Chairman, ATITransformative power of advancedautomationInsight Out

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ATI is a global company and a manufacturer of passive and active pluggablemodules used in fiber optic networks for telecom, datacenter, CATV, and broadbandaccess networks. ATI’s dedicated team designs and manufactures high-qualityoptoelectronic products for various high-tech markets.LighTekton is a high-tech enterprise focusing on photoelectric perceptiontechnology in the field of pan-autonomous driving, headquartered in Wuhan OpticsValley, China. With full-stack product R&D capabilities, based on optoelectronictechnology and photoelectric and lidar sensors, it provides customers with a fullrange of services such as device packaging, module assembly, complete machinedesign, and solutions.“As Matt said,China is leadingthe market inlidar adoptionand we are veryexcited to workwith AEye tobring their ultra-long-range lidarto the Chinamarket, wherethe TAM isestimated to be$2.5 billion USDover the next 3years. We believeAEye’s 4Sighttechnology willtruly advance theoverall safetyexperience inboth autonomoustrucking andrailway systems,”says Gordon Gu,Chairman of ATIInsight OutPage 9

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Insight OutABB and Niedax Group to create joint venture to meetgrowing demand for cable tray systems in NorthAmericaElectrification and automationleader ABB and Niedax Group, aleading global supplier of cablemanagement systems, haveentered into an agreement toform a new 50/50 joint venture.The transaction is subject tocustomary closing conditions.Expected to close andcommence operations in Q42024, the collaboration willintegrate the North Americancable tray businesses of ABB’sInstallation Products Divisionand Niedax Group into a newjoint venture. The plan is todeliver advanced solutions andservices to electricalcontractors, distributors andsystems integrators across theUnited States, Canada andMexico.Demand for cable tray systemshas steadily increased and isestimated to be one of thefastest-growing areas ofelectrical components withinNorth America. Used in electricalsystems across a broad rangeof applications such as electricpower distribution,communications andtechnology, construction,manufacturing and more, cabletray provides structural supportand organization for electricalcables, raceways andconductors. As demand forelectricity continues to grow, thejoint venture will leverage thestrengths and resources of ABBand Niedax Group to delivergreater customer value througha comprehensive solutionoffering, enhanced logisticscapabilities, local R&D andproduction, and specializedservices.“Growth in many of the industries weserve is driving increased demand forcable tray products and services.Partnering with Niedax Group will createnew opportunities, acceleratecollaboration and product development,and maximize value for our cable traycustomers coast-to-coast,” said KhalidMandri, President, ABB InstallationProducts Division. “With complementaryofferings, advanced manufacturingcapabilities, deep industry relationshipsand a shared focus on high-performance products, establishing thisjoint venture enables us to work togetherto pioneer future-ready cablemanagement solutions to supportgrowth in these transitioning industries.”The planned joint venture will offer ABBInstallation Products, T&B® Cable Trayand ExpressTray® Steel Wire Basket Trayproduct lines, as well as Niedax Group’sMonoSystems®, Canadian ElectricalRaceways and other Niedax® productlines. The combined product portfolio ofcable management solutions will beextensive, spanning a wide range ofconfigurations, finishes and types ofcable and ladder trays, wire baskets,channel and perforated tray, floorsystems and boxes, accessories andfittings. Customers will have the ability tocustomize solutions to meet their needsBjoern Kleister, Head of Strategy & BusinessDevelopment, ABB Installation Products,Khalid Mandri, President of ABBInstallation Products, Bruno Reufels, ChiefExecutive Officer of Niedax Group, andCornelius Steele, Member of the ExecutiveBoard, Niedax Group““The intention to form ajoint venture representsa significant milestonein our strategy to drivesustainable growth andenhanced customervalue," said BrunoReufels, CEO of NiedaxGroup. "By integratingABB's extensive expertisein digital technologiesand trusted brands andNiedax's industry-leading cablemanagement systems,we are well-positionedto meet the evolvingneeds of our customersand bring our combinedexpertise to emergingopportunities in theNorth American market.”ABB’s InstallationProducts Division andNiedax Group areworking to ensure asmooth transition for themore than 200employees across theU.S. and Canada whowill be part of the neworganization. The teamwill include engineering,manufacturing and R&Dspecialists, and salesand productmanagement experts.The companies aim tobuild on their combinedexpertise to expand theirexisting productportfolio and leverageautomated andsustainablemanufacturingpractices to driveincreased efficiency andvalue within theelectrification industry.Page 10

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Insight OutFuel rods manufactured by GE Vernova’s Nuclear Fuelbusiness to be evaluated at Oak Ridge NationalLaboratoryHigh burnup fuel rods, manufactured byGE Vernova’s Nuclear Fuel business,Global Nuclear Fuel (GNF), have beendelivered to the U.S. Department ofEnergy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory (ORNL) for examination aftercommercial operation. The rodscompleted three full cycles of operationat a U.S. nuclear power plant.The fuel rods were manufactured at GNF’s Wilmington, NCfacility. Evaluation of the rods will help provide GNF and DOEwith valuable information about high burnup fuel, a key goalof DOE’s Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) program.Higher burnup fuel is expected to further enhance nuclearsafety by enabling fuel to remain in the reactor core forlonger periods of time before it is removed for long-termstorage. It is anticipated that fewer bundles will supportimproved fuel cycle economics and power uprates. Thepost-irradiation examinations performed by ORNL supportGNF’s development, engineering and licensing efforts toensure the continued safe and reliable performance of fuelunder expanded operating conditions.“This shipment of these rods is anothermilestone in the drive to develop the nextgeneration of even safer and more reliablefuel,” said Mike Chilton, Executive VicePresident, GNF. “We are proud to be partof this collaboration with Oak RidgeNational Laboratory and the U.S.Department of Energy to benefit the entireindustry.”“This fuel shipment to Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory is an important step in GNF’sefforts to commercialize their high burnupfuel,” said Frank Goldner, a nuclearengineer within DOE’s Office of NuclearEnergy. “High burnup fuels are expected toenhance the performance of today’s reactorsand will help us on our path to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.”OMRON and NEURA Robotics Partner to UnveilNew Cognitive Robot and Seamless Integration ofAutomation Technologies at Automate 2024OMRON, leading solution provider in industrial automation, andNeura Robotics GmbH, innovation leader in cognitive robotics,recently announced their strategic partnership aimed atrevolutionizing manufacturing efficiency through advanced AI-driven cognitive automation technologies. This collaboration willbe highlighted at the upcoming Automate trade show in ChicagoMay 6-9 at McCormick Place, booth #2267, where the twocompanies will introduce the new OMRON intelligent CognitiveRobot (iCR) series.OMRON and NEURA Robotics to unveil new line of cognitive robotsand advanced AI-driven automation technologies at Automate.Page 11

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Insight OutThe potential of the new robot will beshowcased at Automate through a 3Dbin-picking demonstration. This demo willprovide an insight into how AI-enabled,cognitive automation can enhance andredefine the efficiency and flexibility ofmanufacturing processes. It will alsoshowcase the impressive integration ofOMRON‘s all-in-one Sysmac controlplatform, highlighting its ability tostreamline complex operations.David Reger, founder, CEO and visionary atNEURA Robotics, reflected on thepartnership by saying, “Our strategic alliancewith Omron marks the beginning of a new erain industrial automation. This is anotherimportant step towards our goal ofrevolutionizing the global robotics market.With the intelligent Cognitive Robot iCR weare removing usage barriers and multiplyingpossible applications for robotics inautomation because they can actautonomously, recognize people safely andanticipate their actions. Thanks to ourtechnology, these key requirements for thehumanoid future of robotics are already areality in industry today. By launching theiCR, we aim to significantly influence thefuture of manufacturing across all geographiesand establish new benchmarks in theindustry.”Olivier Welker, President and CEO of Omron Robotics and SafetyTechnologies Inc. Also expressed his enthusiasm, „We are thrilledto announce this next step in our partnership with NEURA. TheOMRON iCR represents our commitment to pushing theboundaries of industrial automation and driving innovation in themanufacturing sector. We are confident in our ability to deliverstate-of-the-art solutions that will meet the evolving needs of ourcustomers and further establish OMRON as a leader inautomation.“Omron and NEURA Robotics invite all attendees at Automateto engage with their technologies, share insights, and discussthe future potential of automation in their manufacturingenvironments. The OMRON iCR, derived from NEURARobotics‘ MAiRA line, leverages integratedsensors and AI technologies to addressthe needs of industrial customers forflexibility, productivity, and efficiency.These robots boast an optional integrated3D vision sensor, intuitive user-friendlyinterface, and NEURA’s advanced safetyarchitecture for improved performanceand safety.Page 12

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Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) announced todaythat it will acquire an 80% stake in Fuji Bakelite Vietnam Co., outskirts of Hanoi, a subsidiary of Fuji Bakelite Co., Ltd. inOkayama Prefecture, Japan. The new joint venture (JV)company, to be named Mitsubishi Electric FP AutomationVietnam Co., Ltd., will be established on June 1 and will beginproduction of air circuit breakers from January 2025, in additionto the current company's existing line of small low-voltagecircuit breakers.Insight OutHoneywell announced its partnership with EnelNorth America ("Enel") to enhance buildingautomation and demand response solutionsfor commercial and industrial organizationsby using automation to control and regulateenergy loads to help stabilize the power grid.Together, Enel North America and Honeywellare enabling organizations to seamlesslyintegrate demand response programs intotheir facilities while simultaneouslymaximizing operational efficiency. Byleveraging Enel's comprehensive energyportfolio customers can now use automateddemand response solutions to help preventblackouts and grid outages in theircommunities during peak usage periods.Mitsubishi Electric to EstablishVietnamese JV for FA ProductsWill initially produce low-voltage circuit breakers for factory-automation products in ASEAN regionFuji Bakelite Vietnam, which has been inoperation since 2014, manufacturessmall low-voltage circuit breakers forMitsubishi Electric's Fukuyama Works inHiroshima Prefecture. The new JV willleverage Fuji Bakelite Vietnam's skilledworkforce and expertise inmanufacturing and quality control inVietnam in its manufacturing operations.Up to now, Mitsubishi Electric hasexpanded its factory automation (FA)business in the ASEAN region byexporting products manufacturedmainly in Japan. In the future, however,the demand for FA products is expectedto increase robustly in countries such asVietnam, Thailand, Indonesia andMalaysia, where strong economic growthis forecasted. Establishing a JV companyin Vietnam will enable Mitsubishi Electricto build a production system for low-voltage circuit breakers. In the future, thisJV company aims to further expand itsFA systems business by enhancingproduct supply capabilities in ASEANcountries to meet the growing demandfor FA products.Honeywell Partners with Enel North America to HelpStabilize Power Grids through Energy ManagementAutomationOrganizations can now help ensure grid stabilityand increase operational efficiency by automatingdemand response within their facilities"There is a growing need for energy capacity that canrespond on short notice to ensure grid stability," saidHamed Heyhat, President of Honeywell Smart Energy &Thermal Solutions (SETS). "Through our partnershipwith Enel North America, we are addressing thesechallenges directly by offering customers ready-nowsolutions that not only simplify the integration processbut also help deliver tangible benefits in terms ofefficiency, cost savings, and grid reliability."Page 14

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This strategic collaboration combines Enel's extensive expertiseas the worldwide leader in demand response with Honeywell'srenowned automation systems in order to provide customerswith an offering that enhances energy efficiency, flexibility, andrevenue generation potential. It also supports Honeywell'salignment of its portfolio to three compelling megatrends:automation, the future of aviation and the energy transitionInsight OutRockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE: ROK), the world's largestcompany dedicated to industrial automation and digitaltransformation, today announced a new multi-year, globalpartnership with IONETIC, a UK startup dedicated to making EVbatteries affordable for small- to medium-sized automakers.The cost of developing EV batteries for new vehicle designs isprohibitive for all but the highest volume automakers. This isthreatening to shut many successful, long-standing OEMs outof the future market. IONETIC has the technology and the visionto change this and give many innovative brands the ability tocompete now and in the future.As a result of this partnership, organizations across industries,ranging from commercial offices and retail stores to foodmanufacturing and farming facilities, can now automate theirfacility operations with no out-of-pocket costs, significantlyenhancing their demand response earnings potential.IONETIC boosts British batteryplans with global RockwellAutomation collaboration"The future of energy is flexible. Our modern power grids need end userswho are willing and able to adjust their electricity usage in real time,reducing costs and earning revenue in the process," said Molly Jerrard,head of demand response at Enel North America. "Enel's FlexUpoffering, powered by Honeywell's industry-leading automationtechnology, simplifies the process for organizations that are looking tomaximize their energy flexibility. It also enables us to leverage theseflexible loads to support grid reliability for homes, businesses andcommunities."Partnership to help UK manufacturing startup begin productionof customized EV batteries for smaller and mid-sizedautomotive OEMs.Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK), the world's largestcompany dedicated to industrialautomation and digitaltransformation, today announceda new multi-year, globalpartnership with IONETIC, a UK startup dedicated tomaking EV batteries affordablefor small- to medium-sizedautomakers.The cost of developing EVbatteries for new vehicle designsis prohibitive for all but thehighest volume automakers. Thisis threatening to shut manysuccessful, long-standing OEMsout of the future market. IONETIChas the technology and the visionto change this and give manyinnovative brands the ability tocompete now and in the future.With its unique design platformand battery technology, IONETICis building a one-stop-shop forbattery-pack design, testing, andmanufacture. By working withIONETIC, EV startup OEMs can cutthe cost of EV batterydevelopment significantly. Andnow, with Rockwell Automation,the company has a world-classautomation and digital partner.Page 15

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With its unique design platform and battery technology, IONETIC isbuilding a one-stop-shop for battery-pack design, testing, andmanufacture. By working with IONETIC, EV startup OEMs can cut thecost of EV battery development significantly. And now, with RockwellAutomation, the company has a world-class automation and digitalpartner.From the design of the factory, through to the optimization ofproduction workflows, Rockwell Automation will work with IONETICand its partners to get production up and running as quickly aspossible. IONETIC will use Rockwell's industry-leading automationhardware and integrated control systems, as well as software suchas Emulate3D™ software to build comprehensive digital twins of itsproduction facilities and manufacturing execution system (MES)solutions. Using simulation and modelling enables IONETIC to furthergenerate the detailed requirements of a modular flexible productionfacility.Insight Out“Rockwell Automation is excited to be partnering with IONETIC,” saidAsa Arvidsson, regional vice president, north region, Rockwell Automation.“We’re confident that the company’s unique technology and approach tobattery-pack design will make the EV market accessible to a greater rangeof automakers than before, helping the UK and Europe to meet both climateand industrial goals. We’re excited to support IONETIC with our uniquesuite of automation and digital technologies."“This new partnership withRockwell Automation gives usthe production and automationexpertise we need to get up andrunning, and then scale, fast,”said Stephen Large, chiefmanufacturing officer, IONETIC.“We’re excited to partner with aworld-leader in manufacturingtechnologies to build digitaltwins of our facilities and utilizedecades of expertise to growIONETIC.”James Eaton, CEO and co-founder, IONETIC, said, “We seeRockwell Automation as a long-term partner and anticipate ourrelationship will enable ourevolution and expansion longinto the future as the EV batterymarket grows exponentially overthe next decade and more.”Page 16

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This partnership will yield significant benefits for FPT Software's clients. By combining Mendix's platform withFPT Software's delivery capabilities, businesses can achieve faster time-to-market and lower softwaredevelopment costs. The scalability and flexibility of Mendix-powered applications also ensure clients’investments can grow as their business expands.“In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are looking for digital transformation partners that canenable speed and scale. FPT Software and Mendix both share the commitment to agility, scalability, andflexibility, and we are looking forward to helping companies unlock greater business values with ourpartnership,” said FPT Software Senior Executive Vice President Do Van Khac. Insight OutLooking ahead, FPT Software andMendix plan to collaborate onjoint innovation initiatives,developing custom solutions andexploring new use cases of low-code technology, especially forclients in the finance andmanufacturing industries. Bothcompanies aim to conductcustomer success programs toprovide ongoing support, training,and guidance to ensure theirmutual clients achieve businessobjectives.This collaboration is expected to strengthen the partnership between FPT and Siemens, as the twocorporations have previously signed an MOU to collaborate in advancing the manufacturing sector,semiconductor chip production, and digital transformation in general.FPT Software Partners with Siemens to Provide Low-code Platform Mendix in Korean and Japanese MarketsFPT Software has entered into a partnership with Mendix, Siemens' industry-leading low-code applicationdevelopment platform. Through this collaboration, FPT Software will become Mendix’s reseller and deliverypartner in the South Korean and Japanese markets, providing clients with faster time-to-market and morecost-effective software projects.Leveraging Mendix’s industry-leading low-code capabilities, FPT Software aims to enhance its portfolio withrapid application development, prototyping, and deployment services. It also explores opportunities toexpand market reach through Mendix’s partner ecosystem as well as joint marketing and sales activities.FPT Software has entered into apartnership with Mendix, Siemens'industry-leading low-code applicationdevelopment platform. Through thiscollaboration, FPT Software will becomeMendix’s reseller and delivery partner inthe South Korean and Japanese markets,providing clients with faster time-to-market and more cost-effective softwareprojects.Page 17

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“Siemens technology is at the forefront ofsustainable energy distribution. This agreementwith Norgesnett signifies a crucial step forward aswe work together to implement SF6-freeswitchgear solutions across national grids,” saysStephan May, CEO of Electrification andAutomation at Siemens Smart Infrastructure. “Byleveraging Siemens' innovative blue GIS portfolio,powered by Clean Air insulation technology, we aredriving forward sustainable power distribution inNorway. This collaboration demonstrates ourshared dedication to environmental stewardshipand reinforces our role in providing future-proofsolutions for the energy sector."Technology & ProductsThe 8DJH 24 – blue GIS switchgear is a corecomponent of Siemens’ sustainable and innovativeblue GIS portfolio, designed to help electrical gridstransition to eco-friendly networks. The switchgearuses Clean Air, based on natural-origin gases, is freeof fluorinated and PFAS gases, and has a globalwarming potential (GWP) below 1. By combiningClean Air for insulation with Siemens’ provenvacuum-interrupter technology, blue GIS switchgearhelps customers to reduce their carbon footprint.“The framework agreement with Siemens gives uspredictable access to critically important materialsand equipment, which will boost our environmentaland sustainability efforts,” says Vidar Kristoffersen,CEO of Norgesnett. "We are proud to be the firstcompany in Norway to only use SF6-free switchgearacross our grid, thanks to this framework agreementwith Siemens, a company known for its long andsuccessful history of developing environmentallyfriendly solutions.”SF6, or sulphur hexafluoride, is a synthetic gas thatdoes not occur naturally in the atmosphere. This gashas traditionally been used as an insulating andcurrent-interrupting medium in medium-voltageswitchgear and installations but has a globalwarming potential which is 24,300 times higher thanthat of CO2, when viewed from a 100-yearperspective. By adopting the SF6-free solution fromSiemens, Norgesnett will save approximately 1,200tonnes of CO2 compared to SF6-gas switchgearover the lifetime of the product. The proliferation bySiemens of sustainable switchgear is driving asuccessful energy transformation, with Clean Air asthe key to sustainable and reliable grids.Siemens drives sustainableand future-proof powerdistribution across Norway Known as Norway’s most efficient grid operator,Norgesnett is a distribution utility operating acrossseven municipalities in south-eastern Norway,serving 102,000 end customers. Demonstratingclear commitment from the board down to itsambitious sustainability targets, Norgesnett hasmade the decision that SF6-free switchgear fromSiemens is to be deployed across its grid.Siemens Smart Infrastructure has signed a six-yearframework agreement with Norgesnett to deliverSF6 gas-free switchgear in the form of the 8DJH24 – blue GIS switchgear, alongside compactsubstations. Page 19

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AVENTICS Series 625 Sentronic electronicproportional pressure control valves and dataacquisition software enable quick startup,monitoring and control directly on a PCTechnology & ProductsNew Emerson Pressure Valves Ensure Flexible,Accurate Control for High-Precision ManufacturingEmerson announced the new AVENTICSTM Series625 Sentronic Proportional Pressure ControlValves. With a control deviation of less than 0.5%,the new valves are designed to deliver highlyaccurate, electronic proportional pressure controland provide the flexibility needed to supportsophisticated pneumatic control engineeringapplications. Data acquisition software (DaS)software included with Series 625 Sentronic valvesalso make it possible to quickly startup, monitorand control valves directly on a PC.“In high-precision equipment, such as that used forflame cutting and laser eye surgery, accuracy andcontrol are critical,” said Nicolas Jacquet, directorof product management for Emerson’s discreteautomation business. “Series 625 Sentronic valvesare engineered to precisely control pressure, flowrate, power, speed, distance and angular positions.As part of the extensive AVENTICS portfolio ofcylinders, valves, air preparation and pressureregulators, the Series 625 Sentronic is a coretechnology for factory automation.”Four valve sizes from 1 millimeter up to 20 mmsupport a comprehensive range of flow rates, from55 liters per minute to 4,700 l/min. Pressurecapabilities range from vacuum levels up to 50 bar,which can reduce the overall number of valvesrequired for a machine design. Housing material isavailable in brass, aluminum or stainless steel andsealing material in nitrile (NBR) or fluoroelastomer(FKM) options. There are also three sets of connectors,M12 5-pin, M12 8-pin and M16 7-pin.As development and manufacturing phases continueto get shorter, fast startup procedures and reliable,controllable manufacturing processes are moreimportant than ever. Using the DaS software,operators can diagnose, control, repair or individuallyconfigure valves. They can also perform cascadecontrols when applications require exceptionalprecision and other complex control loops. Theexpanded range of diagnostic and monitoringfunctions include input pressure, commandedpressure, internal temperature and ethernetcommunication.For more information visit: 20

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ROBOT New product: The World's First Global ExplosionProof Collaborative Paint Robot CRX-10iA/L PaintThe CRX-10iA/L Paint will be exhibited at both theAUTOMATE Show (USA) and FANUC Open House(Japan), which will be held in May. FANUC willdemonstrate the ease of use of the CRX series inpainting applications.FANUC will start production of the CRX-10iA/L Paint inAugust 2024.Technology & ProductsFANUC will introduce an explosion proofvariant of the popular collaborative robot CRXseries. The world's first global ex-proofcollaborative paint robot expands the rangeof applications for collaborative robots.The world's first global ex-proof collaborativepaint robot “CRX-10iA/L Paint” that complieswith ex-proof standards in each country andregion, will be an addition to the collaborativerobot CRX series that is known for its ease ofuse even for first-time robot users.The CRX-10iA/L Paint can be easily taughtusing direct teaching even in paintingenvironments that require ex-proofspecifications. By having a person directlymove the robot in the same way that a workerwould normally move a gun when painting,teaching a robot motion path can be doneeasily and accurately. Intuitive paint specificicon commands have also been added forpaint applications. Features such as the highlysensitive contact stop functions have beencarried over from the conventional CRX lineup.The CRX-10iA/L Paint is an ex-proof paint robotbased on CRX-10iA/L, with a payload of 10 kgand a reach of 1,418 mm. It allows painting oflarge workpieces by taking advantage of thelong reach. It has the smooth and roundeddesign of the CRX series, and is lightweight at45 kg. The control unit for ex-proof can bestacked on a lightweight and compact R-30iBMini Plus controller, contributing to spacesavings. The CRX-10iA/L Paint is maintenance-free for 8 years like other CRX series, whichalso contributes to reduced running costsafter installation.Neousys TechnologyAnnounces Low-SWaP AIMission Computer Poweredby NVIDIA® JetsonOrin™ NXPage 22

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To cater to a variety of sensing and perception functions,the FLYC-300 supports 2x Ethernet, 2x USB3.2, and 2xGMSL2 ports, facilitating the integration of various sensorsand cameras such as RGB, infrared, hyperspectral, HDR,and high-res cameras. With built-in UART and CANsupport, seamless interaction with flight controllers,vehicles or robots is ensured.Additionally, FLYC-300 accommodates a wide voltageinput range from 4S to 14S battery packs (or 12V to 60V DCinput) via the XT30 DC-IN connector for drones. It alsooffers compatibility with 5G or 4G modules for real-timetransmission of images, videos, and data. FLYC-300comes with two configurations: with or without anenclosure, customers can choose the specification thatbest fits their application needs.Technology & ProductsNeousys Technology, an industry-leadingprovider of rugged embedded systems,announced its latest addition to the Jetson-based computer family, FLYC-300. Weighingin at just 297g, featuring low-SWaP (Size,Weight, and Power) form factor and 100 TOPSAI performance, FLYC-300 is ideal for a widerange of advanced applications forunmanned systems, including deploymenton UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), UGVs(Unmanned Ground Vehicles) and AMRs(Autonomous Mobile Robots).The mobility and ease of operation of dronesand robotics have made them invaluableacross various industries. They excel inexecuting critical tasks and capturingimagery in hard-to-reach or widespreadareas, including inspection, logistics, rescueoperations, security, agriculture, andenvironmental monitoring. The introductionof FLYC-300 brings AI computation to enableautonomous navigation, object detection,real-time inference, and SLAM (SimultaneousLocalization and Mapping) capabilities.Innodisk Introduces iCAP Air: Advancing Air QualityManagement through Autonomous Decision-Making"FLYC-300 is a lightweight AI computer designed toelevate unmanned systems to new heights by combiningvision and the powerful yet efficient NVIDIA Jetson SoM.Its low-SWaP and interface designs make integration anddeployment easily, offering unparalleled AI capabilities fordrones and robotics," said Neil Liu, product manager atNeousys Technology.Innodisk, a global leader in AI solutions, hastaken a pivotal step forward in environmentalsustainability with the launch of its latestinnovation, the “iCAP Air” air qualitymanagement solution. This solution empowersbusinesses worldwide to enhance air quality,sustainability, and human health. Additionally,business can benefit from monthly AI-generatedair quality data report, providing valuableinsights for informed decision-making.Leveraging its expertise in edge computing andsoftware and hardware integration, along with theexpertise of its subsidiary Sysinno in air qualitydetection, Innodisk has achieved the development ofthe “iCAP Air” air quality management solution. Thissolution integrates advanced technology, includingthe innovative “iAeris7” air quality detector fromSysinno, to deliver accuracy in detectingtemperature, humidity, fine suspended particles(PM2.5), suspended particles (PM10), carbon dioxide(CO2), formaldehyde and total volatile organiccompounds (TVOC).Page 23

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Technology & Products It can also be customized to detect NO2, SO2, CO, NH3, andother air factors. At the same time, the iAeris7 device is knownfor its reliability, patented technology, and variousinternational certifications, including those from SGS andFCC/CE/RoHS/NCC/BSMI. iCAP Air is a comprehensive solution that simplifies air qualitymanagement f. It is tailored for medium to large-sized sites or connsely populated, enclosed spacessuch as medical institutions, smartmanufacturing facilities, publictransportation hubs, indoor parkingfacilities, and department stores.Innodisk's “iCAP Air” air qualitymanagement solution represents amilestone for all businesses committedtor userso leveraging technology for thegreater good of air quality and society.Page 24

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JAC Motors' Digital Transformation Journey: DrivingSmart Manufacturing with SangforSuccess StoryAs one of the leading players in the Chineseautomotive industry, JAC Motors (officially AnhuiJianghuai Automobile Co., Ltd.) possessesadvanced smart manufacturing capabilities. Therenowned car manufacturer has established eightmajor production bases domestically and 19 KD(knock-down) factories overseas, with over athousand sales and service outlets. One of its mostnotable production bases is the NIO factory – asmart factory dedicated to producing NIO electricvehicles as part of a manufacturing cooperationbetween JAC Motors and NIO Inc. The factory issituated in the Shushan District of Hefei City.Construction began on October 23, 2016, on a vast839-acre piece of land that was previously awetland.Driving Manufacturing TransformationOn July 14, over forty CIOs from variousmanufacturing enterprises nationwide gathered atthe NIO factory, which now produces an impressive240,000 vehicles annually.CIOs visiting the body workshop of the NIO factoryInside the body workshop, visitors were leftcaptivated by the display of industrial robots andintelligent handling robots operating with precisionand efficiency. Ding Zhihai, Chief Information Officerat JAC Motors, recounted the company’stransformation journey, highlighting the pivotal roleof industrial technology.Over the past few decades, JAC Motors has firmlyestablished its presence in the automotive industry.It has continuously expanded its capabilities andgained a competitive edge by leveraging advanceddigital technologies.From the first-generation factory to the third-generation smart factory, we have implemented acomprehensive design of industrial businessapplications. This design revolves around connectingthe R&D design BOM (Bill of Materials) and PLM(Product Lifecycle Management) business systemswith production MES (Manufacturing ExecutionSystem) business systems, enabling the seamlessflow of data between them. As a result, the projectcycle has been reduced from the original three yearsto 1.5 years. This has allowed us to effectivelyreduce costs and significantly improve productionefficiency. -Ding Zhihai, Chief Information Officerat JAC MotorsAll these achievements were made possible by thesolid and unwavering commitment to establishinga robust digital foundation during the digitaltransformation process.JAC Motors CIO Ding Zhihai reviews thecompany’s digital transformation journeyPage 26

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Success StoryTo address the above pain points and improveoverall performance, the company madeupgrading to a cloud data center a top priority.In 2019, JAC Motors prioritized migrating theheadquarters' office operations and branchproduction operations to the cloud. Thecompany migrated all core business systems,including PLM, BOM, MES, DMS, and finance, toSangfor Hyper-Converged Infrastructure(HCI). This platform offered robust supportand flexible data backup capabilities,ensuring a stable and reliable operatingenvironment for the business.In 2021, JAC Motors completed theconstruction of a Sangfor HCI-based privatecloud. The private cloud setup consisted of theSangfor Cloud Platform (SCP), seven clusters,and over 1,000 virtual machines (VMs), allused to host the company's core businesssystems. Some innovative business systemsutilized Sangfor Managed Cloud and publiccloud for off-site data backup and same-cityoff-site application disaster recovery. As aresult, the production business achieved azero recovery time objective (RTO), meaningthere is no downtime during disaster recovery,and a near-zero recovery point objective(RPO), which ensures minimal data loss duringthe recovery process.The cloud data center provided unifiedmanagement and monitoring of businesssystems via SCP and IOMPlus (IntelligentOperations and Maintenance Platform+).Operations staff could now handle daily tasksand troubleshoot issues more efficiently througha single platform, eliminating the need to travelbetween multiple data centers and productionlines. This closed-loop approach allowed forfaster problem detection and resolution,significantly enhancing business performance.As the company launched numerous businesssystems, the early IT infrastructure struggled tocope with their complexity and volume. Thesechallenges gave rise to performance and datasecurity issues, ultimately impacting the stabilityof the smart factory's operations. As a result, JACMotors urgently needed an efficient, secure,stable, and convenient infrastructure that couldsupport all aspects of its research, production,supply, and service business.The Cloud Platform Cluster of JAC MotorsJAC Motors' smart factories, epitomized by the NIOfactory, continue to innovate in China's automotivelandscape. In the country's first smart factoryequipped with a full aluminum riveting productionline, numerous CIOs witnessed firsthand thesuccessful implementation of unmanned processes,including spraying, stamping, and welding, all madepossible through technologies like the IndustrialInternet of Things (IIoT), big data, and cloudcomputing. Underpinning the seamless and efficientoperations is the industrial cloud platform built onSangfor HCI.Guests participating in a group photo in front of theNIO factoryJAC Motors' Digital Transformation JourneyJAC Motors' Business Pain PointsSangfor Solutions and OutcomesJAC Motors: Pioneers of SmartManufacturingWith the vision of building a "Digital JAC", JAC Motors isstrengthening its digital infrastructure, empoweringhigh-quality development, establishing a solid datafoundation, and promoting lean management withinthe group. JAC Motors' ambitious digitaltransformation strategy is gradually unfolding, andthe construction of its third-generation smartfactories is progressing at an accelerated pace.Moving forward, the company's InformationDepartment will continue to explore a wide range ofdigital technologies to drive business innovation,accelerating the group's progress into the future.Sangfor proudly accompanies manufacturingenterprises like JAC Motors on their digitaltransformation journeys, providing optimal digitalsolutions for business innovation and jointlycontributing to the advancement of smartmanufacturing.Page 27

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Success Story Högg AG, Wattwil, SwitzerlandSuccess StoryThe brothers Ivo and Roman Högg carry responsibility in fourthgeneration for the interests of the entire group and theindividual companies. For CEO Ivo Högg, the company’ssuccess derives above all from an open mind that leads toopportunities being recognized and seized. The mechanicalengineer explains: “We are constantly working on defininginnovations that will ensure the success of the company. In anowner-managed family business, long-term strategies can beimplemented very well. This creates stability and continuity forour customers and employees and ultimately also for oursuppliers. Our employees play a crucial part. Many have beenwith us for a very long time and all of them are characterizedby being very competent and customer-oriented.” To ensurethat this remains the case, Högg has been training its ownjunior staff for many years.Stefan Kaufmann has been in charge of all manufacturingmatters at Högg Produktionstechnik since 2014. He and his 85highly qualified employees in the production have an excellentcommand of all processes involved in machining, such asturning, drilling, milling and grinding. In addition to the usualmaterials like steel, aluminum and brass, they are alsoequipped to machine ceramic parts, for example, for the textileindustry, which is strong in the region, and difficult materialssuch as INVAR, an iron-nickel alloy, which require special tools.The range extends from smaller workpieces to 6-m-longmilled special profiles. Lot sizes typically range from 50 to 2000,but single-part production and large series are also notuncommon. The production hall therefore houses a very largevariety of lathes, milling machines and grinding machines.Högg AG Produktionstechnik is one ofthree mainstays of the family-run HöggGroup. The company processes around100 t of steel, 100 t of chrome steel and200 t of aluminum every year, and thetrend is rising. The products – high-precision parts, customized profiles andassembled subassemblies – go toindustries such as general mechanicalengineering, the energy sector, the textilemachinery industry, aerospace,micromechanics, sensor and medicaltechnology, and the laser industry. When the blacksmith Alfred Höggfounded his forge in Lichtensteig,Switzerland, in 1905, he could not haveimagined that his company would oneday reach four generations into thefuture. Today, almost 120 years later,Högg AG Produktionstechnik resides in astate-of-the-art production facility innearby Wattwil and has developed into aquality company in the metalworkingindustry known far beyond easternSwitzerland, with over 50 CNC machinesfrom renowned manufacturers on 10,000square meters of production space. Inthe realm of cylindrical grinding, Högghas relied on the Swiss grindingspecialist Kellenberger for years.Production Manager Stefan Kaufmann, CEO Ivo Högg andProgrammer/Setter Andreas Hausmann are very pleased. TheKELLENBERGER 100 delivers high-precision workpiecesand is also easy to program.CEO Ivo Högg, here at the Prix SVCaward ceremonyPage 29

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Success StoryThe technical highlights of the machine include an innovativecompact grinding head (10 grinding head variants, 11.5 kW drivepower, 500 mm wheel, up to 63 m/s, HF spindles for internalgrinding incl. diagonal and tandem arrangement), a collision-free universal head with three tool positions and one measuringposition, and a new measuring probe arrangement withoutswivel mechanism for increased measuring accuracy. Thereinforced casing allows the largest grinding wheel diameters forinternal grinding (up to 125 mm).A total of seven grinding machines arelocated in the grinding area, includingtwo Kellenberger universal cylindricalgrinding machines, one of originallytwo KEL-Varias and, as the latestaddition, a KELLENBERGER 100, whichwas procured in 2021. The KEL-Variauniversal cylindrical grinding machine,the predecessor model of today’spremium Kellenberger 1000 series,stands like the latter for the highestmachining and surface quality. Itshigh static and dynamic rigidity andstability form the basis for highprecision and great productivity. Theperformance spectrum of thismachine is oriented towards thequality requirements of precisionmanufacturing of prototypes as wellas small and medium series.The KELLENBERGER 100 is a modularplatform solution with which differentmachine concepts can be realizedwith strong customer orientation. Themachine is available with centerwidths 1000/600 mm and centerheight 200 mm and is designed forworkpiece weights up to 150 kg. Thehigh drive power of the grinding wheelensures increased productivity, whilethe newly developed Z-guide ensureshigh profile accuracy. The C-axis withdirect drive brings higher accuracy fornon-circular grinding. This is veryimportant for workpieces such as camdisks, which are manufactured atHögg.When it came to procuring the newcylindrical grinding machine, onlyKellenberger was asked. StefanKaufmann explains the reasons forthis: “We attach great importance toconsidering suppliers from the regionwhenever possible. The advantage ofbeing close by is, of course, also thatthe service is on site quickly when youneed it. However, we already work withKEL-Remote quite often, which is theonline service module fromKellenberger. We are very satisfiedwith that.”Grinding technology fromeastern SwitzerlandTypical workpiece: cylinder during grinding on theKELLENBERGER 100. Material: steel hard chrome plated, batchsizes usually 1 to 100.Polymechanic Andreas Hausmann has been with the company forover 40 years. He started as an apprentice in 1981 and nowoperates and programs the Kellenberger machines, among others.He says: “In terms of the KELLENBERGER 100, we are not onlyconvinced by the machining quality with an accuracy of 2/100ths,the linear guides and the good heat transfer, but also by the betteraccessibility to the well-structured working area and the widerdistance between the spindles. Furthermore, the grinding head,equipped with two internal grinding spindles, has a better layout.”Page 30

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Success StoryIt is therefore not surprising that the company was nominatedfor the Prix SVC Ostschweiz 2022, landed among the top 6 andwas awarded a diploma. The prize is offered and awarded toexemplary Swiss companies every two years by the SMEnetwork Swiss Venture Club. What counted most for thenomination was the company’s innovative spirit and itsregional roots. And, of course, the company’s performance. Inthe case of the Högg Group, all three aspects are beyonddoubt.The KELLENBERGER 100 is equipped withthe new Fanuc 31i CNC control with 19″touch screen. Andreas Hausmannappreciates the simple programmingthat is possible directly on the machinewith the new BLUE Solution softwaredeveloped by Kellenberger: “However,due to the part specification,programming at our company is usuallydone externally with the KellenbergerBLACK CAM Solution software, which wasspecially developed for non-circulargrinding. The control also has the scrapminimization function, which identifiesinfluencing or interfering factors in a testrun.”The KELLENBERGER 100 is ideally suited fora wide variety of automation solutions.However, although about 30% of allmachines at Högg are alreadyautomated, they don’t see any need forthe Kellenberger 100 here. “This canchange, but at the moment theworkpieces don’t allow for it,” saysStefan Kaufmann.The consistent separation of theproduction areas into steel machiningand aluminum machining shows howmuch attention is paid to the highestquality at Högg. Stefan Kaufmannexplains: “Aluminum parts are sensitiveto scratching. But the surfaces of themachined workpieces, such as cylindertubes or pistons, need to be flawless.That’s why we pay extreme attention tocleanliness and prevent any flying chips.Aluminum chips in particular are critical,and they should stay in place.” Höggalso has a clean room available for theassembly of components for sensitiveindustries such as the vacuum,semiconductor and solar industries.Sustainability plays a decisive role in thecompany. From the photovoltaic systemon the roof to the groundwater forheating or cooling of the production hallto the recycling of materials, everythingat Högg is exemplary. 100% of theelectrical energy is generated fromrenewable sources. The aim is toachieve completely climate-neutralproduction.Högg’s KELLENBERGER 100 is configured with a centerwidth of 1000 and a center height of 200 and is equipped with astandard tailstock. A synchronized tailstock would have beenoptionally available. The machine also convinces with the goodaccessibility to the generous working area.Page 31

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WorldSkills UK CompetitionGreat OpportunityIndustrial Robotics refers to the use of industrialrobots in performing automated manufacturingtasks. It allows for outfitting and programmingthem to work in a wide variety of sectors toinclude assembly, foundry processes, handling,palletizing, finishing processes, welding to namea few.Robot integrators need a wide range of skills,both practical and digital, to enable them tocarry out roles in:• Robot implementation & design• Integration of peripheral equipment• Programming• Planning and documentation• MaintenanceAutomation is a fast growing and innovative fieldof Engineering, spanning a number of industrysectors that value skills in problem solving,critical thinking and process optimizationcoupled with high standards and a good workethic.WorldSkills UK is an independent charity and apartnership between employers, education, andgovernments. Together, they are raising standards inapprenticeships and technical education to enablemore young people get the best start in work and life.They are working with FANUC to host qualifiers for thisyear's Industrial Robotics competition at SmartManufacturing & Engineering Week!The competition has been designed to accommodateparticipants from different levels and is accessible topeople with little to no knowledge of robotic systemsas well as those with a robotics background. An amazing opportunity for young people to competeand find their passion in the world of robotics.The Qualifiers:After the Entry Stage, successful participants will moveforward and take part in the exhilarating qualifiersround onsite live at Drives & Controls, part of SmartManufacturing & Engineering Week 2024 at the NEC inBirmingham. The qualifiers will be held as full-day events, withmorning and afternoon sessions on June 5th and 6th.(For those participating, an additional remote trainingsession will be conducted on May 15th via MicrosoftTeams from 09:30 to 15:00.)On the day of the qualifiers, the onsite team willprovide a brief run-through with the robots. Each teamwill be assigned to a robot cell and given a task tocomplete within the specified time frame.Industrial Robotics Overview:Organised by:Page 33

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Project MFG's Skilled tradesCompetitionsIn addition to the chance to win money,scholarships and prizes, Project MFGcompetitions expose students to the manyrewarding career opportunities that exist in theskilled trades. Many students walk away fromour competitions with job offers due to ourcompetitions highlighting their abilities andconnecting top talent with companies lookingfor the next generation of skilled tradesprofessionals.Project MFG designs and executes several tournament-style competitions across the country to demonstrate theabilities of new talent and collectively inspire a movementto restore America’s industrial base. Our competition series feature single and integratedmanufacturing technology competitions that highlightCNC machining, welding and additive manufacturing.These competitions were designed to test the student’sability to think critically, manage resources, anddemonstrate skill and competency in their repectivemanufacturing technologies.Bring your AUV to Irvine, California and join us at the27th Annual RoboSub competition!About Project MFG’s Skilled trades CompetitionsRegistration opens August 14, 2024Competition: October 18 – November18, 2024Category CompetitionRoboSub 2024Ahoy explorers! Are you ready to dive into theworld of underwater vehicle autonomy? Let usintroduce you to RoboSub. RoboSub is an international competition thatinvites participants to tackle simplified versionsof challenges facing the underwater maritimeindustry. These challenges may includeoceanographic exploration and mapping,detection and manipulation of objects, andpipeline identification and tracking.Assemble your crew and chart a course on this systemsengineering adventure where you will have theopportunity to design, build and test an AutonomousUnderwater Vehicle (AUV). Once you have worked past thelead times for underwater parts, come join us at theRoboSub competition and see how your unique systemcompares to systems designed by competitors fromaround the world. Page 34Great Opportunity

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Projects should address socialneeds, create new productsand business models, andpromote the transformation ofkey industries such asmanufacturing, agriculture,health, energy, andenvironmental protection.They should also facilitate theintegration of digitaltechnology with education,medical care, transport,finance, and culturalexchange. For furtherguidance, please contact theChinese host university or theCompetition's overseas co-organizing partners on projectspecifics.1.Projects must be ethical, legal,and free of any content thatviolates Chinese laws orregulations. All inventions,patented technologies, andresources involved must havethe attendant legal intellectualproperty rights and proprietaryrights. Entrants who submitplagiarized or pirated entrieswill be disqualified from thecompetition, forfeit anyawards received, and shallbear all legal liabilities.2.Entrants must choose theproper category for submittingtheir projects. Theparticipating teams musttruthfully fill out and submitentry materials in theregistration system in a timelymanner. Projects that havewon the Gold or Silver Awardsin previous sessions of thisCompetition are not eligiblefor submission.3.Entrants must be under 35years old (born after March 1,1989).4.DatesAugust 5-11, 2024LocationWoollett Aquatics Center,Irvine, California, USAEligibilityHigh School, CollegeRegistrationOpens on November 1Closes on March 18I. Entry RequirementsThe ChinaInternationalCollege Students’InnovationCompetition 2024China International CollegeStudents' Innovation Competition(CICSIC), the largest globalinnovation competition in theworld, has been activelypromoting internationalexchanges and cooperation toestablish a global competitionplatform that combinesinnovation with praxis for collegestudents. From 2017 to 2023, morethan 30,000 international projectsand 90,000 international collegestudents from over 150 countriesand regions have participated inthe competition. This year, we willorganize the China InternationalCollege Students' InnovationCompetition 2024 in Shanghai,and we cordially inviteoutstanding young entrepreneursengaged in innovation andentrepreneurship worldwide toparticipate in this annual event,where participants strive torealize their career aspirationsand build a better future for theworld.II. How to ParticipateThe Competition only acceptsteam entries. All entrants shallparticipate as teams of 2 to 15members (team leaderincluded). A team may be formedby members from more than onecollege. All entrants shall be coremembers of the team.Entrants shall be students whoare currently enrolled at a foreigninstitution or those who havegraduated within the past 5 years(graduated after 2019, the samebelow). The application shall besubmitted by the team leader. Ateam shall represent only oneforeign institution in which theteam leader is currently enrolledor has graduated from. In thiscase, a foreign institution refers toa higher education institution orvocational school that is locatedoutside of the People’s Republicof China and is qualified toprovide tertiary education andaward degrees. A studentenrolled at a foreign institutionrefers to a student who hasregistered and studied at aforeign college and is qualified toreceive a degree or diploma.All submissions will be classifiedinto one of the following twocategories depending on theentrants’ academic status:Undergraduate or Postgraduate.The submissions will be furtherclassified into two sub-categoriesbased on the projects’ businessstage: Idea Stage and StartupStage Projects. All participatingcolleges shall instruct entrants tocorrectly fill out the applicationand register in the appropriatecategory.Page 35Great Opportunity

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Page 37Surface modification and coatingtechnologies are critical for enhancing theperformance and longevity of medicaldevices. In 2024, new coating materials andtechniques are being developed to improvethe biocompatibility, wear resistance, andantimicrobial properties of metalcomponents.Key Developments:Antimicrobial Coatings: To reduce the riskof infections, especially in implants andsurgical instruments, antimicrobial coatingsare being applied to metal surfaces. Thesecoatings can prevent bacterial adhesionand proliferation, improving patientoutcomes.Nanotechnology: The use ofnanotechnology in coatings is increasing,allowing for the precise control of surfaceproperties. Nanocoatings can enhance thewear resistance and durability of metalcomponents, making them more suitablefor long-term use in the human body.Metalworking Trends in the Medical Industry for 2024Feature StoryThe medical industry continues to evolve, withmetalworking playing a crucial role in the developmentand production of medical devices, surgical instruments,and implants. In 2024, several key trends are shaping themetalworking landscape in this field, driven by advances intechnology, materials science, and the growing demandfor precision and biocompatibility. This article explores thelatest trends in metalworking for the medical industry,highlighting innovations and their impact on healthcare.Additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing,is revolutionizing the medical industry by enabling thecreation of complex, customized devices and implants. In2024, the use of 3D printing in metalworking is expanding,with significant advancements in materials and printingtechniques.1. Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)Writer: Kaori KitamuraKey Developments:Biocompatible Alloys: New biocompatiblealloys, such as titanium and cobalt-chromium, are being used in 3D printing toproduce patient-specific implants andprosthetics. These materials offer excellentstrength, corrosion resistance, andcompatibility with the human body.Precision and Customization: 3D printingallows for the production of intricategeometries and structures that are difficultor impossible to achieve with traditionalmanufacturing methods. This capability isparticularly valuable for creatingcustomized implants tailored to individualpatient anatomies.2. Surface Modification and CoatingTechnologies

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Page 38Sustainability is becomingan important considerationin the medical industry,with a focus on reducingwaste and minimizingenvironmental impact. In2024, metalworkingprocesses are beingoptimized for eco-friendlypractices.Feature StoryHigh-precision machining and micro-machining are essential forproducing the intricate and delicatecomponents required in medicaldevices. In 2024, advancements inmachining technologies are enablinggreater precision and efficiency.Laser Micro-Machining: Lasertechnology is being used for micro-machining applications, offering highprecision and minimal materialremoval. This technique is ideal forcreating fine features and delicatestructures in metal components.Automated and CNC Machining:The integration of automated andcomputer numerical control (CNC)machining systems is streamliningproduction processes, reducing leadtimes, and improving accuracy. Thistrend is particularly important for themass production of medical deviceswith tight tolerances.3. High-Precision Machiningand Micro-MachiningKey Developments:Bioactive Materials:Bioactive materials, suchas bioactive glasses andceramics, are being usedto promoteosseointegration andtissue regeneration.These materials can becombined with metals tocreate hybrid implantsthat encourage naturalbone growth.Shape Memory Alloys:Shape memory alloys,such as nitinol, aregaining popularity fortheir unique properties,including the ability toreturn to a predefinedshape when exposed to aspecific temperature.These alloys are used instents, guidewires, andother medical devicesthat require flexibility andadaptability.Key Developments:4. Material Innovation andBiointegrationThe development of new materialsand the enhancement ofbiointegration properties are crucialfor the success of medical devices. In2024, researchers andmanufacturers are focusing oncreating materials that are not onlybiocompatible but also promotetissue integration and healing.5. Sustainability andEco-Friendly PracticesKey Developments:Recycling and Reusability:Manufacturers areimplementing recyclingprograms for metal scrap andend-of-life devices, reducingwaste and conserving resources.Reusable medical instrumentsare also being designed towithstand multiple sterilizationcycles.Energy-EfficientManufacturing: Advances inmanufacturing technologies areenabling more energy-efficientproduction processes. Forexample, the use of additivemanufacturing can reducematerial waste and energyconsumption compared totraditional subtractive methods.The metalworking industry isplaying a pivotal role in theadvancement of medicaltechnology. In 2024, trends suchas additive manufacturing,surface modification, high-precision machining, materialinnovation, and sustainability aredriving the development of safer,more effective, andenvironmentally friendly medicaldevices. As these trends continueto evolve, they will undoubtedlycontribute to improved patientcare and outcomes, making thefuture of healthcare brighter andmore innovative.This article showcases the most recentadvancements in metalworkingspecifically tailored for the medicalindustry, putting a spotlight on thetechnological progress and itssignificant influence on healthcare. Thecontent is designed for industrystakeholders, healthcareprofessionals, and media outlets with akeen interest in the future of medicaldevice manufacturing.

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Page 39Revolutionizing Industrial Efficiency with AdvancedMeasurement and Control TechnologyFeature StoryIn today's rapidly evolving industriallandscape, the demand for precision andefficiency has never been higher. Advancedmeasurement and control technology is atthe forefront of this transformation, playing acrucial role in optimizing manufacturingprocesses and ensuring products meet exactspecifications. As these technologies continueto develop, they are becoming indispensableto modern manufacturing, offeringunparalleled levels of accuracy, efficiency,and reliability.A major advancement in this field involvesthe incorporation of Internet of Things (IoT)sensors and intelligent controllers intomanufacturing systems. Thesegroundbreaking devices offer real-time dataon vital parameters like temperature,pressure, and flow rates, enablingmanufacturers to make instant adjustments.This ability is crucial in minimizing waste,decreasing downtime, and improving overalloperational efficiency.In the chemical manufacturing industry, theprecise control of temperature and pressureis vital to ensuring product quality. IoT-enabled sensors continuously monitor theseparameters, allowing for real-timeadjustments that prevent costly errors andensure that products meet stringent qualitystandards. This level of control is not onlybeneficial for maintaining productconsistency but also for optimizing resourceuse, thereby reducing operational costs.IoT Integration: The Future ofManufacturingAnother key development in advanced measurementand control technology is the adoption of predictivemaintenance systems. These systems use real-timedata and advanced analytics to continuously monitorthe condition of machinery and equipment. Bypredicting potential failures before they occur,predictive maintenance allows for timely interventions,thereby reducing unplanned downtime and extendingthe lifespan of critical equipment.Taking a proactive approach to maintenance hasnumerous benefits. Not only does it save costs byavoiding unexpected breakdowns, but it also greatlyimproves the overall efficiency of manufacturingoperations. For example, industries like automotivemanufacturing, which heavily rely on machinery, cangreatly benefit from the implementation of predictivemaintenance. This approach can effectively preventsignificant production delays and financial losses.Writer: Kaori KitamuraMachine Learning: Unlocking New Levels ofEfficiencyThe integration of machine learning algorithms withmeasurement and control systems is paving the wayfor unprecedented efficiency gains. These algorithmscan analyze vast amounts of historical and real-timedata to identify patterns and optimize processes. In theenergy sector, for instance, smart grids leveragemachine learning to balance supply and demanddynamically, ensuring efficient energy distribution andminimizing waste.Machine learning also enables more sophisticatedquality control measures, as it can detect subtleanomalies in production processes that might bemissed by traditional methods. This capability isparticularly valuable in high-precision industries suchas electronics and pharmaceuticals, where even minordeviations can have significant implications forproduct quality.

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Page 40Feature StoryAs industries continue to evolve and embrace digital transformation, the importance of advancedmeasurement and control technology will only grow. Companies that invest in these technologies are notonly positioning themselves for greater operational efficiency but are also gaining a competitive edge in anincreasingly data-driven market. The ability to harness real-time data, predict and prevent issues, andcontinuously optimize processes is becoming a key differentiator for leading manufacturers.Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making waves in themanufacturing sector, particularly in the realm ofquality control. Traditionally, quality control hasbeen a labor-intensive process, relying heavily onmanual inspections and sampling. However, withthe advent of AI, these processes are beingrevolutionized, bringing unprecedented levels ofaccuracy, speed, and efficiency to the industry. Thistransformation is leading to significantimprovements in product quality, consistency, andoverall operational efficiency.One of the most impactful applications of AI inquality control is the deployment of machine visionsystems. These systems, equipped with high-resolution cameras and advanced imageprocessing algorithms, can detect defects inproducts at a scale and speed unattainable byhuman inspectors. For instance, in the electronicsindustry, machine vision systems are capable ofidentifying minute imperfections in circuit boards,ensuring that only products meeting the higheststandards reach the consumer.This technology not only enhances the precision ofinspections but also significantly reduces the timerequired to identify defects. Unlike manualinspections, which can be prone to human error andfatigue, AI-driven machine vision systems operateconsistently and without interruption, providingreliable quality control around the clock.Beyond visual inspections, AI is enabling moresophisticated data analysis techniques in qualitycontrol. By analyzing vast amounts of data fromproduction processes, AI algorithms can identifysubtle correlations and patterns that may indicatepotential quality issues. This predictive capabilityallows manufacturers to address problems beforethey result in defective products, thus reducingwaste and rework costs.For example, in the automotive industry, AI cananalyze data from various stages of themanufacturing process to predict potential defectsin components, enabling preemptive correctiveactions. This not only ensures higher qualitystandards but also enhances customer satisfactionby delivering reliable and defect-free products.The Impact of AI onTransforming QualityControl in ManufacturingWriter: Kaori Kitamura

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Page 41Feature StoryAI-driven quality control systems are alsocharacterized by their ability to continuouslylearn and improve. As these systems processmore data, they become more accurate andefficient, leading to ongoing enhancements inquality assurance. This continuous improvementis particularly valuable in industries with rapidlyevolving products or processes, such as theautomotive and aerospace sectors, wherestandards and specifications frequently change.Moreover, AI systems can be updated with newalgorithms and data models to adapt tochanging production requirements, makingthem a versatile tool for long-term use. Thisadaptability ensures that quality controlmeasures remain effective even asmanufacturing technologies and processesadvance.Continuous Learning and AdaptationWhile the implementation of AI in quality controloffers numerous benefits, it is not without challenges.One of the primary hurdles is the substantial initialinvestment required for setting up AI-driven systems,including the cost of high-quality sensors, cameras,and computing infrastructure. Additionally, concernsover data security and privacy need to be addressed,particularly when dealing with sensitive productiondata.However, the long-term benefits of AI in qualitycontrol far outweigh these challenges. By enhancingproduct quality, reducing costs, and streamliningoperations, AI provides manufacturers with apowerful tool to stay competitive in the global market.As AI technology continues to advance, its role inquality control is set to expand, promising evengreater innovations and efficiencies in the future.Challenges and Opportunities

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Page 42Data management continues to be one of thebiggest challenges in advancing AI development. Anorganisation’s data enables them to uniquelydifferentiate their AI experience with customers, andas such, they will need to make their data accessiblebut also protect it to maintain competitiveadvantage.Another challenge lies in connecting potentialcapabilities to value. Many organisations are insomewhat of a honeymoon phase, feeling that AI cansolve every problem they might have, but they needto recognise that like any emergent technology ortrend, value comes from the experiences or failuresthey encounter. Over time, organisations will have abetter understanding of the use cases they canaddress with AI. The region also grapples with the prevalence oflegacy systems. These systems often struggle tocope with the sheer scale of modern data demands,leaving organisations vulnerable to cyberattacks andoverwhelmed by the volume of data they mustmanage.Addressing these challenges presents opportunitiesfor innovation and growth in the technology sector,as businesses strive to modernise infrastructure,fortify cybersecurity measures, and harness the fullpotential of their data assets.Matthew Hardman serves as the ChiefTechnology Officer at Hitachi Vantara in theAPAC region, overseeing the Presalesorganization to facilitate the adoption ofadvanced hybrid cloud technologies, enablingcustomers to unlock significant opportunities andvalue.Matthew Hardman22 MinutesBoasting over two decades of experience in thetechnology sector, he is deeply committed toempowering organizations to achieve theirmaximum potential through pioneeringsolutions. His career highlights includeleadership roles in high-performing teams,strategic guidance for startups, productlaunches, and fostering substantial partnershipswith notable companies such as Microsoft,VMware, LinkedIn, Vantiq, and AspectComputing.1. In what ways do you utilise your pastexperiences to achieve success in yourcurrent position?2. What do you see as the biggestchallenges and opportunities facing thetechnology industry in the Asia Pacificregion today?Honestly, I have been incredibly lucky in mycareer, with a diverse range of technologydisciplines, companies, and geographies. One ofmy first roles was working as a softwaredeveloper for a systems integrator where I wouldfind myself building applications to trackcustomer records for insurance companies tothe next where I would find myself in the sheds ofan Australian coal mine, building maintenancesoftware for the mechanics for some of theworld's biggest vehicles. Since then, I have hadthe opportunity to work with large hardware andsoftware companies across the APAC region,where each discussion with customers, partnersand colleagues has been an opportunity tounderstand a different person's perspective onopportunities and challenges. Being able tolisten, learn and try innovative solutions hashelped me to achieve success in what I dotoday, which is connect people-driven outcomeswith technology.

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Page 43As businesses faceunprecedentedchallenges managingdata among theproliferation ofgenerative AI, cloudtechnologies, andexponential datagrowth, this is whereHitachi's Virtual StoragePlatform One (VSP One)enters to transform howorganisations manageand leverage their datain today's rapidlyevolving technologicallandscape.VSP One simplifiesinfrastructure formission criticalapplications, with afocus on dataavailability and strongdata resiliency andreliability measures,including mitigation ofrisks such as downtime,productivity losses, andsecurity threats. Ittackles the challenges ofmodern datamanagement byeliminating theconstraints of data silosand allowing everypiece of information towork cohesively andwith the flexibility toscale up or down withease, empowering datato thrive in anenvironment thatprioritises efficiency andspeed.22 MinutesThe emergence of technologies likegenerative AI has led to an explosivegrowth of processing required fordata, and many companies arestraining to keep up. One recentsurvey of IT leaders revealed thatmany IT professionals are strugglingto manage AI projects and deal withthe resulting deluge of data.According to the survey, nine in 10 ITprofessionals (88%) can't supportthe surge of AI-related requests thatthey have received at theirorganisation. A separate surveyfound that more than 75% oforganisations are using multiple AImodels and 90% said that they havefaced challenges integrating AI withother systems.Thus, while optimism thrivesregarding AI's potential, there is alsoa recognition of the challengesinvolved in its implementation, withmost firms in the region still in anexploratory phase. As theseemerging technologies mature, theyhave the potential to becomefundamental components ofbusiness strategies in the region –driving efficiency and trust. However,their successful integration hingeson companies establishing the rightdata infrastructure to fully harnesstheir capabilities and realise theirtransformative potential.3. What role do you seeemerging technologies, suchas artificial intelligence andblockchain, playing in thefuture of businesses in theAsia Pacific region?4. As the technology landscapecontinues to evolve, how do youensure that Hitachi Vantararemains at the forefront ofinnovation and maintains itscompetitive edge?In view of the evolving technologylandscape with businesses strugglingto keep up with the deluge of datatoday, we recently announced thecompletion of a strategic realignmentdesigned to accelerate our companygrowth plan, including our ability torespond to market opportunities with afocus on hybrid cloud and generativeAI.The realigned Hitachi Vantaracommands extensive infrastructureand data storage experience acrossmanufacturing and hybrid cloud, aswell as a shared focus on collaborationto drive meaningful business outcomesfor the company’s customers. As aresult, we will be able to innovate andadapt to the needs of the market inreal time, while also building upon itslong-standing expertise in managingdata across mission criticalenvironments.We believe this will strengthen ourability to provide our customers withthe AI-driven data performance,reliability, and resiliency they needacross their hybrid cloud environmentsin order to realise real-world impactand growth.In addition, we continue to invest inresearch and development and fostera culture that encourages innovation.We also collaborate with other leadingtechnology partners to develop anddeliver best-in-class solutions forcustomers.5. What are thestandout featuresand capabilities ofHitachi VirtualStorage PlatformOne, and how doesit differentiate itselfin the market?

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Page 44VSP One is transformational inthe storage landscape becauseit unifies data and providesflexibility regardless of whetheryour data is in an on-premises,cloud, or software-definedenvironment. Additionally, theplatform is built with resiliency inmind, guaranteeing 100% dataavailability, modern storageassurance, and effectivecapacity across all its solutions,providing organisations withsimplicity at scale and anunbreakable data foundation forhybrid cloud.Likewise, the Hitachi iQ portfoliowas developed as a result ofdata-intensive emergingtechnologies such as generativeAI spurring a goldrush tobusiness transformation, whichexacerbates the already-strained environments in whichthey run. The strategicpartnership between HitachiVantara and NVIDIA will addressthe pressing need for AIsolutions that can expeditedigital transformation andreduce the complexity ofdeploying infrastructure forgenerative AI. By developingindustry-specific capabilitiesthrough Hitachi iQ, thepartnership aims to provideorganisations with tailored AIsolutions that meet their uniquebusiness requirements.22 MinutesHitachi Vantara and NVIDIA'scollaboration represents astrategic initiative tospearhead advancements in AIsolutions. This partnership notonly solidifies Hitachi Vantara’sposition in the AI landscapebut also extends NVIDIA's reachinto critical sectors, reinforcinga commitment to innovationand market expansion.Through this collaboration,both enterprises aim toleverage their respectivestrengths to drive unparalleledadvancements in AItechnology, empoweringbusinesses across variousindustries with transformativecapabilities.Hitachi iQ sets us apart fromother vendors in the market byoffering tailored AI solutionsthat address the specificneeds of industrial markets, byproviding organisations with aunique combination ofcapabilities to drive digitaltransformation and achievebusiness objectives effectively.6. Can you elaborate onthe collaborative effortswith NVIDIA to developHitachi iQ, and how thesesolutions bring AIcapabilities to industrialsegments?With organisations struggling to scaledata and modernise applicationsacross complex, distributed, multi-cloud infrastructure, the need for acomprehensive data managementsolution across all data types hasnever been more critical. Results froma recent TDWI Data ManagementMaturity Assessment (DMMA) foundwhile 71% of IT experts agreed thattheir organization values data, only19% said a strong data managementstrategy was in place. Complicatingmatters are rising cyberattacks,which leave business leadersincreasingly worried about securityand resiliency. A recent surveyshowed 68% of IT leaders areconcerned their organisation’s datainfrastructure is resilient enough.7. In what ways do HitachiVirtual Storage Platform Oneand Hitachi iQ contribute toaddressing the challengesposed by the increasing dataloads on existing legacyinfrastructure?

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Page 45We have noticed that companiesseeking collaboration with us areincreasingly centring theirconversations around cutting theirenvironmental impact. We are proudto say that Hitachi Vantara iscommitted to sustainability, aligningwith global environmental, social,and governance (ESG) standards,and our efforts include initiatives todecrease environmental impact andpromote social responsibility.We recently released a sustainabilityreport outlining our key sustainabilitymeasures such as emphasising eco-friendly product development, wasteminimisation, and end-of-lifemanagement, where our VSP Onesuite is ENERGY STAR certified withautomate switching processes thatdeliver significant energy savingsand reduced CO2 emissions by 30%to 40%; carbon emissionsmanagement where we generateand mitigate energy across ourglobal sites, such as our Netherlandsdistribution centre, where on-sitesolar panels produce roughly one-third of its annual electricityconsumption, with the remainderderived renewably from verifiedEnergy Attribute Certificates (EACs);and collaborations with schools inSouth Africa and nonprofits in Indiato bridge the digital gap andaddress classroom hunger issues.Looking forward, HitachiVantara is aspiring tobecome the No. 1 hybridcloud company. It’s areally big statement, butthere are several criticalreasons driving this goal.Our unbreakable mission-critical technology ensuresour indispensability insectors like banking andhealthcare. Given theexponential growth of dataand the absence of adefinitive leader in thisdomain, data workflowswill necessitate a hybridapproach encompassingboth on-premises andcloud solutions for theforeseeable future.The hybrid cloud strategyrealisation will hinge onleveraging AI to managethe data effectively, andsince we are heavilyinvested in AI with Hitachi’sestablishment of a US$300million fund in 2023, this iswhy we feel we can do this.Notably, our ability toseparate our softwarefrom the hardware sets usapart. Our software forstorage can resideanywhere, depending onwhere the customer is, andthis is something that isthat is very unique toHitachi Vantara.22 Minutes8. What sustainabilitymeasures does HitachiVantara have to supportenvironmentally consciousoperations?Due to these efforts, our technologyhas one of the lowest carbonfootprints compared to other datainfrastructure providers. Ourcustomer Infosys managed toreduce its electricity and air-conditioning costs up 60% by usingHitachi Vantara’s technology in itsdata centres. It achieved this whilecontinuing to run applications up to90% faster than its previous-generation storage.9. Looking ahead, what arethe primary goals andaspirations for HitachiVantara in continuing to leadthe way in Enterprise Storage,AI, and Hybrid Cloudsolutions?

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E V E N T C A L E N D A RAugustP H A R M A T E C H E X P O &L A B T E C H E X P O 2 0 2 4H E L I P A D E X H I B I T I O NC E N T E R , G A N D H I N A G A R ,I N D I A0 8 - 1 0 A U G U S T 2 0 2 4S O L I D - S T A T E B A T T E R YS U M M I T 2 0 2 4I N T E R C O N T I N E N T A LC H I C A G O M A G N I F I C E N TM I L E , C H I C A G O , U S A1 3 - 1 5 A U G U S T 2 0 2 4SeptemberH Y D E R A B A DI N T E R N A T I O N A L M A C H I N ET O O L & E N G I N E E R I N G E X P O2 0 2 4H I T E X E X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,H Y D E R A B A D , I N D I A1 6 - 1 9 A U G U S T 2 0 2 4T H E E N E R G Y E X P O 2 0 2 4M I A M I A I R P O R TC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R ,M I A M I , U S A2 0 - 2 2 A U G U S T 2 0 2 4P R E C I S I O N M A C H I N I N GE X P O C H I N A 2 0 2 4S H A N G H A I N E WI N T E R N A T I O N A L E X P OC E N T R E ( S N I E C ) ,S H A N G H A I , C H I N A0 3 - 0 5 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4A I R T E C H N O L O G Y I NI N D U S T R Y 2 0 2 4F I L D E R S T A D T , G E R M A N Y 0 2 - 0 3 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4M E T A L E X P O I S T A N B U L2 0 2 4I S T A N B U L E X P O C E N T E R( I S T A N B U L F U A RM E R K E Z I ) ,B A K I R K Ö Y / I S T A N B U L ,T U R K E Y 1 1 - 1 4 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4T H E W A T E R E X P O 2 0 2 4M I A M I A I R P O R TC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R ,M I A M I , U S A2 0 - 2 2 A U G U S T 2 0 2 4T O T A L P L A S T I C S E X P O2 0 2 4C O D I S S I A T R A D E F A I RC O M P L E X , C O I M B A T O R E ,I N D I A0 1 - 0 3 A U G U S T 2 0 2 4A U T O M A T I O N E X P O2 0 2 4I A M I A I R P O R TC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R ,M I A M I , U S A2 0 - 2 2 A U G U S T 2 0 2 2I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N F E R E N C E O NE L E C T R O N I C S A N D P O W E RE N G I N E E R I N G 2 0 2 4M O N T R E A L , C A N A D A 0 5 - 0 6 A U G U S T 2 0 2 4I N T E R N A T I O N A LW O O D W O R K I N G F A I R 2 0 2 4G E O R G I A W O R L D C O N G R E S SC E N T E R , A T L A N T A , U S A0 6 - 0 9 A U G U S T 2 0 2 4I N T E R N A T I O N A L P R I N T I N G ,P A P E R , P A C K A G I N GM A C H I N E R Y E X H I B I T I O N2 0 2 4M A L A Y S I A I N T E R N A T I O N A LT R A D E A N D E X H I B I T I O NC E N T R E , K U A L A L U M P U R ,M A L A Y S I A0 7 - 1 0 A U G U S T 2 0 2 4P L A S T I C S , P A C K A G I N G ,P R I N T I N G E X P O 2 0 2 4H E L I P A D E X H I B I T I O NC E N T E R , G A N D H I N A G A R ,I N D I A0 8 - 1 0 A U G U S T 2 0 2 4D E L H I W A T E R E X P O2 0 2 4P R A G A T I M A I D A N , N E WD E L H I , I N D I A2 8 - 3 0 A U G U S T 2 0 2 2E N V I R O N M E N TP R O T E C T I O NT E C H N O L O G YE X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 4P R A G A T I M A I D A N , N E WD E L H I , I N D I A2 8 - 3 0 A U G U S T 2 0 2 2I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N &C O N F E R E N C E O N H E A TT R E A T M E N T 2 0 2 4B O M B A Y E X H I B I T I O NC E N T R E ( B E C ) , M U M B A I ,I N D I A0 3 - 0 6 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4S P E A U T O M O T I V EC O M P O S I T E SC O N F E R E N C E &E X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 4D I A M O N D B A N Q U E T A N DC O N F E R E N C E C E N T E R ,N O V I , U S A0 4 - 0 6 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4N A T I O N A L C H E M I C A LI N D U S T R Y C O N F E R E N C E ,G U A N G Z H O UI N T E R N A T I O N A LE N V I R O N M E N T A LP R O T E C T I O NE X H I B I T I O N , C H E M I C A LE Q U I P M E N T E X H I B I T I O N2 0 2 4P O L Y W O R L D T R A D EC E N T E R , G U A N G Z H O U ,C H I N A0 8 - 1 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4T H E M A R I N E & O F F S H O R EQ A T A R I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N F E R E N C E & E X P O2 0 2 4S H E R A T O N G R A N D D O H AR E S O R T & C O N V E N T I O NH O T E L , D O H A , Q A T A R0 9 - 1 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4F O U N D A T I O NE N G I N E E R I N G E X P O2 0 2 4T O K Y O B I G S I G H T ,K O T O , J A P A N1 8 - 2 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4N P A C O N V E N T I O N &E X P O 2 0 2 4C A E S A R S P A L A C E , L A SV E G A S , U S A1 6 - 2 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4H I G H - P R E C I S I O N &D I F F I C U L TM A N U F A C T U R I N GT E C H N O L O G Y S H O W2 0 2 4T O K Y O B I G S I G H T ,K O T O , J A P A N1 8 - 2 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4

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E V E N T C A L E N D A RNovemberC H I N A I N T E R N A T I O N A LP L A S T I C S E X H I B I T I O N2 0 2 4N A N J I N G I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X P O C E N T E R , N A N J I N G ,C H I N A 0 1 - 0 3 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4OctoberT A N Z A N I A I N T E R N A T I O N A LM A N U F A C T U R E R S E X P O2 0 2 4M W A L I M U J . K . N Y E R E R ET R A D E F A I R G R O U N D , D A RE S S A L A A M , T A N Z A N I A2 6 S E P T E M B E R - 0 3O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4I A S S T E E L C O N F E R E N C EA N D E X P O I A S 2 0 2 4R O S A R I O , A R G E N T I N A0 1 - 0 3 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4O D O O M A N U F A C T U R I N GD A Y 2 0 2 4B R U S S E L S E X H I B I T I O NC E N T R E A T T H E B R U S S E L SE X P O , B R U S S E L S , B E L G I U M 0 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4M E T A L E X V I E T N A M 2 0 2 4S A I G O N E X H I B I T I O N A N DC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R , H OC H I M I N H , V I E T N A M 0 2 - 0 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N O N T H EI N D U S T R Y O F P L A S T I C SA N D P O L Y M E R S 2 0 2 4U Z E K S P O C E N T R EE X H I B I T I O N C E N T R E ,T A S H K E N T , U Z B E K I S T A N0 2 - 0 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4M A N U F A C T U R I N G D I G I T A LT R A N S F O R M A T I O N E X P OO S A K A 2 0 2 4I N T E X O S A K A , O S A K A ,J A P A N0 2 - 0 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4M A N U F A C T U R I N G D I G I T A LT R A N S F O R M A T I O N E X P OO S A K A 2 0 2 4I N T E X O S A K A , O S A K A ,J A P A N0 2 - 0 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4F L U I D F L O W A N D H E A TT R A N S F E R I N I N D U S T R I A LA P P L I C A T I O N S - M A E 82 0 2 4S I N G A P O R E0 6 - 1 0 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4P R A C T I C A L P U M P A N DV A L V E T E C H N O L O G Y 2 0 2 4D U B A I , U A E0 6 - 1 0 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4I N D U S T R I A L P R O C E S SM E A S U R E M E N T A N DC O N T R O L 2 0 2 4D U B A I , U A E0 6 - 1 0 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4P R E C I S I O NE N G I N E E R I N G , M A C H I N ET O O L T E C H N O L O G YS H O W 2 0 2 4U N E I N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N A N DC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R ,P I M P R I - C H I N C H W A D ,I N D I A0 7 - 1 0 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N F E R E N C E A N DE X H I B I T I O N O NT H E R M O P L A S T I CC O M P O S I T E S 2 0 2 4M E S S E B R E M E N ,B R E M E N , G E R M A N Y0 9 - 1 0 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4N A N J I N GI N T E R N A T I O N A L E X P OC E N T E R , N A N J I N G ,C H I N AS H E N Z H E N , C H I N A0 1 - 0 3 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4L A / O C E X P O & T E C HF O R U M 2 0 2 4H I G H W A Y 3 9 E V E N TC E N T E R , A N A H E I M , U S A0 5 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A LA E R O S O L A N D M E T A LC O N T A I N E R S E X H I B I T I O N2 0 2 4N I N G B O I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N F E R E N C E A N DE X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,N I N G B O , C H I N A0 4 - 0 6 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4T O O L E X P O K A Z A K H S T A N2 0 2 4B A L U A N S H O L A K S P O R T SP A L A C E , A L M A T Y ,K A Z A K H S T A N0 5 - 0 7 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4T O O L E X P O K A Z A K H S T A N2 0 2 4B A L U A N S H O L A K S P O R T SP A L A C E , A L M A T Y ,K A Z A K H S T A N0 5 - 0 7 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4E U R O E X P O I N D U S T R YF A I R K I R U N A 2 0 2 4A R E N A A R C T I C A , K I R U N A ,S W E D E N0 5 - 0 7 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4M O S C O WI N T E R N A T I O N A L T O O LE X P O 2 0 2 4M O S C O W , R U S S I A0 5 - 0 8 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4M A N U F A C T U R E R S ' E X P O2 0 2 4Y O R K E X P O C E N T E RG R A N D S T A N D , Y O R K , U S A0 7 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4I N T E R N A T I O N A L H I G H L Y -F U N C T I O N A L M A T E R I A LE X P O 2 0 2 4 S H E N Z H E N W O R L DE X H I B I T I O N &C O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R ,S H E N Z H E N , C H I N A0 6 - 0 8 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4J A P A N I N T E R N A T I O N A LM A C H I N E T O O L F A I R2 0 2 4T O K Y O B I G S I G H T , K O T O ,J A P A N0 5 - 0 8 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4H O N G K O N GI N T E R N A T I O N A LO U T D O O R A N D T E C HL I G H T E X P O 2 0 2 4A S I A W O R L D - E X P O , H O N GK O N G2 9 O C T O B E R - 0 1N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4B A L I K P A P A N I N D U S T R I A LE X P O 2 0 2 4B P P S P O R T A N DC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R ,S O U T H B A L I K P A P A N ,I N D O N E S I A3 0 O C T O B E R - 0 1N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 4